The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 276

Mother Fang finished the dinner and the family went to the main room to have dinner.

Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun eat in Master Lu and Nanxiang. They don't have to wait for him.

Although my aunt is not here, the atmosphere at the dinner table is good with my aunt and grandfather.

Even if my grandfather's eyes are swollen, it's hard for them to ask what's wrong.

After dinner, Gu Jiao helps mammy Fang clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and xiaojingkong walks the chicken. Xiao LIULANG goes back to the house to study the ancient book which he thinks is unlikely to be the National Book of Yan.

Even if there is translation and annotation, it is not so easy to integrate them.

Gu Jiao spent more than ten years from math to advanced mathematics. Of course, it has something to do with the progress of education, but the educational resources in her previous life are also more huge and systematic. Xiao LIULANG is a man crossing the river by touching stones.

He used to spend very little time on arithmetic. This is the rhythm that liberal arts students get advanced mathematics textbooks all of a sudden.

Gu Jiao: from tomorrow, I will give my husband six walnuts.

While doing their own business, the family waited for Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun to go home.

In the past, they arrived at home at about 3:15 a.m. at the latest.

By the fifth quarter of the reform movement, Yao could not sit still.

Whenever she thought of footsteps outside, she would turn around and have a look.

When the footsteps passed, she would sigh.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the sound of the carriage finally came from the door.

Xiaojingkong had already finished taking a bath and was lying on the bed. When he heard the news, he climbed out of bed and put on his shoes and ran out: "I'll come, I'll come!"

May night is cool, but not cold.

He was wearing a thin bedclothes, forced open the door, looked up: "eh? Big brother

It's Gu Changqing.

Gu Changqing behind a carriage slowly passing, the original just heard the carriage movement from it.

Gu Changqing came here on horseback. When he entered the alley, he turned over and got off the horse and led the horse inside.

Gu Changqing looked at the little guy who came to open the door for him. He was in a good mood. He looked at his little bedclothes and asked, "are you going to sleep?"

Xiaojingkong nodded: "well." Then he shook his head, "I'm waiting for brother Yan and brother Xiaoshun!"

Gu Changqing turned to look at the end of the alley: "have they all studied so late recently?"

Xiaojingkong shook his head: "no, it's so late today!"

"Is brother Yan and brother Xiaoshun back?" Yao asked in the yard.

People in the family speak with the identity and tone of small clearance.

Xiaojingkong turned back and said, "it's big brother coming!"

Yao's attitude towards Gu Changqing was much more relaxed than before, but there was no mother's kindness and filial piety between them. They just regarded each other as familiar guests.

"Are you worried about ah Yan?" Gu Changqing looked at Yao and asked.

Speaking of Gu Yan, they still have a common topic. Yao sighed: "yes, he was not so late before. I'm worried about whether he was delayed on the road... It didn't rain today."

Gu Changqing took down the prey hanging on the saddle, put it on the stone table, and said to Yao, "I'll look for it."

Yao looked at him gratefully: "will it delay you tomorrow..."

"No Gu Changqing said.

Yao Shi saw that his answer was so simple that it should really be OK. She put her heart down and said, "that's good, that's good."

"I went." Gu Changqing didn't even have time to shout, so he turned out of the house with his sister and brother-in-law.

Gu Jiao saw that Xiao LIULANG had finished a math problem. She also noticed that it was late. She went out and asked, "have Yan'er and Xiao Shun not come back yet?"

Yao said, "the son of the world has gone to find them."

"Big brother has been here?" Gu Jiao looks at the prey on the table. Xiaojingkong is stepping on the stone bench, picking up Larry's rabbit and pheasant. Gu Jiao walks over, picks him up, goes to the ancient well, washes his hands, and carries him back to his room. "Sleep, don't come down again."

"Good." Small clearance obediently under.

"Not yet?" When Gu Jiao passed by her study, Xiao LIULANG asked her.

Gu Jiao said: "not yet. I'll go and have a look. You look at the clearance at home. Don't let him run around."

Ordinary people can't see the small clearance. If she's not here, she can't do it.

Sure enough, as soon as Gu Jiao's front foot was gone, her small clear back foot came out from Westinghouse.

Xiao LIULANG stood at the door without expression and looked down at him.

Xiaojingkong thought about it and made a final struggle: "I pee."


Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun studied in the north of the city. They were not rich, but they were not poor. They were beautiful places with pleasant scenery.

There are two roads from Bishui Hutong to the other side. One is from Chang'an Street to Baishi street. This road is more prosperous, which Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun often take.

There is another way to go from Xuanwu Street to the official road at the end. The more you go, the less people there are and the closer you are.

They usually go this way in the past, but don't go when they come back. It's too dark for fear of accidents.

But to be on the safe side, Gu Jiao and Gu Changqing went both ways.

Gu Changqing goes to the official road, and Gu Jiao goes to Baishi street.

Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun were really on Baishi street at this time. The reason why they delayed going home was that the wheel of the carriage was broken.

There happened to be a teahouse nearby. Liu Quan asked them to sit in the teahouse for a while. He went to find someone to repair the carriage.

Sitting in the teahouse, they were bored. When they saw a sugar gourd seller, they remembered that xiaojingkong and his aunt loved to eat, so they went to buy them.

"But how can I give it to my aunt?" Gu Xiaoshun asked.

"Send it to her!" Gu Yan said.

"Oh." As soon as Gu Xiaoshun thought it was feasible, he asked for more strings. "My aunt can't always come out and buy more strings. She eats one string a day."

Gu Yan nodded and reached for his purse.

Just at this moment, a thief rushed over, hit Gu Yan, and took Gu Yan's purse.

Gu Yan touched his waist: "Oh! My purse

They quickly put down the sugar gourd and went after the thief.

After a few steps, the thief was caught. A tall and powerful figure stepped on the thief, and the people around applauded.

They go to the thief to find their money bag, but Gu Yan suddenly feels that two eyes that can't be ignored fall on him.

When he looked up, he saw a man full of heroism sitting in the wing room on the second floor of a restaurant.

The man's features are resolute and his figure is big. He looks at Gu Yan straightly.

When his eyes met, he raised his glass to Gu Yan and laughed.

Gu Yan frowned.

He didn't like such a smile, which made him uncomfortable.

"Yes, let's go!" Gu Xiaoshun said to Gu Yan.

"Well." Gu Yan ignored the man and went back to the teahouse with Gu Xiaoshun, but Liu Quan didn't come back.

They were waiting in boredom. Suddenly, the young man who had captured the thief came over, arched his hand to them and said, "my son wants to make friends with them. I don't know if they can appreciate it."

"Who is your master?" Gu Xiaoshun asked.

"That one." The young man pointed to the restaurant across the street.

It was the man who raised his glass to him just now. Gu Yan frowned and turned his face.

Gu Xiaoshun looked at it and said, "I don't know. I don't want to make friends."

The young man was stunned, obviously did not expect that the other party refused so simply: "I'm afraid you don't know the identity of my son, my son is..."

"Ah! The carriage is ready Gu Xiaoshun saw the carriage outside, pulled Gu Yan and said, "brother Yan, let's go!"

They did not return to the ground and got into the carriage. They did not give the young man any chance to play.

I thought I could get home safely, but the carriage broke down on the way.

Liu Quan said: "forget it, don't repair it. I'll hire a carriage. You go home first."

As soon as the words came to an end, a luxurious carriage stopped beside them.

"Is the carriage broken?" Accompanied by a deep man's voice with a smile, the curtain of the car was lifted, revealing a resolute face.

When Gu Yan saw that it was him, he was bored to death!

The man jumped out of the carriage, squatted down to check the broken wheel, and said, "I can't use it. If I don't like it, I'll take you back. Where do you live?"

"This..." Liu Quan listened to the familiar tone. Did he know Xiaoshun and Gu Yan?

But he turned his head and saw that Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun did not want to talk to others. His heart was clear. He arched his hand and said, "don't bother me. Let's go back by ourselves."

"There's no car shop around here." The man clapped his hands and said with a smile, "my brother is also a scholar of Qinghe Academy. I saw them wearing the uniform of Qinghe academy, and they seemed to be on the same road with me, so I wanted to take you. But it's right for you to be more cautious. Go ahead and take the third crossing to the East. There's a car shop about two miles away. Go there and rent a car. "

After that, the man left.

Liu Quan breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that he is wrong. But forget it. He rents his own car to save others trouble.

Liu Quan went to rent a car.

Gu Xiaoshun and Gu Yan stayed in the carriage.

They waited and went to sleep.

When Gu Xiaoshun wakes up, he finds that Gu Yan is gone!

Gu Changqing went to nanfengju.

"They started an hour ago. Haven't they got home yet?" Nanxiang frowned and asked.

She was wearing a veil. Gu Changqing didn't see her ferocious face, but even if she saw it, she wouldn't care.

Gu Changqing said, "Xu is here now. I'll go back and look for him."

Gu Changqing returns from Baishi street and meets Liu Quan and Gu Xiaoshun on the way.

"Where's Gu Yan?" He asked.

"No, it's gone!" Gu Xiaoshun said anxiously.

"What happened?" Gu Changqing asked.

Gu Xiaoshun said all the way.

Gu Changqing slightly squinted: "what does that man look like?"

Gu Xiaoshun gave a detailed description, and Gu Changqing's face suddenly cooled down: "Tang, Ming!"

That's right. The man who wanted to make friends with Gu Yan was Tang Ming, the school captain of Hushan camp. Now he is not the school captain. After his uncle became the marshal of the army, he immediately appointed him as the deputy general.

His rank is higher than that of Gu Changqing.

When he saw Gu Yan in the restaurant, he was deeply surprised.

When he met Gu Yan for the first time, Gu Yan was covered tightly by Gu Changqing's cloak, revealing only a pair of slender legs and an icy hand, so he didn't recognize Gu Yan as the beautiful boy Gu Changqing had held in his arms.

In addition, Lao Jijiu was a very low-key man, and his carriage was also low-key. It looked ordinary, not like the travel tool of a wealthy family at all, so he didn't think Gu Yan was such a low-key person.

Gu Yan was lying on the soft bed. Because of the overpowering drug, he was a little short of breath. His cheeks were slightly hot, and a tempting blush appeared.

The young man has a long stature, thin posture and small Adam's apple, but he is very delicate.

Tang Mingyao has played with so many teenagers, but he has never seen such a brilliant man in the world.

He just looked and felt that his soul had been taken away.

Gu Yan wakes up slowly. The effect of the overpowering drug is still there. He can't move.

His heart clapped for a while, Yu Guang swept and saw the face that he had seen many times tonight. A strong disgust suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart!

But Tang Ming laughed.

Worthy of being a beauty, he was so attractive when he started a fire. His eyes, which were slightly red, really touched his heart.

Tang Ming raised his hand. Because of his years of martial arts practice, there are thin cocoons in the palm and finger pulp. He only touched Gu Yan's face lightly, and his delicate skin quickly turned red.

Tang Ming's eyes are full of desire.

Gu Yan felt sick in his stomach. He roared with all his strength: "you... Go away!"

There is no deterrent to this level of roaring.

Tang Ming smiles. He feels so good that he is not satisfied. He just touches each other's face. He moves his finger and opens Gu Yan's skirt.

The skin is like porcelain.

Tang Ming suddenly bent down and took a deep breath in Gu Yan's neck socket: "you really smell good."

Gu Yan was disgusted. He looked at the man's head in disgust and endured the breath of the other side: "you... Look... Die!"

This made Tang Ming pause.

He raised his head and looked at Gu Yan in his spare time: "it's a little wild horse. I love to tame the disobedient wild horse. After a while, a bowl of medicine will go down, and you will cry for me!"

"I'm... The son of marquis Ding'an..."

"Marquis Ding'an?" Tang Ming couldn't help laughing. "How could the son of marquis Ding'an take such a broken carriage? Why don't you say you are the son of Xuanping Marquis? "

The name of Xuanping marquis is much louder than that of Ding'an marquis. If this is the son of Xuanping Marquis, Tang Ming would not dare to move.

As for Marquis Ding'an——

Thinking of Gu Changqing, Tang Ming's face darkened.

That's a tough one, too.

However, he doesn't remember Gu Changqing having such a small brother unless... He is the stepmother's son.

Gu Changqing was at odds with his stepmother, and he didn't want to see her children.

Gu Changqing doesn't care about this brother's life!

So it doesn't matter if he is.

Seeing that the identity of marquis Ding'an was not easy to use, Gu Yan said with great effort: "the Empress Dowager... Will kill you..."

Tang Ming looked at him funny: "Oh? Why did the Empress Dowager kill me? "

Gu Yan: "the Empress Dowager... Is me... Aunt..."

Tang Ming was stunned, then looked up and laughed: "is the Empress Dowager your aunt? Is the Empress Dowager your aunt? I don't know you, but I still know the Empress Dowager! I know more about the people in the Empress Dowager's family than you do! "

There are so many children of the banker, he has seen every one, including Prince Ruyu and Prince an.

It's a pity that Princess an is not only the favorite of the empress dowager, but also the direct grandson of Zhuang Taifu. In his capacity, he can't provoke each other.

Gu Yan stares at him. The drug is very powerful. After a few words, he is about to go to sleep. He tries to keep himself awake: "if you... Don't let me go... The Empress Dowager... The Empress Dowager will really... Kill you!"

"Ha ha ha!" Tang Ming laughed so arrogantly, "I don't know if the Empress Dowager will kill me. Why don't I tell you who I am first. I'm the nephew of the Grand Marshal of the world's troops and horses. My uncle is the confidant of the Empress Dowager. The first thing the Empress Dowager did when she returned to Beijing was to promote my uncle from the general of pumila to the Grand Marshal of the world's troops and horses, and the military power was under Xuanping Marquis! Do you think the Empress Dowager will kill me? Because it moved a little scholar like you? "

Gu Yan had no strength to speak.

But just now that some kind of revolt, made his face flushed again a few minutes, Tang Ming liked very much.

He picked up Gu Yan's chin: "well behaved, don't be afraid, I will hurt you well. You won't feel any pain after taking this medicine."

He said, took out a porcelain vase from his arms, poured a dark red pill in the palm of his hand.

Gu Yan clenched his teeth.

It's a pity that he didn't win even if he was given the overpowering drug. In the eyes of experts like Tang Ming, his little strength is not enough.

Tang Ming grabbed his chin and forced him to swallow the pill.

Gu Yan struggled desperately, but in vain.

As the pill came into his stomach, his consciousness began to dissipate.

With a smile, Tang Ming leaves his tent and tears his clothes