The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 360

The next day was not bright, and all the family got up early.

Once upon a time, Gu Jiao was the first to get up, but today when she came out of the house, she found that Yao, Lao Jijiu, Fang Mammy and Yu ya'er were all gathered in the hall.

Not only that, but also Duke Qin.

What happened?

"Good morning." Gu Jiao said hello.

Everyone looked at the "birthmark" on her face and sighed.

Gu Jiao: you look a little disappointed. What's the matter? Is my status at home so low? You don't want to see me?

After Gu Jiao had a bowl of tonic soup, Xiao LIULANG had another bowl of tonic soup in front of him at breakfast.

Qin Gonggong specially stressed: "it's deer soup. Men eat it very well!"


The tone in Xiao LIULANG's heart was blocked in his throat, and he couldn't go up or down.

Last night someone lay peacetime, he really thought she was ready to tease to the end, he hesitated for a moment out of conscience, and then came someone's small snoring.

He was stunned on the spot, OK!

It's him who is teased. He's the one who gets angry and can't eat. In the end, it's him who is misunderstood and can't do it... Where can we reason?

Xiao LIULANG drank the deer soup with a black face.

Duke Qin went back to the palace with a smile.

After a long day and night's trek, the officials of the Ministry of household and the Imperial Academy finally arrived in the capital this morning. The Secretary of the Ministry of household did not dare to delay, and dragged his two broken legs toward the emperor.

He didn't arrange anything wrong with Xiao LIULANG, and he didn't deliberately erase Xiao LIULANG's credit. First, he had an accompanying official who made a special trip to record his trip. Second, he was Xuanping Marquis standing on the Jinluan hall.

That's right. This guy who never works early but only sleeps late has come to work early for the first time.

The Minister of the Ministry of household had a good impression of Xiao LIULANG. However, he received Zhuang Taifu's instruction and gave the credit to Prince an as much as possible. As for Xiao LIULANG, there is no need to mention his failure.

But... Thinking of his experience of almost breaking his leg, the Minister of the Ministry of household has no doubt that he dares to say half a word about Xiao LIULANG. Marquis Xuanping can take off his leg in front of his majesty.

The Secretary of the Ministry of accounts reported it truthfully.

Xiao LIULANG and the king of an County both performed admirably and made contributions. Although the Minister of the Ministry of household intended to give more opportunities for the king of an County to make contributions, Xiao LIULANG actually did too much in the countryside.

As soon as the emperor heard this, he found that both of them were the pillars of the Zhao kingdom. Among the three tripods, the number one scholar and the number one scholar had already begun to make their appearance in the six books, leaving tanhualang who was still unknown.

After all, Xiao LIULANG and the king of an County both have backstage support, and they don't worry about being beaten. Ning Zhiyuan's background is worse, and he still needs to grind his qualifications in the Imperial Academy.

The Emperor gave Xiao LIULANG and Princess an a pair of ink treasures, and asked Duke Wei to send them to the Imperial Academy in a moment.

After the next Dynasty, the emperor returned to Huaqing Palace.

"Your Majesty." A little nun came over with a food box and gave him a salute. She said, "the princess has made some snacks for your majesty. By the way, the imperial concubine also asked me how is your majesty these days. I haven't seen your majesty for a few days. The imperial concubine's heart is very worried. "

The emperor was slightly stunned.


He didn't visit his mother for several days.

It was impossible in the past.

As long as his mother's wife is in the palace, he will go to see her every day.

Is he still angry that his mother's concubine has concealed her relationship with Gu Chao?

Although his mother finally chose him, he still had a knot in his heart?

"It's nothing, your majesty. I'll leave first." The little palace lady handed the dim sum to Wei Gonggong and then turned back.

The emperor looked at the food box in Duke Wei's hand.

Duke Wei opened the lid of the box and said, "Your Majesty, it's jujube cake."

This is his favorite snack. In order to make it for him, Princess Jing learned from the imperial chef.

He thought of the days when empress dowager Zhuang was put in the cold palace, when he and Princess Jing and Ning'an were excluded. On his birthday, he didn't even have a decent hot dish. His mother's wife went to the tree to beat dates and made a jujube cake with crisp dates.

The taste was not very good, but it was the best he remembered at that time.

The emperor took a piece of jujube cake and tasted it.

It's also made of crispy jujube. The pictures from memory flooded into his mind. He sighed a long time: "you go to the nunnery hall and tell my mother that I will go to dinner with her in the evening."

"... yes." Duke Wei should go down.

Recently, the second owner recruited another doctor. To be exact, he dug a doctor from huichuntang. He had been swept out by huichuntang. Everyone was waiting to see him joke, but he rose in the capital with his skillful hands.

Miaoshutang's business is getting bigger and bigger. In private, I don't know how many doctors want to go to him. After careful selection, he falls in love with a doctor named Miao.

Good medical skills, mainly good character.

It took the second owner a long time to persuade doctor Miao.

After doctor Miao came, she took on a lot of work, but Gu Jiao was not so busy.

Gu Jiao went to play chess with the old beggar today. Unexpectedly, the old beggar was not there.

Gu jiaoxun waited for a while, but did not wait for anyone. She put on her mask and went to the martial arts school.

"Brother gu!"

A middle-aged man with a big belly and a red face stopped her.

Gu Jiao looked at him and asked with her eyes - what's the matter?

Her attitude was not warm, even cold.

However, the other party didn't mind. Anyone who has seen Gu Jiao's martial arts competition knows how irritable she is. It's a shame to be willing to communicate with her.

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "little brother, I've seen every competition you have. You have a lot of courage, arrogance and progress. With all due respect, this kind of small martial arts school is no longer suitable for your strength. Would you like to try it elsewhere? "

I came here to dig the bottom of the wall.

Gu Jiao looked at him, took out a small book and wrote: "where do you say there are decent experts?"

Listen, listen, what are these arrogant little tones?

But he likes it!

This young man really has arrogant capital.

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "of course, I don't know if you dare to go?"

Gu Jiao lightly wrote: "is it the hell?"

"Ha ha ha!" The middle-aged man was amused by Gu Jiao's arrogance and humor, "don't worry, little brother, how can I let you go to such a good place? I don't have much to say. I'll take my little brother directly. "

Gu Jiao went out of the martial arts school and asked the third son to go back first. She took the middle-aged man's carriage to an embroidery building in the north of the city.

This is Gu Jiao's first visit to the north of the city.

Bishui Hutong belongs to the south of the city, and Dingan Houfu is in the southeast. Her visiting range is from the south of the city to the east of the city.

Everything here makes Gu Jiao feel strange, but there is an inexplicable attraction.

Gu Jiao followed the middle-aged man through the embroidery building and came to a dyeing workshop. The underground of the dyeing workshop was an underground military field.

From the middle-aged man's mouth, Gu Jiao learned that there was no name for the martial arts field. On weekdays, when people mentioned it, they only said that it came to the Narcissus embroidery building.

The martial arts field is big, almost as big as four Taihe martial arts schools. Gu Jiao would never believe that someone had built such a huge underground place at the foot of the emperor if she had not seen it with her own eyes.

In the center of the martial arts field are four competition platforms, which are the same as the martial arts school, while there are countless rooms around. The middle-aged man didn't say what to do.

The middle-aged man waved his hand and said, "do you see the houses with gourds on the doors? Don't go in."

Why? Gu Jiao asked with her eyes.

The middle-aged man explained: "it's all the rooms of experts. If you rush in rashly, you will be killed."

So you can kill people here.

The four platforms are all engaged in the competition. Compared with Taihe martial arts school, the competition here is much more bloody and violent. The air is full of pungent blood. Gu Jiao only feels her blood boiling.

The violent factor is ready to stir up again.

Gu Jiao restrained her desire to kill, and led by the middle-aged man to an accounting room in the East.

"Oh, look who Lao he fooled today?" A young man who was sorting out the account books looked up and gave Gu Jiao a meaningful look. "How can you bear to be such a tender young man? Not afraid that he will be killed? "

Therefore, people can die in the arena.

Gu Jiao had a clearer understanding of the underground arena.

"Fifty taels of silver first!" The young man said to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao frowns, still want money?

"I come, I come! I took out the silver for my little brother! " The middle-aged man generously took out a fifty-two silver note and patted it on the table.

Looking at Gu Jiao, the young man's eyes are more intriguing: "if you can let Lao he pull your hair, it seems that you have some skills. Well, I will take care of you and try not to let you die too early."

"Can I look around?" Gu Jiao wrote in her little book.

Lao he said: "yes! But remember what I said just now, don't go near the house with a gourd on the door. "

Gu Jiao nodded.

She went out of the accounting room.

Behind him came the conversation between the young man and Lao he.

"No, you really want this boy to compete? He is thinner than me! Still dumb! Don't you remember the last lesson? Bring back a say is what superior, result one punch let a person beat to death! "

"You believe my vision this time. Don't row too hard in the first game. Let him practice first..."

Gu Jiao gradually goes away, and their conversation is gradually drowned in the shouting under the competition platform.

Gu Jiao first day, just want to get familiar with the environment, however, she did not expect to see an acquaintance here.

A man in a black cloak passed by, so wrapped that he could not see his face. Just as the other person pushed the door open, the hat of the cloak fell off.

Gu Jiao fixed her eyes. Is it her?