The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 269

The news that the Empress Dowager couldn't eat soon spread to the dealer.

Zhuang Taifu worried that the Empress Dowager was disobedient, so he asked the imperial doctor to diagnose the pulse of the Empress Dowager. But the pulse of the Empress Dowager was not much problem. The imperial doctor estimated that it was a heart disease.

"Maybe... The Empress Dowager has been away from the palace for a long time, and she's not used to coming back suddenly."

Zhuang Taifu said coldly, "she has lived in the deep palace all her life. It's not suitable for her to go out."

She's going home. What's wrong with her?

"Maybe... Let her family stay with her more." The doctor suggested.

Thinking about this possibility, Zhuang Taifu sent Zhuang Yuexi and Zhuang Mengdie to the palace overnight.

Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't feel much relieved when she saw Zhuang Mengdie, but when she saw Zhuang Yuexi behind her, her face suddenly stopped.

Zhuang Yuexi's dress is still her former gorgeous dress, but there is a red peony on her left face.

This is the most popular make-up in the capital nowadays. Since the number one scholar visited the streets, the girls in the capital began to light cinnabar on their faces. Zhuang Yuexi didn't like this kind of rustic make-up at first, but that day the Empress Dowager touched her left face and said what was missing.

She guessed, is not the lack of the current cinnabar makeup?

So she painted it herself before she came to the former queen mother.

It looks good. The Empress Dowager really likes it.

The Empress Dowager waved to Zhuang Yue.

Zhuang Yuexi obediently sits down beside the Empress Dowager. She can feel that the Empress Dowager's attitude towards her is not the same as before. She has not been a coquettish since she was a child. Although she is excellent in everything, she is the favorite of her sister at home.

Even the elder brother and his younger sister went to Jiangnan to visit Mengdie in caobaozhuang.

"What did you have for dinner?" Asked empress dowager Zhuang, holding her hand.

Zhuang Yuexi was flattered and said, "I had some cereal porridge for dinner."

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "that's no good. It's too little. You're old enough to grow up. You should eat more. Come on, pass on the meal

The palace people are very happy. It's still Zhuang Taifu who has a way to send the two ladies to the palace. The Empress Dowager will have an appetite immediately.

A table full of dishes was presented.

The Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't let the palace people wait on her. Instead, she brought a bowl full of dishes to Zhuang Yuexi herself: "if you eat more, you are too thin to give birth to a grandson to AI's family."

Zhuang Yuexi blushed: "Empress Dowager..."

She's not out yet.

Zhuang Mengdie was surprised and asked, "empress dowager, are you going to point out your sister's marriage?"

Empress Dowager Zhuang frowned and looked at Zhuang Yuexi: "marriage? Aren't you married? "

"Ah?" Zhuang Yuexi was stunned, "empress dowager, I don't have it."

Empress Dowager Zhuang was in a trance.

So who got married?

What about her little grandson?

"Empress dowager, are you ok?" Zhuang Yuexi holds the Empress Dowager's hand with concern.

Empress Dowager Zhuang couldn't remember. She shook her head: "it's OK. Maybe I'm sorry. In other words, you are sixteen this year, and you will be seventeen in six months. It's time to show you a marriage. "

Zhuang Yuexi said in a low voice: "Yuexi doesn't want to get married. Yuexi wants to stay at home to serve her parents and accompany the Empress Dowager often."

Empress Dowager Zhuang said, "you can go back to your mother's house even if you marry someone. No one dares to aggrieve the daughter of the banker."

Zhuang Yuexi picked up her chopsticks again and said nothing.

The Empress Dowager of the restaurant still didn't eat much. When Zhuang Yuexi entered the palace, the joy she brought to the Empress Dowager seemed to fade away when Zhuang Yuexi said she didn't get married.

Zhuang Yuexi didn't understand what was going on, neither did the Empress Dowager herself.

The next day, Empress Dowager Zhuang went to court and listened to the government behind the curtain.

The emperor publicly promulgated the imperial edict of canonizing the old sacrificial wine as the sacrificial wine of Guozijian.

"Does the mother have any objection?" The emperor turned to the Empress Dowager Zhuang behind the Pearl curtain.

Empress Dowager Zhuang's thin lips lightly recalled: "I've lost my old friend for several years. I miss her very much. If the emperor is canonized well, the Imperial Academy will be handed over to Lord Huo. "

Old wine holding wat board, kneeling on the Jinluan hall, but a dozen steps, but as if separated from the distance of thousands of rivers and mountains: "long live my emperor, long live! The empress dowager, thousands of years, thousands of years

Empress Dowager Zhuang said with a faint smile, "there's also a Yizhi to be announced."


The emperor pinched his fingers.

Empress Dowager Zhuang said without hesitation: "the position of Grand Marshal of the world's troops and horses has always been vacant in our Dynasty. After discussing with the ministers, the AI family thinks that it is better to establish one. The general of the pumila is brave and good at fighting, brave and resourceful. He has the strategy of immortality and the strategy of supporting the country. He is loyal to his majesty and can be regarded as the Grand Marshal of the world's troops and horses in our country. What do you think of your majesty? "

Grand Marshal of the world's troops and horses, isn't this going to be higher than Xuanping Marquis?

The Empress Dowager Zhuang didn't object to his setting up the Imperial College to offer sacrifices to the emperor, which gave him enough face. If he rejected the Empress Dowager's edict at this time, the Empress Dowager would have a way to prevent him from taking office.

There was a delicate balance between them, but the Empress Dowager spoke too much this time!

Marshal Bingma? Why didn't she abolish him directly? She could be emperor herself!

Empress Dowager Zhuang: "if your majesty has any opinions, we can discuss them another day."

The emperor pinched his fingernails into the palm of his hand and said, "I don't mind. What the Empress Dowager means is what I mean."

After the separation, the emperor went back to the palace with a green face.

Empress Dowager Zhuang also went back to Renshou palace.

Everyone thought that empress dowager Zhuang had won, but only empress Zhuang knew that she was not happy.

The moment she entered Renshou palace, the arrogance and arbitrariness on her face disappeared, and she fell into endless loneliness.

Zhuang Mengdie used to be closest to the Empress Dowager. In fact, she found that the Empress Dowager was different. She had only been here for two days, and the Empress Dowager was thin.

She still remembers the scene when the Empress Dowager arrived at the dealer with injuries on a stormy night. At that time, the Empress Dowager's face was ruddy, but these days, as long as there was no one around, her eyes would lose their look and luster.

This kind of Empress Dowager is very distressing to her.

But he said that after the emperor came back to Huaqing Palace, he was alone in the bedroom and sulky.

Anyone who heard about the imperial court did not dare to touch the emperor's head. It happened that one of them did not hear the bloodbath of the imperial court.

Qin Chuyu.

Qin Chuyu has been trying to fulfill his promise to his classmates these days, but his brother and sister-in-law have no time to take care of him. He has no choice but to ask his father and Emperor.

"Father, father, Xiao Qi missed you!"

One of the cute ways to sell small clearance, don't say anything!

The emperor really looks a little bit Ji, looking at the fat little son, asked: "Why are you here? Don't you have to go to class today? "

"Today the Imperial College is on holiday!" Qin Chuyu sat down beside his father.

He is still young, the emperor did not take the rules to restrain him, but he was not like this before. It was because he saw Xiao Jingkong getting along with his family that he followed the rules.

Apart from the eldest prince, no son has ever been so close to the emperor, just like an ordinary folk father and son.

Qin Chuyu hugged his father's hand: "father, can I ask you something?"

Emperor: "say."

Qin Chuyu: "can I bring my classmates to the palace to play?"

Generally, the emperor would not disallow such trifles, but today he was really angry in front of the Empress Dowager. He said, "your grandmother has gone back to the palace. You know she is afraid of noise and doesn't like people making trouble in the palace. If you run into her, your father can't bear for you."

Qin Chuyu said softly, "Oh, father, you can even afford the mountains and rivers. What can't you afford when we make trouble?"

This is flattery!

The emperor was angry and funny, and said, "you know you're all in trouble."

Qin Chuyu held his arm and said, "please, father, Xiao Qi loves you!"

The emperor has goose bumps!

You are eight years old. Do you really think you are only four years old!

The emperor can't agree that the Empress Dowager can't grasp anything in this joint.

Qin Chuyu doesn't understand these intrigues. He only knows that he has promised his little partner, and he must do it.

The emperor went to the imperial study, he also went to the imperial study, the emperor went to the imperial garden, he also went to the imperial garden, and finally the emperor entered the hut.

Qin Chuyu came in with a quick pace.

The Emperor

The emperor made up his mind, basically can't change, Qin Chuyu did his best, also didn't let his father let go.

"Go back. I'm going to get up early and go to school tomorrow."

Qin Chuyu slouched forward. At this time, he happened to be at the edge of Taiye pool. He didn't pay attention, and his feet slipped and fell into the pool.

The emperor quickly went to catch him. As a result, Qin Chuyu just fell on the bank. The emperor went because he jumped out of his head and fell into the water.

Qin Chuyu

He, he didn't mean to

Duke Wei was shocked: "Your Majesty --"

Although the emperor was rescued quickly, he choked a lot of water and was surprised. At night, he began to feel uncomfortable, first with high fever, night sweats and coughing, and then with dizziness, nausea and retching.

Duke Wei went to ask the doctor, but he was told that he was out of the city.

"Zhang, Zhang Yuyi!" Said the emperor difficultly.

Duke Wei sent someone to Zhangjia, but Doctor Zhang was not at home.

All this seems to be too coincidental!

Duke Wei said: "Your Majesty, why don't you... Go and ask doctor Li?"

The emperor said with a pale face, "Doctor Li is a member of the Empress Dowager. Do you think I will trust myself to his hand?"

Duke Wei was worried: "well, what can I do? How about Doctor Chen and... "

"Don't go to the doctor." The emperor's eyes were cold. "You go to the magic hand hall and ask the little doctor to come. Remember not to make too much publicity. You go in person."

"... yes!"

It's so late that I don't know if the little doctor is in the hospital.

Duke Wei kept going out of the palace and went to the wonderful hand hall.

Miaozhou hall is closed, but there is a doctor on duty in miaozhou hall, who can ring the bell outside at night.

Duke Wei rang the bell.

It was Dr. Song who opened the door. He yawned and asked, "what's wrong with you?"

Duke Wei said quickly: "it's not my discomfort, it's my family... Master! Is Miss Gu here

Doctor song met Duke Wei and knew that he was an official's servant, and their master and servant seemed to know Gu Jiao.

Doctor Song said, "Miss Gu, I'll go out with you."

"No, you have to take care of the girl!" Duke Wei insisted.

Doctor song explained: "Miss Gu is injured. She can't go out to see a doctor in the middle of the night..."

"What's the matter?"

It's Xiao LIULANG's voice.

Doctor song looked at Xiao LIULANG and said, "the master of his family is ill. I want to ask Miss Gu to see her."

When Duke Wei saw Xiao LIULANG, he looked like: "Xiao, Xiao number one? Why are you here? "

Doctor song was surprised that he knew Xiao LIULANG and Gu Jiao, but he didn't know they were husband and wife. He said, "he's Miss Gu's husband."

Duke Wei was stunned.

Is Xiao and Xiao Zhuangyuan the Prime Minister of Miss Gu? Is Miss Gu married? The target is Xiao LIULANG, the number one scholar of new science?

When did it happen?

Xiao LIULANG took a look at Duke Wei and said, "I know. I'll go and talk to her."

Duke Wei, unable to think about their relationship, bowed his body and said, "thank you! Thank you, Xiao Zhuangyuan

Gu Jiao was woken up by the movement outside. When Xiao LIULANG came into the room, she had already opened her eyes.

"Is it a visit?" She asked.

Xiao LIULANG paused and said, "the emperor is ill."

If the emperor is ill, he should go to the imperial doctor. Everyone knows this. If he doesn't look for it, he will have to look for her.

"OK, I'll go." Gu Jiao nodded.

When we go, we are involved in right and wrong.

If the emperor could not find a trusted doctor, there was only one possibility - The Empress Dowager wanted to kill him while he was ill.

Xiao LIULANG's mind turned around, but did not stop her decision, just asked: "your injury..."

"It's just skin injury. It's all right." It's okay, at least in her eyes.

Xiao LIULANG took her blouse and said, "I'll go with you."

Gu Jiao thought about it and nodded: "OK."