The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 259

Seeing that he did not sit in his seat, but sat beside Xiao LIULANG, everyone was surprised.

However, on second thought, he left early last night and joined late today. I'm afraid he didn't hear those remarks about Xiao LIULANG. And he came from a poor family. He didn't know the rules of the seats. He was afraid to think that the number one and the number one were sitting on one side.

This is the sorrow of the poor students. They can't see the situation clearly, they can't understand the rules clearly, and they offend people unconsciously.

However, people hate Xiao LIULANG the most, and they don't have much hatred for Ning Zhiyuan. Compared with Xiao LIULANG, Ning Zhiyuan is not worth mentioning if he wants to have no appearance or background.

Soon, the people once again set their cold eyes on Xiao LIULANG. They whispered from time to time, mostly criticizing Xiao LIULANG.

Xiao LIULANG was sitting on the cushion, as if he didn't hear it, or he chose to ignore it.

The hall is noisy, but his figure is a little thin.

Ning Zhiyuan took a sip of tea and suddenly said to him, "I went to the Ministry of rites to check the papers. I've read your article. You really deserve to be number one. Don't care about other people's eyes. The king of an county also did a good job in asking questions, but compared with you, he was a little less sincere. I think that's what really moved your majesty. On the contrary, I was a little inferior to Yuan Yu, but in the end, I took the third place and he took the fourth. Maybe it's because Yuan Yu is the grandson of Yuan Shoufu. He's easy to get ahead of others, but if I don't get into the top three, I'll have little hope of success. "

Xiao LIULANG looked at Ning Zhiyuan in dismay.

He threatened him so much yesterday that he could still say this to himself.

It seems that he is not unaware of the rumors.

Xiao LIULANG lightly looked away: "still have the courage to sit here and talk to me, not afraid to light a fire?"

Ning Zhiyuan was silent for a long time before he said in a low voice: "if there is no you, I will be the one who is excluded now."

Ning Zhiyuan is also born in a poor family. He is not like Xiao LIULANG. He is in the eye of a noble man. No one supports him. If he is excluded, it is likely that he can't stay in the capital.

Xiao LIULANG's achievements are better than him, and his aura is bigger than him, which attracts everyone's jealousy, but few people have the leisure to crowd him out.

"Hold on." Ning Zhi took a deep breath and said wrongly, "if you don't fall, it's my turn next..."

Xiao LIULANG, who was almost moved by him, said: "I'm not sure."

When the emperor came, everyone was silent.

The Emperor didn't say anything when he saw the king's seat. After he took his seat, he asked the musicians to play "the sound of the deer", followed by all the Jinshi to recite "the sound of the deer", and finally ordered each of the three tripods to write a poem for the occasion, which set off an excellent academic atmosphere.

The meals of the Luming banquet are prepared by the imperial dining room, which is much more abundant than the simple meals on the day of the entrance examination and the palace examination. Many people have never eaten the palace delicacies in their life, and today may be their first and last time.

Although the emperor's power was terrible, they still enjoyed it. After all, it was really delicious.

After a while, the emperor left and handed over the scene to the officials of the Ministry of rites.

Towards evening, when the banquet was over, the Jinshi left in turn.

Xiao LIULANG and Feng Lin walked out of the hall of supreme harmony together. Not long after they went out, a eunuch came over with a smile: "excuse me, is this Xiao number one

Xiao LIULANG gave him a light look: "who are you?"

The eunuch said with a smile: "the old slave's surname is Huang. He is a servant of his highness. His highness wants to see Xiao Zhuangyuan. He also asks Xiao Zhuangyuan to move to the east palace."

Xiao LIULANG paused: "why does the prince want to see me?"

The eunuch laughed and said, "the slave is just a messenger. If Xiao Zhuangyuan has any doubts, he can consult his royal highness face to face."

Du Ruohan frowned.

The prince can't help but go——

Feng Lin was very happy: "LIULANG, the prince summoned you!"

"Well, I know." Xiao LIULANG nodded and said to the eunuch, "please take the lead."

Eunuch compared a please gesture: "Xiao Zhuangyuan, please."

"You go back first. You don't have to wait for me. Liu will pick me up later." After that, Xiao LIULANG and the eunuch went to the east palace.

Feng Lin said with a smile: "Your Highness has heard about LIULANG's talent, and wants to win him over?"

No wonder he thinks so. The prince is the nephew of Xuanping marquis. Xiao LIULANG is like the son of Xuanping marquis. Isn't that like the prince's cousin? A family!

Du Ruohan said, "the prince has married his cousin's fiancee. Who knows what the prince's mood is when he meets someone who looks like his cousin?"

Feng Lin trembled all over: "ah, forget this stubble!"


The capital, Liu's courtyard.

In the past, the resplendent Liufu had already been confiscated. Today, the Lius are crowded in a shabby small house. It is said that the Lius are only liuyisheng, a master, a dumb slave and an old woman who can hardly work.

When Gu Jiao stepped into Liu's house, Liu Yisheng was squatting on the ground, practicing calligraphy on a broken stone slab picked up from outside with an old brush stained with water.

He has no money to buy pen and paper. He can only practice in this way.

When he saw the little figure in the yard, he was slightly surprised. There was a trace of embarrassment and embarrassment in his eyes, but it was replaced by a stream of self mockery.

Has been humble to the dust, what self-esteem face to speak of?

He continued to practice calligraphy, ignoring Gu Jiao.

The mute slave in the yard grabs a stick and blocks Liu Yisheng.

It seems that Liu Yisheng has been bullied.

Liu Yisheng sneered: "step back, Anu, you can't beat her."

Anu did not retreat, staring at Gu Jiao.

He is not old, and Gu Xiaoshun the same age, Gu Jiao took a piece of sugar from his pocket and handed him: "eat it?"

As soon as Anu's eyes brightened, his saliva flowed down, but instead of coming forward, he kept his front.

Liu Yisheng sneered: "go to eat. If she wants to kill you, she doesn't have to be so troublesome."

Anu hesitated again before he put down the stick. Like a little monkey, he picked the candy that Gu Jiao handed him. It seemed that Gu Jiao would calculate after a second's delay.

He took the sugar, broke it off and ate it in a small mouthful, and put the rest into his pocket.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Liu Yisheng.

"Your medicine." Gu Jiao will be a pile of bundles of good medicine to him, "the last course of treatment."

"But I don't hurt anymore." He was referring to his own cholecystitis.

"You have to take it without pain. It's a course of treatment." Gu Jiao said.

Liu Yisheng said, "I have no money."

Gu Jiao said: "I know you don't have money. If you sell me a piece of news, I won't accept your medicine money."

Neither of them mentioned the gambling and Zanhua, as if they had forgotten it together.

Liu Yisheng's calligraphy practice: "what news do you want?"

Gu Jiao picked her eyebrows and said, "have you ever had a rebellion in the Liu family?"

Liu Yisheng hehe said: "what if you have made it? What if it's not built? "

Gu Jiao touched her chin: "if you've ever had a rebellion, you should know a lot about the palace. For example, what's the way to enter the palace?"

Liu Yisheng

On the other side, Duke Huang led Xiao LIULANG to the east palace. Seeing that he was going to pass by the imperial garden, Xiao LIULANG suddenly stopped.

Mr. Huang asked, "Xiao Zhuangyuan, what's the matter?"


He seemed to hear the cat barking. The very slight sound made his hair tighten.

Mr. Huang said with a smile: "nothing's wrong. Let's go as soon as possible. Don't let the prince wait."

Xiao LIULANG nodded lightly.

Not far away on the banyan tree lies a white cat, enjoying the little fish on the tree.

They went through the Royal Garden and were about to pass by the banyan tree. Suddenly, another entrance of the royal garden came to a little maid in waiting: "Oh, no, no! Someone's coming

Xiao LIULANG turned around.

Huang Gonggong frowned, pointed to a little eunuch beside him and said, "go and see what happened. I'll take Xiao Zhuangyuan to see your highness."

"Yes." The little eunuch went off in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, the little palace maid pushed him away, ran all the way to Mr. Huang, and knelt down with a plop: "Mr. Huang! It's very nice of you to be here! Please help my highness! My highness is dying! "

"Who is she?" Xiao LIULANG asked Mr. Huang.

Duke Huang was so angry that he tried to break away from the little maid, but she held his thigh tightly: "Duke Huang! Help my highness

"How can you manage your Highness's affairs?" he said? You must tell your majesty

The little maid cried, "if I can see your majesty, how can I ask for your name? Please take me to see the prince! Although my highness is a proton, he is the prince of Chen. You can't ignore him! My highness has been ill for a long time

"What's the matter?"

Princess Ning, who was walking near the imperial garden, also heard the news. She came slowly with the help of her servants.

Concubine Zhuang attached great importance to the birth of Princess Ning, and specially asked the emperor for grace to allow her to raise the baby in her Yongshou palace.

Duke Huang saw that Princess Zhuang came and looked at the banyan tree not far away. There was a dark light in his eyes. He scolded the little maid for her bad deeds.

Chen proton is ill when he is ill. He comes here to be a proton, not a prince. Don't he count in his heart?

He's mad!