The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 222

Gu Jiao took the rabbit back to the camp.

Sure enough, it's much faster to work hard. Doctor Lu has checked all the healing drugs.

As soon as he lifted his eyes and saw Gu Jiao holding a little rabbit, he was surprised: "where did the rabbit come from?"

"Back hill." Gu Jiao said.

"Back hill?" Doctor Lu's heart, can't it be where he went?

"What's the matter with you?" Gu Jiao thinks that doctor Lu's eyes are very strange.

"You didn't go into any caves, did you?" Doctor Lu asked cautiously.

"Er... Can't you come in?" Gu Jiao asked strangely.

"Of course not," said Lu You're going to die in there!

Gu Jiao touched the rabbit and said calmly, "Oh, I didn't enter."

Doctor Lu

Are you in or not?

Forget it, I didn't go in. Otherwise, with such a powerful mechanism array, how could she come out alive?

Doctor Lu settled the balance for Gu Jiao and told her that if the response of this batch of acne medicine was good, there would be an order for 1000 bottles.

There is a huge demand for Jinchuang medicine in the military camp. As long as Gu Jiao firmly holds on to this order, she will soon be able to let the pharmaceutical factory return to the original.

Gu Jiao said thanks, holding the rabbit out of the barracks.

As soon as he saw the rabbit in her arms, he became interested: "Miss Gu, where's the rabbit from? It's so cute!"

"It's lovely." Gu Jiao nodded, "I'll have it braised in brown sauce at night."

Xiao Sanzi

Fat rabbit

Gu Jiao finally did not succeed in eating rabbit meat, because xiaojiangli took a fancy to the fat rabbit.

The little girl is introverted and doesn't talk much, but she is diligent and has a good taste. People in the hospital like her very much.

"Here you are." Gu Jiao handed the rabbit to Xiaojiang pear.

"Can I really raise rabbits?" Xiaojiang pear is so big that she seems to have never raised anything. She and her brother can't afford it.

"Well." Gu Jiao nodded, "it's rabbit Baba. You have to clean it up by yourself."

"I will. Who am I?" Xiaojiang pear nodded like pounding garlic, and held the fat rabbit tightly in her arms.

Her first little pet, she likes: "thank you, sister gu!"

Gu Jiao handed the final payment of the drug to shopkeeper Wang, and then went to the Imperial College to pick up Xiao LIULANG and Xiao Jingkong.

First came the small clearance.

Xiaojingkong carries a small schoolbag and walks with a serious face among a group of seven or eight year old children. It's out of place and funny.

He thought it was a bad brother-in-law who came to pick him up, so he didn't have a good face. Unexpectedly, it was Gu Jiao. He turned into Xiaomeng Wu and ran to Gu Jiao.

"Jiao Jiao!" He raised his head and looked at Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao looked at him sweating and asked, "how did you sweat so much?"

Small clearance said: "today's race!"

The Guozijian school is not a place to study. It pays great attention to children's all-round development. It is said that when they grow up, they will teach children piano skills, riding and shooting, and set up a noble incubation class.

Gu Jiao takes a handkerchief to wipe sweat on Xiao Jingkong.

Small clearance will cerebellum bag pass in the past, obediently let Gu Jiao wipe.

His small inch is a little longer. In winter, he should be able to pick it up.

"I'm the first, they can't run me!" Some little thing farted.

Gu Jiao is not surprised by this. He gets up to practice martial arts before dawn every day. His constitution is very good.

Gu Jiao wipes sweat for Xiao Jingkong, and Liu Quan comes.

Liu Quan came to pick up Xiao Jingkong: "the Imperial College invited a cabinet bachelor to explain the skills of the imperial examination to the candidates next month. LIULANG said that he might finish class very late."

This kind of class, small sacrifice wine used to not participate in.

But Liu didn't say that.

Liu Quan said, "I'll send you back first, and then I'll go to Qinghe academy later."

Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun are going to master Lu to learn arts after school.

Gu Jiao said: "no, we just walk back. It's just a few steps away. Uncle Liu will pick up ah Yan and Xiao Shun."

"That's fine." Liu Quanying got off and drove the carriage to Qinghe Academy.

Gu Jiao and Xiao Jingkong went back to Bishui Hutong.

Xiao LIULANG came back very late. All his family went to bed. There was an oil lamp in the hall for him.

You don't have to guess who left it.

Xiao LIULANG's eyes moved. He was about to go back to his house when the door on the opposite side opened.

Gu Jiao came out in her plain clothes: "are you hungry? I'll leave a meal for you. I'll heat it up. "

"Not hungry." Xiao LIULANG said, "I ate it."

This plan so go in, dun dun, still can't help but ask her, "so late, why haven't you gone to bed?"

"Waiting for you." Gu Jiao said.

Suddenly straightforward, let Xiao LIULANG heart again seem to be rubbed by what.

Xiao LIULANG looked at her thin little body in her bedclothes and said, "it's cold outside. Go back to the room and sleep. I'll sleep for a while."

"Are you still mad at me?" Gu Jiao askew head to ask.

"No He said, "I'm not angry."

Gu Jiao Oh, but did not return to the house, but stood at the door with innocent little eyes looking at her.

Knowing that she was cheating, Xiao LIULANG's heart suddenly softened. He gave up his arms, opened his mouth and said in a soft voice: "it seems that he is a little hungry."

Gu Jiao said with a smile: "I'll go and heat your meal."

Looking at her thin little bedclothes, Xiao LIULANG hesitated and said, "you put on a piece of clothes."

"Well!" Gu Jiao put on a coat and went to the kitchen to heat up the food. Before eating, she served it to him alone. There were corn keel soup, white flour steamed bread, braised spareribs and some cold dishes.

Gu Jiao also boiled several pieces of vegetables.

Xiao LIULANG sat down to eat.

Gu Jiao sat opposite him with her hands on her cheeks and her elbows on the table.

Look at him.

It's beautiful.

It's not the first time that Xiao LIULANG has been seen by her. The girl's eyes are really... More magnanimous than the one he has been seen.

The room is quiet.

Since the members of his family grew up, he seldom ate alone with her, as if he had gone back to the past.

When Xiao LIULANG had dinner, his stomach was warm and his body was warm.

They cleaned up the dishes and went back to the house.

Before entering the house, Gu Jiao looked back and asked him again: "really not angry?"

Xiao LIULANG took a deep breath and said, "No."

Gu Jiao's heart is big. He said he would believe it if he didn't have her.

Gu Jiao Wu a, way: "originally intended to compensate you, however, since you are not angry, that calculate."

Xiao LIULANG: wait a minute. How are you going to compensate me? I don't know what I missed

"See you tomorrow." Gu Jiao enters the room.



Recently, Guozijian's schoolwork has indeed changed a lot. At first, Xiao LIULANG didn't cut classes himself, but later, he couldn't even cut classes if he wanted to.

The emperor attached great importance to this imperial examination and sent many cabinet ministers to convey knowledge to the candidates.

Although there are no candidates for the imperial examination, all of them are Jinshi, who would like to be the same Jinshi on the Deputy list? They all went to the top of the list.

With the approaching of the imperial examination, the atmosphere of Guozijian became tense again.

On the other side of the hospital, the last critically ill patient with red cloth strip was discharged from the hospital, and now Jiang Shi is still in miaohutang.

He is in a serious condition and is expected to have two or three months of treatment.

Gu Jiao goes to give Jiang Shi an infusion. Just after the infusion, she hears an unusual commotion outside the hospital.

Gu Jiao thought it was a medical trouble. She went downstairs and found it was not.

"Why are so many people here?" Gu Jiao looked at the crowd at the door and asked.

The second owner sent Xiao Sanzi to inquire.

The third son quickly turned back: "ah, I heard that the princess came to teach in the female school, and students who are not in the female school can also go in to listen. These people are inexplicable and want to go to the princess's class!"

It turned out that the crown princess was forbidden by the emperor because of the cable bridge accident. Now, the ban is lifted. In order to save the face of the royal family, and also to accumulate the royal family's reputation in the folk, today's one comes into being.

The popularity of the cable bridge incident has passed. Recently, there are rumors that the crown princess's family borrowed the name of the crown princess to block the bridge and make incense. It has nothing to do with the crown princess.

The crown princess was implicated by her family.

The wind among the people has suddenly become mixed, some of them are in love with the crown princess, and some of them think the rumors are not credible.

But anyway, the princess came out to give a lecture.

Most people still don't want to miss the chance to meet the princess.

After all, they are likely to meet only once in their lives.

The princess's classroom was full.

She teaches chess.

And this time was sent to teach women's school is not only the crown princess one person, as well as Rui Princess Du Qianqian.

Du Qian's piano skills can be ranked in the top three in the state of Zhao. However, under the strong aura of the crown princess, no one noticed her coming.

Her classroom is empty with only two students.

One is Li wanwan, who really likes to learn piano, and the other is Du Xiaoyun, who is forced by her in the classroom.