The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 236

Princess Rui's performance was so good that the emperor called the third one over and praised him.

Rui Wang is very happy.

Among all the princes, King Rui is actually the most inconspicuous one. In terms of particularity, he is not as good as his elder brother King Ning; In terms of value, he is inferior to the second elder brother Prince; In terms of intelligence, he is inferior to the fourth prince; In terms of appearance, he is inferior to the fifth prince.

From small to large, he has always been a prince easily ignored.

However, from the beginning of this year, he seems to be lucky?

"Go back to have a good life, accompany your daughter-in-law, pregnant hard." The emperor said to King Rui, "who arranged for her to play the piano? What if someone with a body is tired? "

Zhuang Guifei laughed: "it's my fault. I won't do it any more."

Although the Emperor didn't agree to let the third daughter-in-law get pregnant and play the piano, he had to say that if this happened today, it would not be able to look like Zhao.

Zhuang Guifei also understood this, so she admitted it decisively. As for the contribution of the crown princess, she didn't mention a word.

The crown princess has no intention of planting willows.

From a strategic point of view, there is nothing wrong with the way that the Crown Princess matches Princess Rui to make Liang guole a star. This is not only a way of hospitality, but also a way of rights and interests.

Liang is happy, and the subsequent negotiations will be easier?

The only thing is that I wronged Princess Rui.

But as a royal daughter-in-law, there must be a sense of sacrifice.

But no one expected that Princess Rui would take out a broken harp, which is undoubtedly humiliating each other - let me make a match for you, right? Well, you are worthy of this broken piano!

This reversal was unexpected.

Can be bigger in the back.

The heart of the envoys of the state of Liang was full of ups and downs. It was a wonderful reception.

As for the Guqin's suppression of the flute, only those who are proficient in music like Princess Rui and nameless can understand it. In the eyes of the rest of the people, Zhao Guo has produced such excellent repertoire, which must be that he attaches great importance to the state of Liang!

What is the top banquet? This is it!

After the party.

Accompanied by female officer Xu, Princess Rui went out. The emperor had a good time tonight, so it was hard to avoid drinking too much. King Rui sent him back to his bedroom first, and then went to the palace gate to make peace with Princess Rui.

Just out of the Qilin hall, a familiar voice called her: "Princess Rui, please stay."

The princess turned.

Holding the piano box, Xu also stopped.

The bearer is nameless.

Nameless looks younger than under the candlelight. It may be a newcomer, so it's hard to avoid carrying it at the banquet. He was much more relaxed after the party.

He saluted the princess.

Among the six states, the etiquette of Liang state and Zhao state is similar, which may be the reason why Liang state looked at the cultural output of Zhao state.

Princess Rui nodded a little and said, "what's the matter with you, Mr. nameless?"

Nameless changed her arrogance in front of the ensemble and said, "Princess Rui, just call me nameless."

Princess Rui nodded slightly.

Listen to is to listen to, call not to call two said.

Nameless looked at the Qin in the hand of female officer Xu: "can Princess Rui sell this Qin to me?"

Princess Rui was stunned by his sudden request. She looked him up and down and said, "I said, this is my friend's piano."

How could she sell her friend's piano?

Does this man not even understand this?

What a rude request!

Nameless is not that he does not understand his unreasonable request, but he really wants the piano: "please tell Princess Rui, the price is easy to discuss."

Princess Rui looked at him like a fool, turned and left.

Nameless looking at her back: "Princess Rui, I sincerely ask for the piano, please Princess Rui complete!"

Princess Rui won't do anything to embarrass Gu Jiao. It's a good piano. If Gu Jiao wanted to sell it, she would have sold it long ago.

Next door is the female school, which is full of the gold of Zanying family. Gu Jiao doesn't worry about selling Guqin.

"This nameless man is a nuisance!" Princess Rui left angrily.

Nameless unwilling to look at his back.

Prince Yu and his wife of the state of Liang also came out of the hall. They could not help frowning when they saw him yelling at Princess Rui.

Nameless was the court musician of the state of Liang. He was deeply loved by the king of the state of Liang, so he was qualified to accompany them. However, he could not help at all in making political friends.

He's just playing.

Prince Yu zhengse way: "nameless, pay attention to their identity, this is not in the state of Liang."

Nameless turned around and bowed: "Lord, princess, I'm impolite."

"What did you just say to Princess Rui?" Asked Princess Yu.

Yuqin princess is a dignified and gentle woman, and her temper is not as cold as that of Prince Yu.

"I want to buy the piano in Princess Rui's hand," he said

Yuqin did not ask him how he could make such a rude request, but said: "why do you want that piano?"

Nameless said: "I doubt it's true Fuxi, but looking at Princess Rui's reaction, she seems to have no idea."

If you know it's true Fuxi, will you still let me hold it?

She treated the Qin as if it were an ordinary guqin, and she didn't show off at all.

Other people in Zhao state should not know.

"Are you sure?" Asked Princess Yu.

Nameless nodded: "I'm sure that the reason why master can make the best imitation Qin is that he has seen the real Fuxi Qin and heard the sound of Fuxi Qin. I was still young at that time. Before I went in, I just stood outside the curtain and listened to a song. I'll never forget the sound of Fuxi Qin."

Princess Yuqin wondered: "but how could fuxiqin be burned? And the word Fuxi. "

Nameless thought for a while, speculated: "those two words should be engraved on the back, as for why they are burned black... I don't understand."

Did someone burn Fuxi Qin as firewood?

You're not going to be such a loser, are you?

Princess Yu looked at Prince Yu: "does Princess Rui know the master of fuxiqin?"

Prince Yu frowned: "I don't know."

He looked at nameless, "have you ever seen the owner of Fuxi Qin?"

Nameless regret shook his head: "I haven't seen it. Shifu has seen it and painted many portraits of each other, but Shifu has always regarded those portraits as treasures and doesn't allow any of us to peek."

Prince Yu: "don't you know whether it's a man or a woman?"

Nameless hand: "anyway, I don't know."

Prince Yu has a headache.

If it is really Fuxi Qin, then he is very moved.

Everyone knows that the king of Liang has a good temperament. If you can get Fuxi Qin, you will surely win the favor of the king.

Princess Yu looked at her husband, took him by the arm and shook her head gently: "don't be hard."

Prince Yu's expression instantly softened down, and said with a smile: "I know, I know, madam, don't worry, I won't come hard."

After thinking about it, Princess Yuqin still felt that it was not right: "it's fate to listen to Fuxi Qin, so don't disturb others."

"Don't you like Qin, too? I'll buy it for you! " Not to the king! Prince Yu is famous for loving his daughter-in-law.

Yuqin's concubine shook her head: "a gentleman doesn't win people's favor."

Prince Yu took his daughter-in-law's hand and said, "OK, I'll listen to you!"

Nameless face muddled force, is not, Lord, you so no principle really good?

Princess Yu nodded and said, "it's getting late. Go back and see what happened to ming'er."

Ming'er, the son of Prince Yu and his wife, is ten years old. She also came to Zhaoguo.

In fact, this is not the first time Prince Yu and his wife have visited Zhaoguo. They came as early as five years ago, when Princess Yu was still pregnant.

It was only halfway that I found that I was pregnant. It was too late to send her back. Moreover, Prince Yu was not sure that she would go back alone.

They lived in the state of Zhao for a period of time, but the envoys left. They were still living. They planned to give birth to their children and return to the state of Liang after their confinement.

Four years ago, Princess Rui gave birth to a son in the state of Zhao, but it is said that she died after birth.

Now the child, ming'er, is the youngest of the couple.

Lost a child, treat this child particularly dote on some.

Even though he is only ten years old, he is a gifted child prodigy. He has learned four books and five classics, and he is also very good at arithmetic.

The only thing is that he is too delicate and weak. A few days ago, Prince Yu took him to run outside for a while and began to cough.

Prince Yu: "don't worry about ming'er. He will be fine in a moment."

Yuqin Princess: "you are not allowed to take him to run horses, how windy."

Prince Yu: "I know, I know!"

Husband and wife's voice gradually far away, nameless sigh, also followed out of the palace.