The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 309

Xianleju, as the most rapidly rising brothel in Beijing, is more popular than the former nephrite Pavilion. In addition to the fact that all the girls in it are beautiful and have both talent and emotion, its unique business model has also aroused the appetite of the powerful people in Beijing.

Gu Jiao comes to the door.

The guard is a woman. She looks at Gu Jiao's token and doesn't say anything. She lets it go.

Gu Jiao's first visit to brothel is strange and fresh.

There is no such thing as drunkenness, toasting, cupping and dancing. The sound of silk and bamboo music here is not music, but music of nature.

Walking in the spacious lobby, there are girls passing by her from time to time.

Gu Jiao glanced at her at will. She was a fairy.

As if she had entered the fairyland of the world, she was almost immortal.

Suddenly, a Begonia flower hit Gu Jiao's shoulder.

Gu Jiao did not reach out to pick up, let the flower fall to the ground.

On the second floor of the railings came a thin lament: "you don't want my family's flowers, do you dislike my family?"

This sentence breaks the fairyland filter in front of Gu Jiao's eyes, and finally has a little taste of brothel.

Gu Jiao raised her head. She wore a half face mask, covering her nose and upper face, but not her ruddy lips and delicate chin, nor her cold eyes.

"Oh." The girl upstairs let out a exclamation and straightened herself involuntarily.

Gu Jiao's figure is tall among women, and she has a heroic temperament, so she has no pressure to act as a handsome young man.

The girl's exclamation attracted several companions. They stood on the second floor and looked at Gu Jiao.

"Young master, take a look at me."

Someone waved to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao has never eaten pork, but she has seen pig go. She has spare time to chat up with a strange man. She is not a very powerful person in xianleju.

Her target is not them.

Several people seduced for a long time, but also did not see Gu Jiao response, can not help but complain.

"What a wet blanket!"

"No? Even our sister Lianxiang doesn't like it, and I don't know who it's for? "

Lianxiang is the girl who threw Begonia flowers at Gujiao.

"Is it difficult for her to find sister Qianxue?"

"Oh, can sister Qianxue see him?"

"Who wants to see me?"

A languid and gentle voice came from the end of the corridor.

Several girls who are chatting about Gu Jiao turn around one after another and salute respectfully: "sister Qianxue!"

The woman who was called elder sister looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, even younger than some of them, but xianleju never ranked by age.

"What are you looking at?" Asked the woman.

She was wearing a plain white tunic and a bright yellow gauze. Her color was bright, fresh and elegant.

She was wearing a veil of the same color as the gauze, hazy, vaguely visible, but not really.

Even women can't help being attracted by her.

Women seem to be used to this, no longer expect them to answer themselves, but turn to look downstairs.


She also small ground exclaimed, eyebrow tip tiny pick, eye wave horizontal turn: "came a good clean childe, bring up a person, this person, I want."

Then she turned and went up to the third floor.

The servant girl behind her answered and stepped downstairs. She came to Gu Jiao and gave her a blessing: "young master, my girl is welcome."

Gu Jiao gave her a look, do not go.

"You..." the servant girl choked, "do you know who my girl is?"

Gu Jiao gave her a small look again: Oh, who?

The servant girl forked: "my girl is the flower leader of xianleju! Others want to see it, but they can't see it! My girl looks up to you when she sees you! "

This is not a word of water. The Huakui of xianleju sells his art but not his body. He only receives one person every three days, one hour at a time, which is worth a lot of money.

Rao is so, the capital of those who want to be her guest of the stinking man is still more like a crucian carp.

Huakui should be a big fish.

Gu Jiao thought for a moment, nodded to the servant girl, and said that she accepted the invitation of her girl.

The maid has a headache. Is it an illusion? How do you feel that the young master's face is weighing Jin wheel?

No matter how strange it is for the host to take her to see her.

Gu Jiao followed the servant girl to the third floor.

I didn't notice how jealous the guests looked at her.

It's very difficult for xianleju to come in. In xianleju, it's not the guests who choose the girls, but the girls who choose the guests. The lucky ones can be selected to the second floor, while the unlucky ones can only have a lonely night tour in the lobby.

There are only a few people who have gone up to the third floor.

Of course, Gu Jiao didn't know how lucky she was, but she could feel the quiet on the third floor.

"Girl, here comes the young master." The servant girl reports outside a room.

"Come in."

Said the woman.

The servant girl pushed open the door and said to Gu Jiao, "young master, please."

Gu Jiao stepped into the house.

The servant girl closed the door from the outside.

The furnishings of the room look simple, but it may be because Gu Jiao doesn't know antiques. Any vase in the room is an antique of the previous dynasty.

The woman sat in front of the dresser, wiping her hands with cream and looking at Gu Jiao from the bronze mirror.

She also has talking eyes.

She wore a veil, but Gu Jiao could still feel her smile.

She said, "young master, please sit down."

Gu Jiao sat down on the chair.

After the woman wiped the cream, Shi ran stood up and walked towards Gu Jiao.

She sat down on the chair beside Gu Jiao, and there was only a few high feet between them.

The woman poured a cup of tea for Gu Jiao, handed it to Gu Jiao, and said with a smile, "is it the first time for you to come to xianleju?"

Gu Jiao nodded, but did not drink the tea she handed over.

The woman sighed, "are you afraid that I will poison you or that my tea is not clean?"

Without waiting for Gu Jiao's reply, the woman took the cup of tea directly and drank it all. Then, it seemed as if the matter had been turned over. Her eyebrows curved and she said, "what are you doing in xianleju

This is a strange question.

What can men do when they come to brothels? Is it hard to just chat with quilts?

With her elbow on the table and her index finger gently holding her chin, the woman said with a smile: "you are too clean. You are not a person who can look for flowers and willows."

Gu Jiao frowned.

Is her acting so bad? The playbook of the little dandy she took today!

Does she only deserve to fool Gu Chengfeng?

The woman's eyes fell on Gu Jiao's throat.

How can you even suspect her gender? Fortunately, she had already prepared to put on her own Adam's apple.

Seeing the Adam's apple, the woman took back her eyes and continued to look at Gu Jiao's eyes.

Gu Jiao's eyes don't dodge. After all, her acting skills are not cheeky enough.

The woman looked at it for a while, but she didn't see anything fishy, so she asked again, "did you come to find someone? Which sister's relative? "

Gu Jiao thought for a while, took out a small book and charcoal pen, shuasha wrote: to be honest, Ye is here to pick up girls!

The woman's mouth was drawn.

What are you doing?

Gu Jiao awoke, scratched out the last two words, and wrote majestically: look for flowers and ask for willows!

The woman chuckled.

But the next second, she couldn't laugh.

Because Gu Jiao wrote on the paper: call out the most beautiful girl here!

The woman's smile froze on her face: "you mean I'm not beautiful enough?"

Gu Jiao wrote: if you want to say that, I can't help it.

The woman was so angry that she forgot to ask Gu Jiao why she didn't speak and only wrote on the paper.

She is the most beautiful woman in the capital. How could she be despised?

She sullen way: "childe's eye is when blind!"

Gu Jiao shuasha wrote: I'm not blind, but I don't think you are particularly good-looking.

This sentence will hate the value of pull full, the woman was angry to shoot toward Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao's figure flashed away.

The palm wind falls on the chair behind Gu Jiao, and the chair made of mahogany crackles to pieces!

Sure enough, I have martial arts.

Gu Jiao accepted pen and small book, hand in hand with her in the room.

The woman's martial arts are beyond Gu Jiao's expectation. Fortunately, she has been instructed by the old Marquis. Some of her moves happen to be able to restrain her opponent's moves.

Gu Jiao will cut the woman's hand in the back, pressure on the bed.

But the woman was far more cunning than she showed. She twisted her body and fell down like a loach.

And take advantage of Gu Jiao unprepared, will Gu Jiao on the bed.

Her hands clasped Gu Jiao's hands, her legs also pressed Gu Jiao's legs: "Oh, I say I'm not beautiful enough. I'll take off your mask and see what kind of virtue you are. How dare you say I'm not beautiful!"

With her right hand, she clasped Gu Jiao's two wrists on her head and raised her left hand to take off Gu Jiao's mask.

But Gu Jiao broke away from her confinement, kicking her inside the bed and pressing her hands and legs.

Gu Jiao sat on her lap, untied her hair band and tied her hand to the bed post.

The woman struggled and her clothes slipped, revealing a large area of snow-white skin.

"You..." the woman was embarrassed.

Gu Jiao again took out a small book and wrote: "who was the man who assassinated the emperor last night?"

The woman was stunned.

In fact, Gu Jiao is not sure whether she knows. It's just that she is the Huakui here. Her status and martial arts are so high that she has a high probability of knowing.

Maybe she's involved.

The woman said: "I'm a woman of wind and dust. How can I know what's going on in the holy place today? Did you find the wrong person? If you want to investigate a case, shouldn't you go to the Yamen? "

Gu Jiao wrote: shouldn't the first reaction of a normal person be to ask whether the emperor was assassinated?

That's how Gu Chengfeng reacted.

The woman choked on the spot.

Gu Jiao domineering side leak write: don't say, pull out your clothes, do you on the spot!

As soon as the woman's face changed, she could smile slowly: "well, come on, don't despise my body of a thousand people with jade arms, just let me go. It's because I have a crush on you. It's my blessing to serve you. But -- "

As she spoke, she swept Gu Jiao's clothes and said with a smile, "it seems that you are not interested in my family."

Gu Jiao: Er... Not armed to fake melon!

The woman looked at Gu Jiao meaningfully: "young master, with white skin, delicate appearance and thin body, is still indifferent to such a gorgeous beauty as me... Young master, are you a male?"

Before she finished speaking, Gu Jiao tore her blouse open, pulled it out and threw it under the bed, looking at her fiercely!

Just at this moment, the door was suddenly knocked open, and a drunk man burst in.

As time goes by, Gu Jiao grabs the long gown on the ground and covers the woman, covering her tightly.

"Oh, what's the matter with you? How can someone break into Qianxue girl's house? Qianxue girl is receiving guests! Can you afford to lose the interest of Qianxue girl? "

It's the fierce voice of a woman's servant girl.

"I'm sorry, snow girl!"

A bodyguard entered the room without squinting and arrested the drunk.

Then, Gu Jiao came down from the bed, did not ask the woman again, turned and walked towards the door.

The woman was already stunned when she was wrapped in Gu Jiao's clothes. She saw Gu Jiao let her go like this. Her eyes moved slightly: "don't you want to know who the killer is?"

Not in this way.

Gu Jiao turned around and left xianleju.

If she had been in a previous life, she would have tried every means to extort a confession. After all, her Godfather taught her that from childhood to adulthood.

But in this life, there seems to be something different.

Gu Jiao looks at her hands.

Suddenly, a small box fell into her palm.

Gu Jiao looked up and looked at the third floor of xianleju, only to see a window closed in anger.

Gu Jiao opened the small box with a pendant and a note in it.

Palace, southwest corner.

The murderer was from the palace and lived in the southwest corner, and this spike was the murderer's personal belongings!