The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 287

How did the Empress Dowager leave the palace at this time?

Tang Yueshan's ear power is excellent, but he also suspects that he heard wrong. He looks in the direction of the palace gate and sees the Empress Dowager's Jin fengluan shining in the dark.

"Stop it all!" He drank hard.

The archer hastily withdrew his bow.

Tang Yueshan is not afraid that Gu Jiao will run away now, because if he really dares to run, he will shoot her into a hedgehog!

Tang Yueshan lifted his clothes and knelt down in the direction of Luan Jia.

When he knelt down, the bodyguards and archers around him knelt down.

Gu Jiao comes to Gu Chengfeng, squats down on one knee, looks at Gu Chengfeng who can't stand on the ground, holds his wrist, and puts three fingers on his pulse.

Gu Chengfeng is in pain all over his body. If he suffered too serious internal injury, it's not as good as that. The move of beating cattle across the mountain has certain limitations. Its power is not too fierce.

Gu Chengfeng was a little confused and couldn't move.

The eight powerful eunuchs, all of whom were experts in the field, carried the generous Phoenix banished made of Phoebe, and their breath was not disturbed.

The South China Sea mackerel yarn hanging from the canopy of the Phoenix chase is worth an inch of gold.

The four sides of the shark yarn are rusted with different shapes of Golden Phoenix. The night wind blows the shark yarn, and the Golden Phoenix is sparkling, as if it is ready to fly out at any time.

Tang Yueshan was a decisive general. However, at this moment, she had to admit that empress dowager Zhuang was powerful.

In this world, women are more difficult than men. It may take more than ten times for women to do the same thing.

Tang Yueshan never underestimated the woman in the harem. She could boil the former Emperor to death, abolish the former Prince without a son, and still be the Empress Dowager of the new emperor when he was already an adult.

How could her ability be small?

Feng fan stopped, closer than Tang Yueshan imagined. Tang Yueshan was flattered and almost ignored that there were two assassins behind him.

"Minister, welcome the Empress Dowager!" Tang Yueshan knelt down and saluted, "I don't know how the Empress Dowager came out of the palace so late?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang usually doesn't go out of the palace. After all, the royal rules are there. Although many of the things that empress dowager Zhuang does are not in accordance with the rules, Empress Dowager Zhuang also has different priorities. She will try her best to put her great evils on the things she has to do, such as listening to politics behind the curtain.

The Queen Mother Zhuang's long and majestic voice came from behind the shark's veil: "what do you need to report to you?"

Tang Yueshan was stunned.

This is inhuman.

Anyway, I am also a favorite of the Empress Dowager. How can I feel that the Empress Dowager is alienated and cold when she talks with me?

However, Tang Yueshan didn't take empress dowager Zhuang's temperament very seriously.

"I overstepped. Please forgive me." He bowed and waited for Empress Dowager Zhuang to make him flat.

But the Empress Dowager didn't call him up. She just said faintly, "Why are you making such a big noise at the gate of the palace with so many people? Do you want to rebel? "

It's a little far from the gate of the imperial palace. What's more, he's taking the guards of his family, not the soldiers of the barracks. How can he say that he is rebellious?

Tang Yueshan reported: "if you go back to the empress dowager, an assassin will break into the Marshal's mansion tonight. I came here only after catching the assassin. I hope the Empress Dowager will learn from it!"

Empress Dowager Zhuang interrupted him coldly: "if you catch the assassin near the palace, you are not coming out to stop you. Are you going to break into the palace in a moment?"

Did the Empress Dowager come out of the palace to stop him?

The relationship between the Empress Dowager and the emperor became more and more tense after she promoted herself to be the Grand Marshal of the world's army and horse, and there was no room for him to make any mistakes.

Tang Yueshan arched his hand: "I'm so reckless. Please forgive me!"

Empress Dowager Zhuang said earnestly: "it's the AI family that found you tonight. The AI family believes in your loyalty. But if you let your majesty know, it won't be able to calm things down in a few words. AI Jia just promoted you. Don't make trouble for AI Jia. "

Tang Yueshan kowtowed a salute: "I know the crime!"

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "well, since you're an assassin, you can deal with it. You don't have to dream too much at night, Duke Qin."

Duke Qin stepped forward: "the old slave is here."

Empress Dowager Zhuang said in a low voice, "go and drag the two assassins into the woods for disposal. Make them clean."

"Yes Qin Gonggong bowed himself, raised the dust in his hands, and ordered four accompanying bodyguards, "follow me."

The bodyguard followed Qin Gonggong, crossed Tang Yueshan and came to Gu Jiao and Gu Chengfeng.

Gu Chengfeng covered his chest, which was so painful that it almost burst. He said with great effort: "wait... You can't kill us... I am..."

"What is it, what is it?" Qin Gonggong pinches a handkerchief and blocks Gu Chengfeng's mouth.

Gu Chengfeng was dragged into the woods not far away, and Gu Jiao also took him.

There was a sound of sword coming out of the sheath in the forest, and the cold light flashed by. They seemed to have no time to shout, so they were killed by cutting their throats together.

In a moment, two execution guards came to recover their lives. Their swords were dripping with blood, and the blood was steaming.

Although the clue is broken like this, it's not bad for them to have the chance to shake out his secret in front of the Empress Dowager.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Asked empress dowager Zhuang.

Tang Yueshan said: "no, I'll leave."

The assassin is dead. Next, he can safely track Gu Changqing.

In the woods, Gu Chengfeng watched as Duke Qin took out two bottles and ordered two bodyguards to pick up chicken blood.

That's right. Just now he really thought he was going to die. As a result, the guard just cut two pheasants in the grass.

Duke Qin said: "pheasant's blood is very fresh. It's delicious to make maoxuewang."

Gu Chengfeng

Is that the point?

I was scared to death. You tell me this?

The Empress Dowager asked you to kill, but did you really kill chickens?

Gu Chengfeng thought that this was the biggest shock tonight, but what happened next made him kneel on the spot.

Duke Qin took them to see empress dowager Zhuang.

He thought that he was the prince of the Marquis's mansion. He could not hide it. Empress dowager Zhuang would not forgive him if she did not agree with his majesty.

As soon as I thought about it, I saw a little black shadow passing by. I ran to empress dowager Zhuang's Phoenix!

Gu Chengfeng's sweat rises suddenly!

You... Don't assassinate the Empress Dowager!

No assassination!

You're going to be a hedgehog!

Gu Chengfeng was injured and couldn't move. Without stopping him, he saw a man in black plundering into empress dowager Zhuang's Phoenix.

He covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look down.

However, he didn't wait for the voice of the guard to draw the sword for a long time. Instead, he heard the voice of the little girl: "aunt!"

The voice was clear and pleasant, with a taste of cleverness and surprise.

Gu Chengfeng suspected that he was listening. He bravely took the hand that covered his eyebrows and eyes, and saw the girl sitting beside the Empress Dowager Zhuang, who was as dignified as the emperor.

Empress Dowager Zhuang is still sacred, but she raised her hand and took off Gu Jiao's mask. She held it in her hand and said, "it's so ugly. I don't know how to wear a better one?"

"It looks good." Gu Jiao said, "I like it."

"Take it and burn it." Empress Dowager Zhuang handed the peacock plume mask to Duke Qin.

Duke Qin took it respectfully.

It's not really because of ugliness, but because the mask was seen by Tang Yueshan and must be destroyed.

Gu Jiao is reluctant to give up.

Empress Dowager Zhuang did not rush to talk to Gu Jiao about the past. Instead, she looked at Gu Chengfeng, who is he

Gu Chengfeng has been to the hospital and the Bishui Hutong, but he has never met the old lady.

"Someone I know." Gu Jiao didn't reveal Gu Chengfeng's identity.

Empress Dowager Zhuang winked at Duke Qin. Duke Qin came to Gu Chengfeng and said with a smile, "young Xia, I'll take you back."

Gu Chengfeng came back and looked at Gu Jiao. Duke Qin said with a smile, "girl, she's OK."

Gu Jiao only said that Gu Chengfeng was someone she knew. Duke Qin didn't know the depth of their relationship, and he didn't know how much Gu Chengfeng knew about Gu Jiao. Therefore, he didn't take his surname and only called the girl.

Gu Chengfeng's mind is in a mess. He is still in the chaos of how my sister knows the empress dowager, how my sister and the Empress Dowager have such a good relationship, my sister's name is empress dowager's aunt, my sister... No, she is not my sister.

I didn't notice Qin Gonggong's words at all.

But he could see that Gu Jiao would be OK. He cleared his throat and said to Duke Qin, "please send me to qianyin Pavilion in Luoyang street."

"Good." Duke Qin answered with a smile.