The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 206

But after Li wanwan finished playing, she was worried about Gu Jiao.

She actually heard the sound just now, but the girl on the other side of the wall didn't let her stop, so she had to play it down.

When she finished playing, there was no movement there.

She stood up, looked at the cold wall and asked anxiously, "girl, are you ok?"

"You played two wrong notes."

Her response was a cold voice.

Li wanwan was suddenly stunned.

Just now there was so much noise. Are you sure you didn't go to fight? You can tell that I'm playing wrong. What kind of genius are you?

"Well, I'll play it again." Li wanwan whispered.

"Well." Gu Jiao dusted off her wide sleeves and lay back on the rattan chair to bask in the sun.

This time, Li wanwan played up the spirit of 12 points, and finally did not play wrong.


At noon, the patient who had been pasted with black cloth woke up.

He is a black worker, which Gu Changqing verified yesterday.

In this accident, most of the injured were black workers hired by the Ministry of industry. They were all from poor families or even no family.

However, the rest of the black workers had at least one friend to visit, but this man had been there for two days and had nothing.

He lay alone in the hospital bed, tenacious and stubborn vitality.

His burn area is very large, and he needs to clean the wound with normal saline every day, which is the pain of scraping bone and gouging meat.

Doctor song has just changed the medicine for him, but I don't know if his hand is too raw. Shengsheng wakes people up from pain, and he is dead in shame.

"I'll give it to you. You can see other patients." Gu Jiao came into the room with a small medicine box.

"Well, good!" Doctor song squeezed a cold sweat out of the room.

Gu Jiao has pasted black bars on many people. This is a choice but we have to choose. Their survival rate is almost zero. Treating them will lead to the death of a large number of critically ill patients who can be saved.

Of all the patients judged to have no salvage value, this is the only one who survived.

"How do you feel? Can you hear me? " Gu Jiao put the small medicine box on the bedside table, took out a small flashlight from it, and illuminated his eyes.

The pupillary response was good.

He opened his mouth as if to say something, but his voice was too hoarse to make a sound.

Gu Jiao took a tongue depressor and looked at his throat: "there is slight edema and a little inflammation. It's not a big problem to take some medicine. I can speak in a few days. Can you hear me? Blink if you can

He blinked.

His anti-inflammatory drugs, there is a bag of supplement electrolyte rehydration, Gu Jiao put on the rehydration, adjusted the next titer.

"It's gone after the bottle. I'll come back later to draw the needle for you." Gu Jiao said, packed the small medicine box and turned to go out.

The man's mood suddenly became excited.

Gu Jiao pinches his wrist. He's too hurt. His pulse is so fast that it's easy to go wrong.

Gu Jiao gently comforted him: "don't get excited. Your injury can be cured. Our hospital will try its best to treat you... You don't have to worry about the medical expenses. The Yamen will pay for it."

However, he was still very excited.

Gu Jiao thought about it and asked, "do you want to ask about other people? If yes, blink. If not, close your eyes

The man blinked.

Gu Jiao said: "your companion? The craftsman of Yamen

The man closed his eyes.

Gu Jiao: "family?"

The man hesitated and blinked.

Gu Jiao said, "do you want to ask if any family members have come to see you?"

The man closed his eyes.

There are family members, but they don't ask if they have come to see him. He is very worried about his family.

"Is there someone in your family?" Gu Jiao asked.

The man blinked heavily.

Man can't speak, Gu Jiao had to take the map of the capital, but Gu Jiao is not familiar with the capital, for a long time also didn't understand what he meant.

Today, Gu Changqing came to the hospital to find the revived craftsmen to investigate the accident. After hearing about Gu Jiao's situation, he came to her and said, "let me ask."

The map of the capital is only detailed to the streets, not to every alley and house. That is to say, Gu Changqing has been patrolling the capital all the year round and is familiar with every corner of the capital. Otherwise, if someone else changes, he will not know where the man lives.

"I see. I'll inform your family." Gu Changqing returns the map to Gu Jiao and turns to leave the hospital.

Gu Changqing found a man's house in the dirtiest and poorest suburb of Beijing. It can't be called a house any more. It's just a shelter.

The shack was in a mess and empty, and there was a muffled and rapid breathing sound from a broken cabinet picked up from outside.

Gu Changqing subconsciously pressed the sword on his waist. He walked towards the cupboard and carefully opened the cupboard door. What he saw was a little girl with hair on her head.

The little girl was sitting in the cupboard. Her face was dirty and her clothes were shabby. She held a rusty knife in her hands and looked at Gu Changqing in horror.

Gu Changqing took a deep look at her and held out her hand: "Jiang Shi asked me to pick you up."


Gu Changqing took the little girl back to the hospital.

Jiang Shi is a man's name registered in the Yamen. He is a black worker, and there is a great possibility that he is a black household. This name may be an alias.

The little girl is Jiang Shi's sister.

She's thin and small. She looks like she's only five years old.

However, after checking her teeth, Gu Jiao found that she was already changing her teeth. She grew two under constant pressure, one molar, and even her lateral incisors began to sprout.

Lateral incisors usually germinate at the age of eight to nine, which means that she should be at least eight years old.

Gu Jiao also gave her a physical examination, she in addition to malnutrition, no other problems.

It's just that I'm very timid and don't talk to people.

The second owner picked a good-natured, good-looking and friendly little servant girl in the hospital, asked her to take her to take a bath and eat, and bought some new clothes out of her own pocket.

The second owner also arranged a separate room for her. She didn't live and wanted to be with her brother.

"Xiao Sanzi, make a bamboo bed for you." The second owner ordered.

"Ah Xiao Sanzi moved Zhang zhubed in and put it beside Jiang Shi's hospital bed. He spread a thick mattress and made a temporary bed for the little girl.

The little girl sat on the bed and got up from time to time to see her brother.

Her brother also looked at her, eyes are gentle.

Gu Jiao can't help but think of the words she heard in the organization when she was an agent in her previous life - don't fall in love with anyone, and don't have any concerns, because once people have concerns, they will not dare to die.

The little girl was lying on the guardrail of the hospital bed, holding her brother's hand.

She knew that her brother was injured, but she didn't know what kind of danger he had gone through, or how much willpower he had used to climb back from the palace of hell.

I can't die because I can't trust you.

On the other hand, the emperor knew that Marquis Gu's plea failed.

Gu Jiao didn't know what was going on in the yard. He didn't go crazy enough to watch the little doctor. He just sent someone to stare at Marquis Gu. Marquis Gu went into the hospital and lay down.

——He was found by his subordinate Huang Zhong, who skillfully carried the man onto the carriage.

According to the spy's report, how can it be a miserable word?

Emperor: "who did you fight with?"

Duke Wei: I don't know. I dare not ask.

However, looking at the miserable situation of marquis Gu, it should be the failure of pleading. The emperor's attitude towards the little miracle doctor to Gu Jinyu was almost clear.

The emperor put down the mountain of memorials: "OK, go to the hospital."

He asked the little doctor in person if he had something to say.

And his illness.

The little miracle doctor said that the reexamination should be carried out once every three months, with a total of two years.

Duke Wei asked, "Your Majesty, do you still have to be humble? Do you want to wear a hat this time? "

It's necessary to be a little unconvinced. As for the bamboo hat——

The emperor thought about it and put it on.

Duke Wei appeared in the hospital yesterday. The Emperor didn't take him with him. He went to the county to accompany him.

He Gonggong was a humble eunuch. He didn't even work around the emperor. It's hard for ordinary people to connect him with the emperor.

Duke Wei always takes that old bastard with him for such an important task. It's a pity that he treats his majesty so delicately. Even when he went to Jiangnan at the beginning, he didn't have anything to do with it. The little miracle doctor only heard his majesty mention it afterwards.

He Gonggong and His Majesty in the hat veil appeared together in the hospital.

The two owners and shopkeeper Wang have met Mr. He and the man in the bamboo hat.

However, it was in a small county.

At that time, they were held around their necks by a group of experts, which is still fresh in my memory.

Goodbye two people, two owners and Wang shopkeeper all instinctively hit a shiver.

What's the matter with this man?

How much hatred and resentment with them?

From the county to the capital?

The second owner misunderstood with shopkeeper Wang. The Emperor didn't bring any experts this time, only he and his father-in-law.

The emperor pressed his voice and asked in his low voice when he was in the county seat, "is that girl there?"

Shopkeeper Wang responded that he asked Gu Jiao, who had treated him. He pointed to the backyard and said: "in the back..."

Before he finished speaking, the emperor left with his father-in-law.

He went to Gu Jiao's yard with ease.

But the first thing he saw was the child he met in the street last night.

The little guy, dressed in the clothes of the Imperial College, stood at the gate of the yard, his face wrinkled, as if he was disturbing something.

"Clearance." The emperor went over.

Xiaojingkong gathered up a worried look and looked up at him strangely: "do you know me?"

The emperor then remembered that he was wearing a hat with a veil on it. He laughed and said, "the people in the hospital said, are you clearance?"

"I am." Little clearance nodded.

The emperor liked the child very much, not only because he was lovely, but also because he helped himself a lot. If he didn't happen to bring him to the hospital, he might not have found out the truth about the accident and the bellows.

He already knew that Xiao Jingkong was the younger brother of the little miracle doctor, but he didn't hear that Marquis Gu had a younger son among the people, and he didn't know where he came from.

"Is your sister there?" he asked pleasantly

"Are you looking for Jiao Jiao?" Small clearance hands, "then you may have to wait, oh, she's seeing a doctor."

The emperor asked, "what disease do you see?"

Xiaojingkong said: "bird disease."

The emperor was slightly surprised.

Xiaojingkong sighed: "Alas, these adults are always fooling around outside. They go everywhere and destroy the birds. Then they come to Jiaojiao to watch the birds. Jiao Jiao is very busy. Where can I give you smelly men bird watching day by day? "

Smelly man learned from Aunt Zhang next door.

He is now at the age of learning to speak. He can't tell the good from the bad. When he hears it, he says it, and he pinches the sharp and petty tone perfectly.

The Emperor didn't think about it at first, but his small manner and small language made people think twice.

As soon as he was sweating, he was thinking about the prevalence of this disease in Beijing. Then he saw several men come out with bird cages.

"Thank you, Miss Gu! We'll pay attention! No more random feeding! "

Several people thank Gu Jiao and leave with relieved myna, parrot, thrush and other birds.

The emperor's mouth is drawn, so is the bird in your mouth a literal bird?

Xiaojingkong ran over and pointed to the emperor outside: "Jiaojiao! Someone is looking for you

According to the emperor, Gu Jiao took advantage of the situation.

The emperor was wearing a hat, not worried that she would recognize himself, but what could not keep up with the change was that a young man with a bird cage accidentally sprained his foot, reached out and grabbed his hat!

His face is exposed!

At the critical moment, the emperor pushed Duke he into the grass!

He Gonggong, who suffered from the disaster of no rash, was stunned

Xiao Jingkong said, "Uncle Chu! It's you He said to Gu Jiao, "Jiaojiao! He is the handsome uncle of yesterday! My classmate's father

Gu Jiao didn't see he Gonggong. She didn't think about the special patient who had been treated in the county town for a while with a hat that fell on the ground.

Gu Jiao: Oh, it turns out that yesterday's official was the father of the little fat man.

The emperor sneered.

I'm going to cry

Gu Jiao asked: "are you here to investigate?"

"... right." The emperor replied with a stiff head.

Gu Jiao said to Xiao Jingkong, "you play in the yard for a while."

"I see, Jiaojiao!" Xiaojingkong is a sensible child. Knowing that Jiaojiao has to be busy, she plays by herself.

Gu Jiao took the emperor into the hall and poured him a bowl of tea.

The emperor looked at the sea bowl in front of him, and the little miracle doctor was really tasteful.

"What else do you want to know?" Gu Jiao asked.

Although Gu Changqing said yesterday that he would deal with the investigation, it is difficult to guarantee that the government will collect evidence from many aspects.

The emperor did have something to ask her. Since he mentioned it, he said directly: "I came here for the bellows. I heard that the bellows was actually your invention, and your sister falsely took your credit."

"You are wrong." Gu Jiao said.

The emperor was stunned.

Gu Jiao said, "she is not my sister."

She didn't admit it.

The emperor said with a smile, it turned out to be this. It scared him to death. He thought the bellows was not invented by her.

Gu Jiao then said: "also, I didn't invent the bellows."

"..." the emperor had just had a sip of tea and almost choked to death when he heard this, "is it really your sister?"

"It's not her." Gu Jiao said, "I learned from others."

The emperor's heart clapped: "others? "Liang people?"

Among the six countries, only Liang has the most advanced manufacturing technology.

"No, not in this world." Gu Jiao said.

Gu Jiao said is not in this world, the emperor automatically understood that she said a word less, the complete sentence should be not in this world.

The emperor's idea is more than that of marquis Ding'an. He has seen Gu Jiao's medical skills. Gu Jiao is by no means an ordinary country girl. Of course, the emperor can't guess that Gu Jiao is an alien soul.

He only thought that Gu Jiao ran into a hermit and was accepted as an apprentice.

But now the master has passed away.

It's not bad for the emperor to think so, so Gu Jiao doesn't have to bother to explain.

The emperor suddenly laughed: "you girl, you are not greedy."

Gu Jiao is not interested in these so-called merits. Her original intention is to make her iron tools available as soon as possible.

"Is there anything else to investigate?" She asked.

The emperor hesitated, took a deep breath and said with a smile, "no more."

He got up and left.

Gu Jiao light mouth: "do not see a doctor?"

The emperor looked back: "ah?"

Gu Jiao pointed to her small medicine box: "I've been staring at my medicine box. Don't you want to ask for a diagnosis?"

In fact, the emperor only looked at it two times, one when he came and one when he left. Other girls would not find it.

Or she's good.

The emperor cleared his throat: "well, it's not a big deal. It's just that I kicked the quilt at night. I feel chilly and headache..."

Gu Jiao: "take off your pants."

Emperor: "ah!"

Wait, what seems to be wrong?

Gu Jiao just opened the small medicine box and found that there was a box of test paper for syphilis in it. The wounded in the hospital could not use it.

There is no lesion on the body surface, just like normal people.

But after so many days together, she has gradually found out the law of the small medicine box, there will be nothing she doesn't need in the medicine box, except those messy family planning supplies.

Then there is only one possibility that this person is a healer.

In order to further confirm his diagnosis, Gu Jiao took his blood and tested the titer with test paper.

Such is the case.

As soon as the emperor saw the play, he recovered very well. As soon as he picked his eyebrows, he tied his trouser belt and said with pride, "you've made a mistake. I don't have this problem..."

Gu Jiao took off gloves: "three months later review."

Emperor: good

The emperor went back to the palace with a clear mind.

He can't tell why. It seems that every time he comes to the hospital or the clean yard, he will feel comfortable. It seems that no matter how much trouble he has, he will disappear as soon as he comes out of the yard.

On the way back, he thought a lot. For a while, he was a little doctor, for a while, he was Qin Chuyu.

Qin Chuyu was sent to the Imperial College because he found that he was being spoiled by the empress and palace people. He had six sons, and the crown prince was also established. It didn't matter whether Qin Chuyu was promising or not, so the main reason for studying was to change his temperament.

But Qin Chuyu and the little doctor's younger brother have become schoolmates.

In retrospect, Qin Chuyu's recent days have actually changed.

He cried less, and he didn't do so much bullying.

Yesterday, he flipped through his homework. At that time, there was something hidden in his heart, and he didn't care too much. Now when I think about it carefully, his handwriting seems to have improved.

My mind seems to have run away.

The emperor brought his thoughts back and began to think about the little miracle doctor.

It's one thing that the little miracle doctor doesn't care about the credit, but it's another thing that the credit is recognized by someone who wants to. He originally intended to treat Gu Jinyu lightly because he was still working hard for him at the age of the old Marquis.

But now, let her stay in the Yamen!

Another is the reward for the little doctor.

The emperor pondered for a long time, and realized that Huang Bai's things were vulgar, not worthy of such a refined little doctor, and she didn't care for those false names——

The emperor swore that he didn't care so much about choosing gifts for the empress of the sixth palace.

After an hour of careful selection, the emperor finally chose a gift suitable for the little doctor.

The emperor asked Duke Wei to go to the hospital and gave the gift to the little doctor.

Duke Wei said with a kind face: "my Lord has met your Majesty in the palace. He told you about the girl. Your majesty said that the merit of the bellows is the girl's. please accept my reward."

Gu Jiao is curious about what the Emperor gave her.

After Wei Gonggong left, she immediately opened the box to have a look.

Such a large and exquisite box is decorated with only a brush in it!

Gu Jiao, who was deeply harmed by the brush, said on the spot: -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is not an ordinary brush, but the imperial brush of the emperor. It has the emperor's exclusive engraving on it, and the fingerprints that the emperor has used for many years. This is what the literati and the concubines of the six palaces all want to get.

However, in Gu Jiao's eyes, isn't this a brush?

It's a second-hand one!

Gu doesn't want to write with a brush. Jiao dislikes what she doesn't want!

She sold the emperor's pen!

The buyer is Zhuang Mengdie.

"This, this is the imperial pen! Do you really want to sell it? " No matter how stupid Zhuang Mengdie is, she can recognize that this is something used by the emperor. No one in the world dares to make a fake. She will be killed by the nine nationalities!

Gu Jiao light way: "do you buy? If you don't buy it, I'll sell it to someone else. "

"Who said no!" Zhuang Mengdie snatched the imperial pen in his hand, "you make a price!"

Gu Jiao said casually: "five thousand Liang."

Zhuang Mengdie stares: "so expensive!"

Gu Jiao reached for a pen: "don't buy it if it's too expensive."

Zhuang Mengdie protects Yubi: "I'll... I'll buy it!"

Gu Jiao Oh a: "I regret, 7000 Liang."

Zhuang Mengdie

Gu Jiao finally sold the second-hand brush at a price of 8000 Liang.

There was another thing in the box. It was a gold brand. She couldn't understand the use of the brand, but it was made of pure gold. Gu Jiao left it.

Xiaojingkong likes gold. I'll show it to him later.

Gu Jiao hasn't been to Hou Fu for several days.

In fact, I used to go a little less frequently, and I didn't feel that I went a little less, but now I feel that it's not enough.

After returning xiaojingkong to Bishui Hutong, she plans to go to Houfu.

Unfortunately, Gu Changqing came and brought a pair of birds.

Well, it's not for them to play, it's for the chicks to make food.

Yes, the chicks are much bigger now. They are no longer satisfied with eating chicken food.

The brother and sister went back to Hou's house together.

Before parting, Gu Changqing called her: "I had people block the news about the Yamen accident and Gu Jinyu, but my wife didn't know about it for the moment."

Gu Jiao said: "thank you very much."

Yao really can't be stimulated.

Gu Changqing opened his mouth: "you... Don't have to be so polite with me."

"Well?" Gu Jiao looked at him strangely.

It seems easier to admit it in front of others. Gu Changqing clenched her fist and said, "you are my sister!"

That said, as if afraid of Gu Jiao refused or laugh at him, and without waiting for Gu Jiao's response, he walked away without looking back!

Gu Jiao looked at his back: "well..."

At the moment, the house had just had dinner, but it was still early.

However, when Gu Jiao arrived at Yao's yard, Yao had fallen asleep on her concubine's couch.

She was holding an unfinished dress in her hand, which was Gu Jiao's summer skirt.

Mammy Fang carefully took down her clothes from her hands. As soon as she looked back, she saw Gu Jiao come in. She whispered, "miss."

Gu Jiao put a light step, came to the imperial concubine's couch, looked at Yao's way: "Madam so early to sleep?"

Mammy Fang successfully took out her clothes and put them into the embroidery basket. She said, "yes, I'm always sleepy recently."

Gu Jiao sat down on the concubine's couch and said, "turn on the oil lamp."

"Ah Room mother with iron dial the wick in the oil lamp.

Gu Jiao felt Yao's pulse and asked mammy Fang, "what's your appetite?"

"Not very well." Said mammy Fang.

"What about the moon?" Gu Jiao asked.

"I just came here a few days ago." "Madam Fang said," the eldest lady suspects her wife -- "

Gu Jiao gently put Yao's wrist into the quilt: "it's not doubt."

"Well?" Yao woke up in a daze. When she opened her eyes, she saw Gu Jiao. She was stunned and thought she was dreaming, "Jiao Jiao?"

"Well, it's me." Gu Jiao nodded.

Yao's mood became very good, sat up and pulled Gu Jiao's hand: "when did you come? Has it been a long time? Why don't you wake me up? "

Gu Jiao said: "just come."

Yao looked at the sky and said, "didn't you eat? I'll have people set the table. "

"No hurry." Gu Jiao looks at her.

Yao felt that Gu Jiao had something to say: "what's the matter with Jiao Jiao?"

Gu Jiao nodded, eyes fell on her flat abdomen: "you are pregnant."

Yao was shocked.

She's... Pregnant?

How could she be pregnant?

At the beginning, she gave birth to Yan'er and Jiao Jiao in the temple. When she returned to Beijing, the doctor said that she was premature, and she was not well cared for, which hurt her vitality. She would never be pregnant again in her life.

Yao looked at his stomach in disbelief: "I... i..."

"Oh, my wife has been taking medicine. Is everything ok?" Mammy Fang thought of Yao's antidepressant.

Gu Jiao shook her head: "it doesn't matter."

She had already changed the medicine for vitamins and calcium tablets.

Mother Fang put her hands together: "Amitabha, blessed by Bodhisattva!"

Yao is still hard to digest this fact.

It's not that she doesn't like the child, it's that——

She looked at her stomach and then looked at Gu Jiao. A trace of uneasiness passed in her eyes: "Jiao Jiao... Do you want a younger brother or sister?"

Gu Jiao seriously thought about it and nodded: "Hmm!"

When he learned that she was pregnant, the first thought in Yao's mind was whether Jiaojiao and Yan'er could accept it. If they didn't accept it, it showed that she didn't love them enough and she was not qualified to ask for another one.

"Ah Yan will like it, too." Gu Jiao said.

"How do you know?" Yao asked.

"Twins." If Gu Yan doesn't like it, she won't like this little life now. She can feel another joy in her heart, which is Gu Yan's joy.

Yao touched his stomach.

Is there really a little life here?

Does she... Have another chance to be a mother?

Thinking of something, Yao said: "but I just came to kuishui a few days ago."

"It's rare, but it's not without it."

"Do I have an unstable foetus?"

"No Gu Jiao shakes her head. "Ximai is very powerful."

When she was in a good mood, her health would naturally get better. In the past, she had no time to worry about Gu Yan. How could she have the energy to love herself?

After taking care of everything, Gu Jiao's health improved day by day.

"Go and live with me." Gu Jiao suddenly looked at her and said seriously, "it's not because you have no place to go. It's not because I force myself to accept you. I really want you to move in."

She said, pause, droop eyes, to the bottom of my heart surge of strange emotion some at a loss.

She was right to the finger: "at night... Will miss you."

Yao's eyes suddenly moist, the tip of the nose become extremely sour, sore throat also began to pain.

This sentence moved her more than hearing that she was pregnant.

She covered her mouth to keep from crying.

How could she be so good... So good


But he said that Marquis Gu was beaten so badly that he fainted in the carriage all afternoon before he woke up.

The first thing he did was to go to Yao for comfort.

Beat so miserably by that wench, only see Yao Shi can comfort his hurt heart!

However, when Marquis Gu went back to his house, there was only an empty yard waiting for him. Yao could not even find his own shadow.

Woo... Where's his wife???