The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 262

Sacking is a familiar thing. I used to use silver last time, but this time I used to use people.

The Crown Princess didn't even have time to shout, so she was carried away!

But they said that two female officials were following the crown princess, but after a turn, the Crown Princess disappeared.

It's true that the Crown Princess turned into the alley before them, but she didn't run away in the twinkling of an eye, did she? So fast?

They quickly came to the carriage, opened the curtain, but saw that the car was empty.

One of them asked the master, "have you seen the princess?"

"Is not the crown princess with you?" he said

The female official said: "the crown princess has just come! Don't you see that? "

"When did the princess come?" the master said

Female official urgent way: "clearly is to come over!"

The master of interior medicine hummed coldly: "will I not know if I come here?"


"Forget it, sister Ming." Another female official surnamed Qing shook her head. "Don't argue. You'd better hurry to find the princess. Maybe she's nearby. Maybe she's going to meet someone."

"How can the Crown Princess leave us alone to meet people?" the official murmured

Qing female officials said: "first find again, separate to find."

They looked for it separately, but it was a straight lane. There was no fork in the road, only a lot of carriages were parked. They looked for it one by one, but there was no trace of the princess.

"Did you really see the princess go into the alley?" Asked the master.

The female official of Ming Dynasty said anxiously: "the crown princess is in front of us. She turned a corner. She didn't go into the alley. Where did she go?"

The master of the interior raised his head suspiciously and looked at the roofs on both sides. Was he abducted?

The night is low, and the last orange light of the sunset is stubbornly floating on the cornice of the bucket arch, reflecting a dazzling streamer.

Gu Jiao was as light as a swallow, carrying a big sack flying from the eaves, and entered the orchard near Bishui Hutong through the back door.

The orchard is semi open. Children in nearby hutongs love to go in and play. If they pick fruits, they have to buy them by catty, which is cheaper than those on the market.

In the back of the orchard, there is a tool room transformed by a horse shed. It is in disrepair for a long time, and it leaks wind and rain. It has been abandoned.

Gu Jiao pushed the door open and threw the sack in. She didn't feel pity for Yu at all.

The crown princess was bumped all the way, her intestines almost broke, and she fell to the ground again. The pain made her exclaim: "ah - who are you?"

Gu Jiaocai doesn't talk nonsense to her, Shua's take off the sack on her head.

After bumping all the way in the sack, her bun also broke up and her pearl hairpin also fell off. The whole person was in a bit of a mess.

She subconsciously raised her hand to block the light in front of her eyes, and found that it was not too dazzling. Then she looked at the robber standing in front of her.

It turned out to be a woman wearing a gaudy peacock plume mask.

There was an inexplicable surprise in her eyes: "who are you? What are you going to do? "

Gu Jiao casually walked up to her and looked down at her. She reached out, grabbed her skirt and lifted her up. Then, a big earful called to her and directly called her to the wall.

Scare her husband with a cat?


The crown princess has never been treated like this. Although her family is not worth mentioning compared with the Du family and the Luo government, she is also a scholarly family. All the girls in her family were pampered and grew up. Later, she became the fiancee of the little Marquis, and no one could help flattering herself.

The biggest grievance is to go to the state of Liang, which is ignored by other countries, but it is not aimed at her.

It's incredible to be bagged, like carrying a chick, and slapped?

"You..." she fell to the ground and looked coldly at Gu Jiao, trying to frighten each other with her powerful imperial concubine aura.



Gu Jiao arrest people, Duang! Duang! Duang!

Again and again, like piling, I wish I could plant her in the field!

"You are crazy! I'm -- ah -- "

"Prince -- ah --"

"Grey -- ah --"

The crown princess was beaten to the point where she couldn't even speak quickly.

Gu Jiao's small fists from sunset to dark, successfully beat her into a pig's head.

Gu Jiao blew his little fist: "I'm not easy. I'm so tired."

The crown princess with crooked nose and mouth

Who is not easy?

All of a sudden, there was a sound of footwork outside the house. Then the door keeper kicked it open, and the master of the imperial concubine rushed in.

He looked at the prince and concubine who was so embarrassed that she didn't even have a face. The veins on her forehead jumped: "stop! Let go of the princess

Gu Jiao clapped her hands: "Oh."

No matter whether the other side is a girl or not, the master rushes to Gu Jiao and makes a hand. His moves are all killing moves, and they fight together in an instant.

The master of the insider will soon find that stopping Gu Jiao is his biggest mistake tonight.

In fact, Gu Jiao beat almost, and was ready to leave. If the master of internal affairs didn't fight Gu Jiao, he would take the princess away immediately.

Unfortunately, the two fought.

It's true that Gu Jiao is a master in the field. At the beginning, she was still a little difficult to fight. However, after dozens of moves, Gu Jiao gradually got into a good situation, and gradually drew with him. In a moment, she was about to take up the top.

Look at this posture. I'm afraid a master can't control this girl.

If she can't control it, Gu Jiao is too lazy to beat the crown princess any more. But the Crown Princess doesn't think so. She thinks that if she doesn't go now, she will have to be beaten for a while. So she tries her best to escape while Gu Jiao is trying to stop her.

She is lucky. She runs away in a hurry, but meets Qin Chuyu who is playing in the orchard.

Qin Chuyu, Xiao Jingkong and Xu Cong get rid of the eunuch and Xu's servants and run to a big jujube tree. Xiao Jingkong likes to eat the jujubes on this tree. Unfortunately, there are no jujubes at present.

But just have a big nest.

"I'll climb up first." Xu said.

He is the youngest son of the Minister of the Ministry of war. He has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. He is not too spoiled. He swished up the tree and climbed up without a moment.

Small clearance is also on the ground.

In the end, Qin Chuyu was left.

Qin Chuyu is fat and spoiled. He can't even climb a higher stool, let alone climb a tree.

"Oh, you do!" Small clearance urgent to give him a demonstration on the top of him, "hold hands, legs around, first hands, and then move feet, a little ass pucker, go up!"

Qin Chuyu tried twice, and really climbed a little.

At this time, the Crown Princess appeared, she is usually a very calm person, but people's fear of the unknown can always submerge reason, Gu Jiao did not plan anything, just beat her hard, so that her heart was cold, even her own appearance and identity were ignored.

When she saw Qin Chuyu, as if she saw a life-saving straw, she rushed toward Qin Chuyu: "Xiao Qi --"

Qin Chuyu finally climbed a few feet high. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a pig's face. He was so scared that he said, "ghost!"

One foot towards the other's face!

The only intact nose of the crown princess was cocked by Qin Chuyu, and the nosebleed was flowing!

Qin Chuyu was even more frightened: "ah! I can't! I'm going to fall! "

Qin Chuyu's hands and feet softened and fell to the ground.

Xiao Jingkong and Xu Cong see this and climb down to help him.

The Crown Princess held back the pain, covered her bloody nose and said, "Xiao Qi, it's me! I'm Huang Sao! Where are your servants and carriages? Go away with your sister-in-law

When she was excited, she even forgot to cover up her royal identity with Qin Chuyu. She simply couldn't understand Xiao Jingkong and Xu Cong. What's Huang Sao and Hong Sao's!

"Ah! Don't come here Qin Chuyu was scared to retreat on the ground by the ghost like appearance of the princess.

Xiaojingkong is a smart child. He combines his rich life experience and comes to the conclusion instantly: "brother Xiaoqi, brother porridge, she is shooting flower seeds!"

He and ming'er's brother used this routine when they abducted him!

Pretend to know them, say they are children of their family, and take them away without any doubt!

Xu Cong thinks xiaojingkong is reasonable, and it's not Qin Chuyu's sister-in-law, so they all agree that it's a child abductor.

I can't bear it!

Three peas have a sense of justice. They find a stick to beat huazi.

So, after being beaten by Gu Jiao's small fists, the crown princess was beaten by the three concubines of the Imperial College.

It's Qin Chuyu who takes the lead——


Xuanping on the other side didn't know what happened to the princess. He got on the carriage back to the mansion, and the driver was Chang Jing.

Halfway through the carriage, he suddenly asked Chang Jing to stop it.

"Chang Jing." He spoke.

"Well?" Chang Jing looks back and opens the curtain to see him.

There was no lamp in the car, and the light was a little dim, but there was candle light and moonlight in the street, which penetrated through the gap of the curtain and fell on Xuanping Marquis's face, which was more and more mature and beautiful by the years.

Chang Jing is blind and can't see where he looks good.

Xuanping Hou sighed: "do you have anything to be afraid of?"

Chang Jing seriously thought about it and shook his head: "No."

Xuanping Hou looked at him suspiciously: "nothing?"

Chang Jing lowered his head: "cockroach."

Xuanping Marquis

How many cockroaches are you afraid of?

"Dirty." Chang Jing explained wrongly.

When Chang Jing was very young, he once ate a few cockroaches in his own meal. Others deliberately disgusted him. As a result, he was really disgusted. Since then, when he saw cockroaches, he would remember that he had eaten them, and his scalp was numb.

Xuanping raised his eyebrows and said with pride, "ah Heng is afraid of cats. He is more promising than you."

Chang Jing's mouth draws. What sense of existence are you looking for here?

In other words, Xuanping Hou didn't expect ah Heng to be afraid of cats. When he thought about it carefully, his father was really incompetent. He didn't even know his son's taboo.

Xuanping Marquis tangled for a moment, a horizontal heart, said: "don't go back to the house, go to a blue water alley, and, for me to find a cat."

Chang Jing soon found a wild cat on the side of the road. Xuanping Hou carried the poor little wild cat with a frown. This thing can try to find out if he is ah Heng?

Gu Jiao and Xiao Jingkong haven't come home since it's dark. Xiao LIULANG decides to go out to look for them. As soon as he crosses the threshold of the front yard, he sees a familiar carriage stopping at the door.

Xuanping Hou sat on the seat of the car, holding the wild cat in his hand.

He made up his mind to use the cat to test Xiao LIULANG. However, just as Xiao LIULANG walked out of the door, he instinctively put the cat into Chang Jing's arms and blocked Chang Jing with his broad body.

He moved so fast that Xiao LIULANG didn't see the cat. He just thought he was acting strangely.

Xiao LIULANG ignored him and walked out of the alley without expression.

Chang Jing looked at the wild cat that was suddenly stuffed into his arms and asked, "don't you try?"

Xuanping Hou sighed: "don't try." At least we don't have to try.

"Why?" Chang Jing is puzzled.

Xuanping Hou sighed: "I'm afraid if he is really aheng."

Chang Jing looked at the wild cat in his arms, and then at Xuanping Hou: "it's master aheng's, isn't it very good?"

Xuanping Hou bitterly said: "no, if it was him, he would be scared by the cat."

Just as Gu Jiao can't understand Yao's choice in emotion, Chang Jing can't understand Xuanping Hou's care in front of Xiao LIULANG.

Chang Jing asked, "do you want this cat?"

Xuanping Hou Dan said: "no, all the wild cats in the house will be cleaned up."


The two female officials finally found the crown princess in the orchard, who was regarded as a flower girl. The crown princess could not be described by her face. When the female officials saw that it was Qin Chuyu who took the lead in beating people, they simply did not know what to do.

It is impossible to order arrest. The crown princess is the emperor's daughter-in-law, but Qin Chuyu is still the emperor's and Queen's own son.

What's more, it's too humiliating to be beaten like this. Is it necessary to go to the princess's face?

Finally, the two female officials took the princess away on the ground of taking people to report to the government... Er, no, they dragged her away.

After returning to the palace, Qin Chuyu boasted like his father that he had beaten away a flower seed, which was greatly praised by the emperor.


The doctor removed the thread for the king of an County. After changing the medicine for the last time, he told him to stay in bed for a rest and left with the medicine box.

The servant sent the doctor out of the house.

Chuang Tai Fu winked. Wu Yang came out of the room and closed the two doors from the outside.

Princess an sat on the head of the bed, pulled the quilt over his injured leg, and said calmly, "it's late, and my grandfather has a rest early."

Zhuang Taifu's eyes were slightly cold and said: "Xuanping Marquis has deceived people too much. Sooner or later, I will get back for you!"

Prince an dropped his eyes and sneered: "how easy is it? He is his Majesty's brother-in-law as well as his Majesty's elder brother-in-law. He also holds military power and responds to every call. How can anyone get him? "

Zhuang Taifu's eyes were cold again: "if the Empress Dowager is still in the court hall, where can she get his Xuanping marquis to make waves?"

When it comes to empress dowager Zhuang, the prince of an didn't reply.

It was indeed a woman who was in charge of the two dynasties. When Xuanping Marquis was still playing with mud, she was already the queen of the sixth imperial palace.

It's just that no matter how bad people are, they will fall into leprosy when they stumble in front of the horse?

Zhuang Taifu said in a cold voice: "Xiao LIULANG has already recognized the Empress Dowager. From the beginning, the purpose of approaching the Empress Dowager is not simple. It's hateful that we were all kept in the dark. In order to let him bring the Empress Dowager into the capital, he persuaded his majesty to reopen the Imperial College. Fortunately, the Imperial College is not in his Majesty's hands now, and there is still room for recovery. But anyway, the Empress Dowager can't stay in their hands. "

This time, he did not contradict his grandfather.

But he didn't know what he thought. He was silent for a moment. Then he asked, "what's grandfather going to do?"

Zhuang Taifu dusted his sleeves and said, "come to the door openly and recognize the Empress Dowager!"

Bishui Hutong, the old lady just finished a game of cards, she pushed the card table: "that's all for today, no more playing!"

The neighbors went back to their homes.

Yes, I lost money, but I still had a good time.

This is mainly due to the old lady's winning strategy. She doesn't play cards with the same table every day, and she doesn't cut only one person's leeks all the time. For example, aunt Zhao lost yesterday, and today she let her win a little. It's very normal for everyone to lose and win.

But if you count carefully, what they lose is their own and what they win is their partner's. no one wins from the old lady.

The old lady stretched out and went to the next room to see Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun.

Gu Yan sleeps on the bed. Gu Xiaoshun sits on a small bench and works as a carpenter.

The old lady was very satisfied.

Xiaoshun, this kid, go on the road.

She doesn't ask much of Gu Yan, just live.

Yao is doing embroidery. LIULANG's three are doing something outside. They won't come back after dark.

The old lady was hungry and went to the kitchen to find food.

Mammy Fang went to the embroidery building to get her clothes. At night, she used to drink and cook.

Lao Jijiu fried a few home dishes, stewed a can of asparagus chicken soup, and fried a few brown sugar Ciba.

Next is the food for xiaojingkong alone - Lily egg soup, tofu meatballs, fried shrimp with vegetables.

"Have the children returned?" The old wine as like as two peas, and the nature of the old wine, is similar to that of Uncle Zhao and aunt Zhao.

"Not yet." The old lady began to look for food.

"Here." The old sacrificial wine seemed to know that she would be hungry early in the morning, so he took out a small dish of brown sugar Ciba prepared separately. This dish of Ciba was sprinkled with white sesame, and several children didn't like to eat brown sugar Ciba sprinkled with white sesame.

The old lady didn't know what was wrong. She held the plate, sat down on the small bench and began to eat.

One is busy in front of the stove, the other is eating behind the stove, the oil in the pot is blaring, and the whole room is fragrant with butter and onion.

Dong Dong!

There was a knock outside.

"Who is it?" Yao put down his embroidery work and went out.

The old man walked out of the kitchen and said to Yao: "I'll come, I'll come!"

"Ah, good." Yao went back to the house.

In fact, the gate of the courtyard is hidden. It should not be a neighbor. Otherwise, it will be directly pushed into the courtyard.

"Who is it?" He asked as he opened the wooden door.

As soon as he saw Zhuang Taifu at the door, his eyebrows jumped. He closed the door, smeared the plaster on his face, then opened the door again and asked in a strange voice, "who is that? What can I do for you

Zhuang Taifu looked at him strangely. He was obviously puzzled by his opening and closing. Then he saw that his face was covered with dust and his clothes were simple. In a moment, he regarded him as a servant in the yard, so he didn't look at the old sacrifice wine with his eyes.

Otherwise, if you look more, you can still barely recognize one or two.

Zhuang Taifu said, "call out your old lady. I have something to find her."

The old sacrificial wine was a thousand and a thousand, but it didn't count that Zhuang Taifu would come to the door in person, so Zhuang Taifu couldn't recognize the Zhuangzi.

You know, before empress dowager Zhuang lost her memory, the most painful offspring was Princess an. When Princess an went to the state of Chen as a hostage, empress Zhuang was so angry that she couldn't eat for several days and nights, and everyone was ill.

Now Liu Lang has taken away the new champion who should belong to the king of an County. If she is awakened by the makers, Liu Lang will be miserable.

The old man raised his chest and said, "what old lady? Who are you? Wrong person, right? Let's go, let's go! If you don't go, I'll report to the official! "

"A dog slave, dare to stand in my master's way! Get out of the way The guard next to Zhuang Taifu stepped forward and pushed away the old sacrificial wine mercilessly.

The old wine maker faltered and nearly fell to the ground. Fortunately, a hand reached out and helped him in time.

He turned to see, finished, after the evil demon out.

The old lady didn't look at the guard, and her cold eyes fell on Zhuang Taifu's face.

She was dressed in cloth, and there was no extra jewelry on her head. However, her dignity seemed to burst out from her bones, and even the old wine she held could not help shivering.

This is the most chilling time I've been with her for so long. It's even more fierce than the arrogance when she came to rob her private money with a knife.