The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 406

Longyi's action surprised everyone.

No one expected that the dragon would be so abnormal. Princess Xinyang asked him to give the box to the princess, but he didn't give it to the princess. Instead, he gave it to a passer-by.

That can't wait for posture, as if have much dislike the crown princess.

Long Yi didn't think so, but others felt that the crown princess was not high enough, but through so many years of unremitting efforts, she had already stood in a position that was admired by thousands of people.

She is not only a good wife of the prince, but also a counselor of the east palace. She is very important. I don't know how many years she has not been treated like this.

Her face was too hot to describe embarrassment.

Gu Jiao, who was stopped by longyi, was no less surprised than the princess.

Why can Mao meet this dragon shadow guard in the palace?

What a bad relationship it is!

Gu Jiao is bitterly and bitterly crammed into the box in her arms. She thinks that this guy should have taken a big box full of charcoal to let her pout, right?

Can she refuse?

Gu Jiao took a big step back!

She won't!

The Crown Princess almost lost her breath!

What she can't think of, this girl doesn't want!

It's not that the Crown Princess rare a thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum, what she rare is the heart of Princess Xinyang, but some people don't take it seriously!

The crown princess's face couldn't hang on any more.

Princess Xinyang looks at longyi and Gujiao, ponders for a moment, and says to Yujin, "I haven't returned to Beijing for several years, but there are many new faces in the palace. Yujin, go and invite people here."

"Yes." Yu Jin slightly owe the body, step down the steps.

Gu Jiao saw her.

Yujin is different from most of the female officials in the palace. Her temperament is written in her heart. Today, she does not wear a veil, which is less mysterious, but also more dignified.

She stood still in front of Gu Jiao and said politely, "girl, my princess, please."

Me, home?

If the lady said that her own princess Gu Jiao would not believe it, is such a person with extraordinary temperament just a princess's official?

Said, Gu Jiao has not seen the royal family's Princess very much, they all married, does not live in the palace.

I don't know who is the princess in this family.

Gu Jiao and she go to the direction of the pavilion.

Longyi shoves the box to her again, grabs her hand and forces her to hold it.

Yujinchao two people look.

Gu Jiao looks innocent. I didn't mean to.

Yujin smiles and doesn't seem to mind. She points to the steps and says, "girl, please."

Gu Jiao ascended the steps and came to the pavilion.

The crown princess is also here.

But Gu Jiao didn't notice her at all. From the moment she entered the pavilion, her eyes were attracted by Princess Xinyang in the pavilion.

She was wearing a plain white corset skirt with a translucent gold gauze outside. She was dignified, gorgeous and elegant.

Her dress is not publicity, but it seems to have fenglaiyi, without reason, showing a noble atmosphere.

No wonder such a lady is willing to bend her knees.

She can really afford it.

Gu Jiao was so surprised that she didn't want it.

But at the same time, she was a little confused. She always felt as if she had seen this face before?

No wonder Gu Jiao couldn't think of it for a moment. She only saw half a pale face in the house on Zhuque street, and only looked at it in a hurry.

Today's Princess Xinyang is well-dressed and well-made. She can't see that she is half sick.

The crown princess said, "Miss Gu, this is Princess Xinyang."

Xin, Yang, Gong, Zhu?

Gu jiaoshu looks at each other!

The princess then said, "Princess Xinyang, this is the daughter of marquis Ding'an, Miss Gu."

"I haven't seen you for a few years, but I've changed my appearance." Princess Xinyang met Gu Jinyu, but she was not familiar with her.

The Crown Princess explained carefully, "this is the eldest lady of the Marquis's residence in Ding'an. She has been exiled among the people since she was a child, and has only recently returned to the capital. Gu Jinyu is the second lady of the Marquis's residence in Ding'an. "

Princess Xinyang is not interested in other people's private affairs. She just wants to see who is so interested in longyi.

She looked at Gu Jiao and said, "Long Yi, have you met me?"

Dragon one?

The Dragon shadow guard is called longyi?

It's against the rules that she wants to call longbatian in the underground martial arts field. She says that she has collided with the emperor, but this guy can call longyi directly.

There's backstage. It's amazing!

"I haven't seen it." Gu Jiao said without changing her face that she could not expose her going to the underground martial field. She was still waiting to cut the prince's leeks.

Anyway, long Yingwei doesn't speak. It's impossible to tear her down on the spot.

Princess Xinyang's eyes fell on longyi's face. Naturally, she would not believe what Gu Jiao said. She wanted to hear longyi's answer.

But she also understood that longyi would not communicate with her.

The Dragon shadow guards are the secret guards of the master. They know everything about the master's secrets. If they fall into the hands of the people who want to know, the consequences can be imagined.

In order to take precautions, the former Emperor trained the Dragon shadow guard into a cold tool that could not speak and communicate.

However, Princess Xinyang doesn't feel that long Yi has ever met Qian Jin of Ding'an Marquis's mansion. Long Yi has been by her side. Her only trip is to escort Yu Jin to buy medicine in the underground martial arts field.

A great family will never go to a place like that.

So longyi simply didn't want to give it to the princess, but he couldn't help giving it to a passer-by?

Princess Xinyang has no idea. She hasn't ventured to guess the possibility that longyi will let a stranger come into the room to treat herself.

Gu Jiao put the box back on the table.

Princess Xinyang stopped her and said to her, "since longyi wants to give it to you, take it."

But she didn't want to take it. If she took it back, he forced her to clean the charcoal pen in the box

"Well... Thank you very much."

Take it first, throw it back, and then let her pout!

"Well, I'll leave first. Please talk to me later." Gu Jiao should run away quickly to prevent the guy named longyi from catching up with her!

Gu Jiao came to the palace to take things. Now she didn't take anything. She turned around and went outside the palace!

She quickly got on the carriage. She planned to see how many charcoal pens the guy had prepared for herself. But when she opened the box, she found that there was a thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum——

She has never seen such a good Ganoderma lucidum in her two lives.

Gu Jiao is confused.

After returning to the hospital, Gu Jiao handed the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum to shopkeeper Wang: "sell this."

Millennium Ganoderma lucidum is certainly a good thing, but no one at home needs to eat it. It's better to sell it at a good price.

From time to time, Gu Jiao brought some strange drugs to shopkeeper Wang to sell, and shopkeeper Wang was not surprised.

"What is it this time?" When he opened it, he was so scared that he almost knocked the box over. "This, such a big Ganoderma lucidum? Where did you come from? This must be a millennium Ganoderma lucidum! "

To be honest, Ganoderma lucidum is less than a thousand years old, and it is rare to see Ganoderma lucidum in ten years. Generally speaking, Ganoderma lucidum in the market is Ganoderma lucidum after a hundred years old, which is extremely rare.

Gu Jiao said: "others give, remember to sell a good price."


Can you give me a good price? Don't look at the years of Ganoderma lucidum!

Hey, hey, spread the news about the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, and miaozhou hall will be able to enjoy the scenery in the capital again!

There is no need for Gu Jiao to worry about her business. She plans to change her clothes and go to the underground arena.

She should have gone yesterday afternoon, but she had something to do, so she changed it to today.

Just as she turned and walked to her own yard, a worried man's voice came from behind her: "doctor gu! Dr. gu

Gu Jiao stopped and turned around.

It was the patient who removed the stitches yesterday, the scholar surnamed Xu.

"Is there something wrong with the wound?" Gu Jiao looked at him and asked.

The scholar ran so fast that he couldn't catch his breath. After a long time, he panted and said, "Dr. Gu... How can you... How can you break your promise?"

Gu Jiao oddly pointed to herself: "I... Don't believe what I say?"

"Yes... Didn't you promise me to treat my classmate's mother's lung and disease? Why didn't you go? "

Gu Jiao said, "I went. She's not tuberculosis."

The scholar was depressed and said: "you are nonsense... I went to ask my classmate today... He didn't come to the doctor's home..."

Gu Jiao put out her hand: "but I did go."

When the scholar saw that she didn't look like a liar, he was slightly shocked: "where did you go?"

Gu Jiao recalled: "as you said, go straight ahead, the first one behind the orange tree."

"When did I say orange tree? I'm talking about peaches... "The scholar's expression is stagnant," I'm talking about orange trees... "

He slapped himself on the head!

He's pointing the wrong way!

"Sorry, sorry! Miss Gu, I'll pay you the consultation fee again. Please follow me again! Aunt sun is really very ill... "

Gu Jiao took a look at the sky, time is still in time, she went with him to Zhuque street, found the family, to check the other party's condition.

It's tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis in her hands is not an incurable disease, just need a long time of treatment, take a large amount of medicine, drug money is not cheap.

The scholar said that he would do everything he could to help Gu Jiao cure her.

Gu Jiao took four kinds of drugs for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis from the small medicine box, put them in small porcelain bottles, and wrote down the usage and dosage: "I will come back to see you in seven days."

Aunt sun was very grateful: "thank you, miss."

"Don't thank me, thank Xu Shusheng if you want." When Gu Jiao said this, she obviously felt a curious little figure at the door.

However, when Gu Jiao went out, the little figure disappeared again.

Gu Jiao picks her eyebrows.

a classmate?

It's for my classmate's sister, right?

Coming out of the sun family, Gu Jiao took off her mask and put it into a special cloth bag. As she walked, she thought, since she went wrong yesterday, who is the lady she treated?

On the other side, Princess Xinyang and Yujin also returned to Zhuque street.

Princess Xinyang has her own princess mansion in Beijing, but everyone knows that she will not live in that sad place again.

Because longyi gave away the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum to others, Princess Xinyang had to tell Yujin to choose another gift to send to the princess.

Princess Xinyang called a little servant girl to wait on her.

The little servant girl poured tea for Princess Xinyang. As soon as she opened the lid of the cup, she exclaimed in surprise: "eh? What's in the cup? "

"What?" Asked Princess Xinyang.

The little maid held the teacup, and a strong fragrance of flowers came to her face. But in a moment, the whole room was filled with the smell of flowers.

Princess Xinyang looked at the brown pill in the teacup and showed a thoughtful look.



"You go to the east palace..."

An hour later, Yujin appeared in the warm Pavilion of the east palace.

The princess received her in person: "why did Yujin come?"

Yujin said politely, "the princess asked me to send some Fengdu mountain specialties to the princess."

The crown princess gave a gentle smile: "my aunt has a heart."

Yujin said: "in addition, I have one more thing to ask the princess."

The crown princess said, "please tell me, Yujin."

Yu Jin laughed apologetically and said, "when I was just cleaning up the house, I accidentally confused the Baihua pill sent by the crown princess with the Yangyan pill sent by the empress. I don't know which one is Baihua pill and which one is Yangyan pill."

Princess smile: "I know, you brought the medicine?"

Yujin handed a porcelain vase to the crown princess.

The princess asked people to bring clean dishes and pour the medicine in the porcelain bottle. There were three kinds of medicine in it, one was a white pill, and the other two were brown pills of the same size.

The Crown Princess didn't look at the white pills. She just picked out the pills one by one.

"All right!" With a smile, the Crown Princess puts the hundred flower pill into the porcelain vase and hands it to Yujin.

Yujin took the vase and quietly took out a piece of cloth: "by the way, have you seen the words on this note?"

"No, who wrote it?"

Ugly, she said in her heart.

Yujin went back to the house of Zhuque street to reply to Princess Xinyang.

Princess Xinyang looked at the note and the white pill on the table, and at the Baihua pill in the porcelain vase. If she could not guess that the medicine had been moved, she could not say it.

However, there are many doubts about this matter.

Longyi can't not find each other, but longyi not only didn't stop her from entering the room, but also let her change her own medicine.

This is one of them.

Second, why did the other party change her medicine secretly? Do you want to hurt her? But those white pills are clear and effective.

Can you help her? Why do you want to help her?

And she obviously helped, and pretended not to know her in the pavilion today?

what is it? The means to get her attention?

And she lives in Zhuque street, not many people know, the princess will come because she sent Yujin to the palace to report peace to the emperor, let the Princess meet.

Where did the Qian Jin of Ding'an Marquis's residence come from? Where did Tong Tian find it?

Princess Xinyang is not the kind of delicate princess who is protected under the wings of the Empress Dowager and the emperor of Ning'an. She has experienced countless storms and surges, and she has lost her only flesh and blood.

She will not trust anyone, nor underestimate any of the intentions in the world.

She looked out of the window at the moon, fingertips on the table gently knock, each knock, as if the night will be quiet.

All of a sudden, her fingertips stopped, and her voice said coldly, "bring me that girl."