The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 408

Princess Xinyang fainted without warning.

The servants in the yard did not panic because of worry. Everyone was doing his own business orderly under the deployment of Yujin.

Princess Xinyang was carried to the bed by Yujin.

Gu Jiao didn't see that the soft and weak Yujin had the same strength, but Yujin was not a martial arts practitioner after all. In fact, she used up all her strength.

She gasped awkwardly for a moment, sweat oozing from her forehead.

"Lord Yujin, I'm going to ask for a doctor." A little maid said.

Yujin nodded first, and then shook her head.

Then, she looked at Gu Jiao, who didn't run away, and asked, "doctor Gu, can I believe you?"


Twilight slants to the West.

After a whole day's business, Xiao LIULANG came out of the Imperial Academy and saw Xiao Sanzi anxiously circling around the door.

Xiao Sanzi is the coachman of the medical school. He often goes out with Gu Jiao.

Xiao LIULANG subconsciously looked behind Xiao Sanzi, only to see a quiet carriage, the curtain closed, but intuition told him that Gu Jiao was not on the carriage.

"Xiaosanzi, what's the matter?" Xiao LIULANG went to ask.

Hearing Xiao LIULANG's voice, Xiao Sanzi suddenly turned around and said in a panic: "brother Xiao, Miss Gu is gone!"

Xiao LIULANG frowned: "when did you disappear? Where is it missing? "

Xiaosanzi was very anxious: "just now, just now..."

Xiao LIULANG comforted: "don't worry, speak slowly."

Xiao Sanzi didn't know he couldn't do it. At least he was the one who followed Miss Gu to see the emperor. He wanted to be calm and calm

Xiao Sanzi calmed down and told me what happened in front of the shop.

Xiao LIULANG frowned and said, "do you mean she disappeared suddenly?"

The little three said, "isn't that all of a sudden? I held the cake in one hand and the food box in the other. I also told her that the cake should be eaten while it was hot, otherwise it would be soft and not crispy. She also said hello, but I turned to see her, and she was gone! No... I mean... The man's gone! I asked the bakery couple, and they didn't see it! I just looked around... But I looked all over the street, but I couldn't find it... "

Xiao LIULANG went to the scene of the crime.

"Where did your carriage stop?" He asked Xiao Sanzi.

Xiao Sanzi found a place about half a Zhang away from the shop. While he was gesticulating, he said, "here! The horse is standing here, the carriage is here

After Gu Jiao's business was finished, the store closed the door because of the lack of food materials, and no more customers came.

Xiao LIULANG walked around the scene carefully, suddenly squatted down and picked up a broken charcoal pen.

Charcoal pen is not a good writing tool. Most people don't use it. Gu Jiao loves it very much. There is a special liner sandwich in the purse that her aunt gave her. If it's dirty, you can take it out and clean it.

She usually put one or two pieces in it.

But this charcoal pen in Xiao LIULANG's hand is not Gu's favorite charcoal pen.

Her charcoal has been treated, and the texture is softer.

This kind of charcoal is a special charcoal for someone who has only seen it in one place.


In the courtyard of Zhuque street, Princess Xinyang wakes up.

Yujin has been guarding her, see her open eyes, a smile, said: "princess, you wake up? How do you feel? "

It's not the first time that Princess Xinyang fainted, but it's the first time that she woke up and felt so relaxed. She felt neither dizzy nor sore, as if she just had a casual sleep.

Looking at her face, Yujin knew that her recovery was better than before. She laughed and said, "the princess just fainted. It's doctor Gu who treated the princess with acupuncture."

She said, stood up, stepped back and saluted, "I'm good at making a claim. Please punish the princess."

Princess Xinyang looked at her helplessly: "you know I won't punish you."

Yujin showed a smile.

Princess Xinyang asked, "what about the girl?"

Yujin looked back and said, "in the yard."

In the colorful courtyard, under a big tree with luxuriant branches, someone was forced to do business again, and his face was very black.

"You are a master, the Dragon shadow guard of Zhaoguo, the best martial arts master in the world. Why do you like to be beaten in the face?"

Gu Jiao said bitterly, not forgetting to break a charcoal pen.

Then she felt that the big man was happier!

... it's fascinating.

Xinyang princess in the company of Yujin came out, see is a big and a small squatting on the ground of a scene.

Yujin just kept in front of Princess Xinyang's bed, but she didn't know that they were like this. Yujin couldn't help laughing.

"Princess." She said, "Long Yi hasn't played with anyone for a long time. The last time he was a little Marquis..."

Xinyang Princess light interrupted her words: "Yujin, he died, later don't mention him."

Yu Jin dropped her eyes: "yes."

Gu Jiao pouted to despair, until her stomach growled before she closed today's business.

Yujin leaves Gujiao for dinner, but Gujiao refuses.

She disappeared for such a long time. Xiaosanzi must be in a hurry. Xiao LIULANG knew that she was gone. She had to go back quickly.

For the sake of the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, she didn't plan to ask for medical treatment, but Yujin insisted on giving it to her, so she accepted it.

Right when it is a night of hard work!

Gu Jiao put the one hundred Liang silver note into her purse.

Compared with Xuanping Marquis who only gave her a copper, Princess Xinyang didn't want to be too generous.

Gu Jiao was captured by longyi when she came here. Now she can't let longyi take people back.

Yujin kindly asked people to prepare a carriage.

"I'll see you off."

As soon as her voice fell, a little servant girl came with small steps: "Yujin, it seems that the peony can't live."

"Which one?" Yu Jin asked.

"The princess's favorite one." Said the little maid.

Gu Jiao was considerate and said, "Yujin, please take care of peony. You don't have to send me."

Taking care of peony is not in a hurry. However, Yujin sees that Gu Jiao doesn't love these empty rites, so she smiles and says, "OK, go slowly. The carriage is at the door. Just tell the coachman where you want to go."

"Well." Gu Jiao should leave Yu Jin and come to the front door of the yard.

The gate is open and open.

Gu Jiao will open the door of a moment, a see raised his hand is about to knock on the door of Xiao LIULANG.

Both of them had a pause.

Gu Jiao didn't expect that he would come here. Xiao LIULANG didn't expect that the door would open itself, and Gu Jiao would come out at this time.

"Are you all right?"

"What are you doing here?"

The two spoke in unison.

Xiao LIULANG is still breathing. His forehead is covered with fine beads of sweat. We can see how hard and anxious he has been.

He looked at the yard behind Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao Mou Guang moved, crossed the threshold and closed the door: "let's go."

Yujin heard a strange man's voice, she is not at ease, came to see a look, but Gu Jiao has left with Xiao LIULANG.

Yu Jin asked the coachman, "where is Gu Da Ren?"

The coachman said, "someone just came to see her. She went with him."

Come to her alone?

She was captured by longyi. What can you guess that longyi has captured her here?

Yu Jin couldn't figure it out. She followed her suspiciously and came to the corner of Zhuque street. However, she saw a carriage driving into the night.

On the silent street, Xiao Sanzi was driving with great relief.

Finally, I found Miss Gu. He doesn't have to worry any more.

Brother Xiao is still very powerful. I suddenly guessed that Miss Gu had come to Zhuque street.

In other words, how did he guess?

The same doubts also flashed through Gu Jiao's mind. The difference is that Gu Jiao soon thought out the answer.

No wonder he could stop the dragon from killing her. No wonder the dragon would pinch his face.

Longyi is really confirming something, and it has been confirmed.

In this way, it makes sense for longyi to be so close to himself.

Although Gu Jiao is not willing to equate forced pouting with intimacy, if someone else hits Long Yi in the face with a pen, she is afraid that it is not a few charcoal pens that will be pouted, but the person himself.

Although she guessed some things, and she felt that with his cleverness, she could not see that she guessed them, but if he didn't say it, she didn't go to pierce the last layer of window paper.

However, she still has to say about the reason why she appeared in Zhuque street.

"I took out stitches for a scholar surnamed Xu yesterday. He asked me to treat one of his aunts, and he paid for the diagnosis. As a result, I went to the wrong place and went into Princess Xinyang's yard by mistake. I took Princess Xinyang as the aunt... "

Gu Jiao briefly describes the process of dressing change, but does not say that longyi asked her to pout her pen, nor does she say that Princess Xinyang misunderstood that she had no intention, and almost wanted to use the emperor's Golden Whip to whip her little ass.

It's a bit of a shame.

"Princess Xinyang took the medicine I gave her. It's very effective. I just asked her to go there to treat her!"

She said so lightly that all kinds of misunderstandings and details were omitted.

But Xiao LIULANG has been with Princess Xinyang for more than ten years. How can he not know her temperament?

Perhaps once he did not understand, but now in retrospect, many details are not the same as the impression.

Princess Xinyang has never been a simple woman.

She really wanted to ask someone to treat her illness. She would send a sedan chair to let the dragon take away the people. Most of the time, she was suspicious of her heart.

Fortunately, it was a misunderstanding.

He couldn't stop her from meeting Princess Xinyang because he couldn't.

It's not that she can't see without thinking about it. At the command of Princess Xinyang, if she digs three feet at the ends of the earth, longyi will find people out.

But longyi won't allow anyone to hurt her, will it?

Just as he never allowed anyone to hurt himself.

Back home, the cake has been cool, Gu Jiao sighed, very delicious cake, unfortunately.

It was late at night, and the family were all asleep. They washed and went back to their room.

Small clearance sprawled on the bed, indulged in small snoring.

Looking at him, Xiao LIULANG somehow thought of himself as a child and the princess mansion.

Memory, like a picture, flashed through my mind frame by frame. The memory that I thought I had forgotten could be so clear at night.

Xiao LIULANG closed his eyes and tried to squeeze these memories out of his mind. However, he found that the harder he tried, the worse the memory turned.

"Niang ~"

One side of the small clearance suddenly blurry mouth.

Did the little guy dream that he had a mother?

Xiao LIULANG's thoughts were interrupted and he pulled down Xiao Jingkong's clothes to cover his small belly.

Xiaojingkong turned over and arched into his arms. He didn't know what he was talking about in his dreams.

Xiao LIULANG raised his fingertips and poked him aside.

After a while, he rolled over again.

Xiao LIULANG poked again.

He'll roll again.

In the end, he didn't arch into Xiao LIULANG's arms any more. A little foot was born and put directly on Xiao LIULANG's face!


Xiao LIULANG had no time to think about other things after being tossed about by xiaojingkong. The strange memories in his mind faded away. Later in the night, he had a good sleep.

The next day, he went to the Imperial Academy before dawn.

He came earlier than kongmu. Kongmu gave him a strange look: "Xiao Xiuzhuan didn't go back last night, did he?"

"I'm back." Xiao LIULANG said.

After ordering Mao, Xiao LIULANG went to his office.

Kong Mu couldn't help muttering: "I quarreled with my daughter-in-law so early, but she drove me out..."

The results of the six examinations came out, and a large number of officials entered the ranks of those who needed to take the make-up examination again. The Hanlin academy took on the important task of lecturing for the make-up examination officials.

A large part of the officials who take the make-up examination are not from the imperial examination, but from the family, that is, from the meritorious deeds of the previous generation. The examination skills of these people can be imagined.

It's not that none of the officials in Yin Ren's office is full of poetry. However, if a person has excellent real talent and learning, he doesn't need to be a family official at all. He can be an official himself, such as the former Youth wine sacrifice and the present editor Zhuang.

After all, only a few people know that they are able to study hard and diligently.

Yin official system has obvious disadvantages, but it has a long history. During the reign of the former Emperor, he tried to abolish it. As a result, he was jointly opposed by all the civil and military officials. However, the former Emperor was stubborn and did not let go until he died, which made the relationship between the monarch and his officials very stiff. While his former subordinates were loyal to him, they also hoped that he would take back his life.

After hearing from the curtain, Empress Dowager Zhuang restored the official system and gave the civil and military officials a step down. But at the same time, she also put forward a condition that six examinations should be added.

Once every three years, if you fail to pass the examination, you will make up the examination, if you fail to pass the examination twice, you will be demoted, and if you fail to pass the examination twice, you will be demoted to take back your official position.

It is worth mentioning that those who have been demerits must take part in the next round of assessment, no matter whether they are drawn by lot or not.

The mystery of this system lies in that it contains a lot of buffer period, but it can make up the examination, and it can make up the examination again after three years. It does not mean that the official position will be lost all of a sudden.

In addition, the Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "the tiger father has no dog son, and all the ministers are wise and brave. They are the pillars of our country. Are all the children born of pustules?"

The high hat and provocation made the court ministers choke unnecessarily.

So the six part assessment system was accepted.

Although this system has not completely solved the problem of official system, it has brought the disadvantages to the minimum.

Today, Xiao LIULANG is the Imperial officer who is going to give lectures in the Academy. The Academy will arrange a carriage to pick him up.

Before the carriage arrived, Xiao LIULANG went to fetch water in the backyard with a kettle.

Ning Zhiyuan happened to wash his pen in the ink pool. When he saw him, he said hello to him with a smile: "LIULANG! So early

"You're early, too." Xiao LIULANG said.

Ning Zhiyuan sighed: "I was afraid of being late, so I went out early? You don't live far away

Two people say words, Han bachelor came.

Ning Zhiyuan was surprised: "Wow, I didn't expect that Han was so early."

They saluted Han.

Han Shiji nodded, looked at Xiao LIULANG and said, "are you going to lecture in Gongyuan today?"

"Yes." Xiao LIULANG said.

"Don't go." Han said, "come with me to Wenhua Pavilion later."

Xiao LIULANG's fingertips moved.

Wenhua Pavilion is a library built by Princess Xinyang.

It is Xiao LIULANG that Han Xuexue gives Xiao LIULANG this opportunity. When he sees that Xiao LIULANG doesn't speak, he assumes that he agrees.

But as soon as he left, Xiao LIULANG said, "Mr. Han, I want to go to the Gongyuan to give a lecture."

What do you mean you want to give lectures in Gongyuan?

Do you bargain with your boss like this?

Han looked back and said, "do you know where Wenhua Pavilion is? What kind of opportunity is this? "

"I want to go to Gongyuan to give lectures." Xiao LIULANG said word by word.

Han's brow wrinkled.

Xiao LIULANG looked at Ning Zhiyuan and said, "let Ning edit Wenhua Pavilion. I still want to go to Gongyuan."

He said that he would go to Gongyuan three times, and if Han wanted to praise him again, he would not give him another chance.

"You come with me." Han said to Ning Zhiyuan.

Ning Zhiyuan keeps up with Han Shiji, exaggerates to Xiao LIULANG as he walks, and says in silence - do you really give me such a good chance?

"What are you doing?" Han stopped and looked at him.

Ning Zhiyuan one second received the movement: "nothing, stretch."

Han took Ning Zhiyuan out of the Academy.

Xiao LIULANG waited for another half an hour for the people to come to the Imperial Academy. But just as he was about to get on the carriage, the coachman of the Imperial Academy drove the carriage anxiously: "no, Xiao Xiuzhuan! There's something wrong with editor Ning! Go to Wenhua Pavilion and have a look! "