The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 257

In fact, Xiao LIULANG also had a feeling that he was as if he had been separated from the rest of the world.

After going to the palace so many times, I came out from the main gate of the Meridian Gate for the first time. It was only opened for the owner of the palace. However, the top three of the Imperial Palace, champion, champion and Tanhua were also qualified to go once.

I don't think I care.

When I really came out, I still felt different.

But he is not so excited as Feng Lin, he is calm.

He told Feng Lin: "to serve the imperial court, there are many opportunities."

Feng Lin said in a low voice: "but I don't want to go back to the county to seek an official position. I want to stay in the Academy. I really envy you for being able to enter the Academy directly."

The number one scholar is not the highest rank of a scholar, the Hanlin is.

There is a saying that the Imperial Academy has been called the place of prime minister since ancient times, whether Zhuang Taifu or yuan Shoufu, even the old sacrificial wine came from the Imperial Academy.

Entering the Imperial Academy may not be able to get ahead, but if not, then as a civil servant, basically there is not much to look forward to.

Xiao LIULANG said: "the second and third class Jinshi will be admitted to the imperial examination next month. As long as they pass the imperial examination, they will be able to stay in the capital. After three years, they will leave the Imperial Academy, and those with excellent results will be able to enter the Imperial Academy."

Feng Lin can only look forward to it.

But she said that Gu Jiao didn't go to Liu Yisheng immediately after seeing off her husband, because she didn't know where Liu Yisheng lived, so she had to wait for Liu Yisheng to come to her.

But she didn't go back to the hospital.

She went to Qingfeng building.

Qingfenglou has suffered a lot this time. There are many people who take charge of the prince of an and Yuan Yu, but there are not many people who take charge of Xiao LIULANG!

Gu Jiao's five thousand taels turned into twenty-five thousand taels at a time. This is because there are more than a dozen people who are desperate to get rich, otherwise the odds will be higher.

Moreover, those who took Zhuang Yuexi and Gu Jinyu's hairpin also lost their underpants.

Gu Jiao has the highest odds. On the lonely Zanhua list, only two people bet on her. One is Zhuang Mengdie, and the other is Prince an.

Prince Ann made a fortune, but he was not happy at all.

Zhuang Mengdie was not happy. She had known that this girl could win the hairpin, so she would not bet a coin. She would bet all her wealth!

Gu Jiao is very happy. What Qingfeng building gives is the cash. She uses a sack to hold the white money and goes back happily!

Bishui Hutong also got the good news of Xiao LIULANG's top student in high school, and the door-to-door congratulators almost broke the threshold.

"Oh, brother Huo, how do you two raise children? Why is LIULANG so powerful? My boy, it's harder to let him study than to kill him! " Uncle Zhao thought of his little son, who only knew how to fool around all day. He was born in vain.

"Don't say that, brother Yang is very good." The old toaster comforted uncle Zhao, forgetting to confess to the former Emperor in his heart - he and the Empress Dowager are not couple, they are pure monarch minister relationship!

The old lady was happy today. She played cards on purpose and let the neighbors lose a little less money.

Yao is also very happy. She cooks snacks herself. After her pregnancy, she seldom cooks. Today, she is so excited that she can't stop her.

Mammy fang had to fight for her.

Yao's is peach crisp, a few children do not like to eat, but she found that Xiao LIULANG quite like it.

"At first, I saw that he was kind to Jiaojiao and hardworking, but I didn't expect him to be number one in senior high school. Now Jiaojiao is the number one lady!" she said

"Isn't it?" Mother Fang added a handful of firewood to the stove with a smile.

To be honest, Mammy Fang was not very good-looking at her uncle at first. Like Marquis Gu, she felt that her uncle was not worthy of the eldest lady. Although she grew up in the countryside, she was the blood of marquis.

What do you have? I'm still a little lame if I want to have a family.

There is a saying that nothing is good but study. She is a scholar. She is always worried that this uncle will accomplish nothing in the end, and the young lady will be wronged if she follows him.

Fortunately, she didn't like it in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. Otherwise, she would be embarrassed if she offended the number one scholar's uncle.

Gu Jiao and Xiao Jingkong got home first. Looking at the silver she had brought back in sacks, they didn't know what to say.

Xiao LIULANG was not sent back until dark.

It's not Feng Lin or Lin Chengye. It's Ning Zhiyuan who has just been cheated by Xiao LIULANG.

Today is a happy day for all the Jinshi. It's reasonable to have a few drinks. Xiao LIULANG is the number one scholar in the new section, so there's no less wine for him.

Xiao LIULANG had never drunk wine, and he was not good at food and drink. But he would not get drunk if he only had a few glasses of water and wine at the luncheon. The problem is that after the banquet was over, some of them went to other places in twos and threes.

It's a little hard to say where.

Xiao LIULANG didn't want to stay there and insisted on going home. Everyone was not willing to let him go until he was punished for three drinks. This guy really dares to drink and then he falls down.

Ning Zhiyuan has a family, and he doesn't love that kind of occasion, so he proposes to send the new champion back.

"To the left, right? Is that the alley? " On the carriage, Ning Zhiyuan asked Xiao LIULANG.

Xiao LIULANG was drunk and ignored others.

Ning Zhiyuan shook his head and let the coachman go forward. Maybe he was in a hurry. When he arrived at the end of the lane, he almost ran into a man.

There are two women, one in Daopao and the other in purple.

"Sorry, sorry!" The coachman was busy apologizing.

Ning Zhiyuan also lifted the car curtain, got out of the car and bowed to them to apologize: "are you two girls OK? I'm sorry. I'm in such a hurry that I bumped into the girl. "

Ning Zhiyuan is still wearing the official uniform of the top ranking official.

The girl in purple recognized him at a glance and said with a smile to the Taoist's ear, "elder sister, it's the black Tanhua!"

Ning Zhiyuan: am I black?!

Then his face got darker.

The Taoist gave the girl in purple a warning look, and the girl in purple spat out her tongue.

The Taoist nun drew back her eyes and bowed slightly to Ning Zhiyuan: "it's OK. Goodbye."

Then he took his sister's hand and left.

When they passed by the carriage, the night wind suddenly blew open the curtain of the carriage, revealing the young man who was half leaning on the wall of the carriage and closed his eyes.

The moonlight flowed and fell on his red brocade number one uniform, reflecting a glow that seemed to exist. He closed his eyes, his facial features were as delicate as jade, and with a touch of intoxication, he was so beautiful that he was suffocating.

Taoist grew up in the Taoist temple. She thought that she had broken the seven emotions and six desires in the world. But at this moment, she had to admit that this young man was really moving.

Of course, she just looked at it. She didn't forget that the boy had a master.

She doesn't care about other people's things.

When they were far away, the girl in purple suddenly came back to her senses, touched her hot cheek and said, "sister! Did you see that just now? In the carriage is the new champion! Oh, my God! He is too... "

So what?

The girl in purple couldn't find any words to describe her. Her heart was beating. Looking far away in the daytime, she felt that he was handsome enough. Just after looking so close, she found that he was more than handsome? It's really fascinating!

She shook the Taoist's hand excitedly: "elder sister, elder sister!"

"You don't have a chance." Taoist threw a basin of cold water.

The girl in purple was heartbroken: "Wuwu ~"

Both of them got on their carriages. Ning Zhiyuan helped the drunken Xiao LIULANG out of the carriage.

What few people didn't notice was that at the other end of the alley, there was a carriage parked.

The princess was in the carriage.

She was passing by when she saw the car making amends to a daughter of the yuan family and a Taoist nun.

She knew who the three tripod armour was, but she didn't go to see the champion's horse riding tour, so she didn't know Ning Zhiyuan. It was his official uniform that recognized him.

An ugly Tanhua is really not good-looking. She plans to leave, but Ning Zhiyuan helps a teenager from the carriage.

That's... The new champion of science, and that's... Him.

A green and tender face flashed in the princess's mind. At the age of thirteen or fourteen, the young Marquis was just a young boy who had just lost his childlike spirit. He was very popular, but not between men and women.

The boy in front of him has almost the same face as him, but it seems completely different. He is tall, has long facial features, has juvenile spirit and masculinity, and begins to exude the charm of men.

Dong Dong!

Ning Zhiyuan knocked on the door of a family.

With a creak, the door was opened.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Excuse me, is this Xiao LIULANG's home?" Ning Zhiyuan asked.

"Oh, isn't this LIULANG?" Aunt Liu recognized Xiao LIULANG, ran out, ran forward a few households, and said, "Jiaojiao! LIULANG is back! "

Then, the Crown Princess saw a girl in green come out of a house, quickly come to Ning Zhiyuan and Xiao LIULANG, and take over Xiao LIULANG from Ning Zhiyuan.

Xiao LIULANG was a little drunk. As soon as the woman put her hand around his waist, he opened his eyes vigilantly.

"It's me." Gu Jiao said.


"Well, I am."

"Well..." Xiao LIULANG gave up his resistance and was helped back to the yard by Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao should have said thanks to Ning Zhiyuan, but these princesses and concubines didn't notice. Her eyes had been on Gu Jiao's arm that hugged Xiao LIULANG's waist.

All of a sudden, she was a little upset.

"Crown princess?" One side of the female officer carefully called her.

The Crown Princess noticed that her handkerchief had been torn by herself. She let go and said with a smile, "just now my stomach is a little uncomfortable. Let's go back to the palace."

The female official said hastily: "I'll call the imperial doctor for you."

"Well." The princess nodded.

She finally looked at the two people who were holding each other in the night.

He's not ah Heng, he's not.

Ah Heng will not fall in love with other women, and will never let other women get close to him.

Gu Jiao helped people into the yard.

When Xiao LIULANG is so drunk, he can't sleep with xiaojingkong. If there is anything wrong in a night, xiaojingkong will be scared and can't take care of it.

Gu Jiao helped Xiao LIULANG to his house.

She helped Xiao LIULANG to lie on his bed and took off the official hat on his head. It was not cold at the end of April. The heavy number one scholar's robe was heavy and stuffy.

Xiao LIULANG is sweating.

Gu Jiao went to fetch water and planned to wipe it for him.

As soon as I sat down, I heard him say vaguely: "Jiaojiao, I'm hot..."

Normally, he spoke quietly, now drunk, suddenly with a touch of provocative magnetism.

When he first arrived here, his voice changing period was not over. It didn't sound bad, but it wasn't very pleasant.

Later, his voice became mature, but Gu Jiao was with him every day, and she didn't notice the change.

Until just now that a voice, Gu Jiao a excited spirit, the ear all crisp!

Gu Jiao put down the basin and went to untie his coat. As soon as she untied the collar, her slender neck was exposed, and the delicate Adam's apple on his neck moved.

It's a little tempting.

Gu Jiao

With strong willpower, Gu Jiao unties his coat button and takes off his heavy official robe. Then Gu Jiao begins to wipe his face.

After drinking, he had a slight flush on his cheek, a very moist lip color, and a watery luster moistened by the wine.

Xu is wiped awake, he slowly opened his eyes, eyes showing a bit confused, hook people can not.

Gu Jiao: I didn't drool. I didn't.

Xiao LIULANG asked dimly, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Gu Jiao said honestly, "you look good."

"Where is it good?" he said with a smile

"It looks good everywhere." Good looking eyebrows, good looking eyes, good looking nose... Gu Jiao glanced at his ruddy lips, silently added a sentence in the heart, the lips are also good-looking, the best.

He lay on the bed looking at her, revealing the usual impossible to appear blurred and attractive eyes, he hooked his lips: "just look at it?"

"Well?" Gu Jiao was stunned.

The next second, he raised his slender arm. Ruyu's hand clasped the back of Gu Jiao's head. With just good strength, he took her down to him.