The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 200


On the way back to Yongshou palace, Zhuang Yuexi can't help but call on Princess Zhuang.

Concubine Zhuang glanced at her: "what's the matter?"

Zhuang Yuexi is a noble girl of the Zhuang family. She is dignified and quiet. Just now, her aunt really lost her manners.

Zhuang Yuexi knew that it was not right. She handed the flower basket to the maid in waiting. She caught up with her concubine Zhuang with her skirt and said in a low voice, "yue'er has lost her manners. Please punish her aunt."

Princess Zhuang was not angry and said to herself, "since I just saw Miss Zhuang, something's wrong with you. After all, what's your hatred with others?"

"No grudge." Zhuang Yuexi said in a low voice.

Does Princess Zhuang not know her niece? Since childhood, he has been the most respected daughter in the capital. He is very intelligent and has both talent and appearance. He has never met an opponent.

Gu Jinyu was not as famous as Zhuang Yuexi in her early years, but she was first granted the title of princess. Later, she flourished in the women's school and gradually became as famous as Zhuang Yuexi.

Gu Jinyu doesn't surpass Zhuang Yuexi. However, with Zhuang Yuexi's dignity, it is a failure to communicate with others.

Concubine Zhuang continued to walk forward, and said: "is that why you don't like Huixian master? My aunt told you that you are the daughter of a banker. You should have a high vision, and the pattern should not be small. "

Zhuang Yuexi is not because of this.

Zhuang Yue Xi dropped her eyes and said, "my aunt taught me a good lesson." After a pause, he said, "but why does aunt suddenly care about the marriage of Hui County Master? Does aunt want to match her? "

Zhuang Guifei lightly smile: "this palace pour is to think, but also need her to nod to agree to just become."

Zhuang Yuexi was just testing her aunt, but she really got the answer: "aunt... Who do you want to marry her to? Big cousin? Or -- "

Princess Zhuang did not smile.

Zhuang Yuexi's heart clattered: "aunt, you don't want to marry her to my brother and let her be my sister-in-law, do you?"

There are several legitimate sons of the banker, but the only one who is unmarried is the king of Anjun.

Concubine Zhuang did not admit it or deny it.

Zhuang Yuexi's eyes suddenly flustered: "aunt, she doesn't deserve her brother! She is not a real Marquis's daughter. She is just a peasant girl in the countryside. Even if you make her the head of the county, she has a good reputation. She doesn't even have a place to eat. What kind of head of the county is she? "

Concubine Zhuang stopped, and the maids also stopped. Concubine Zhuang stroked a four season osmanthus in the basket: "the county master really doesn't deserve it, but what if... She becomes a princess?"

Zhuang Yuexi was stunned.

On the other hand, marquis Gu was once again called to the main hall of his official business by Zhao Shangshu.

Marquis Gu has been scolded so badly recently that he can't avoid another scolding.

However, to the surprise of marquis Gu, Zhao Shangshu's look was very soft. He didn't want to scold him at all!

Marquis Gu: hmm?

When Zhao Shangshu saw Marquis Gu, he showed his first brilliant smile in several months: "how's your day, Mr. Gu?"

Marquis Gu was confused by his boss's manner and tone of "eat well, dress warm, travel inconvenient, children's difficulties in studying".

He had no idea what it was like.

Zhao Shangshu personally pulled the wrist of marquis Gu and invited him to a chair to sit down.

Marquis Gu looked at the hand holding him and wanted to tell him that men are not allowed to give and take!

Zhao Shangshu smilingly said: "you are really, gave birth to such a promising daughter, why not early say?"

Marquis Gu is completely out of the situation.

With a smile, Zhao Shangshu sighed: "you're hiding so much from me! What can we hide from such an important matter? "

"What am I hiding from you?" Marquis Gu was at a loss.

Zhao Shang wrote: "just now people from the Ministry of war came and asked me if the bellows was invented by your daughter?"

Marquis Gu pointed to himself: "my daughter?"

Zhao Shangshu frowned: "don't you know?"

Lord Gu shook his head like a rattle.

Zhao Shangshu said: "then I ask you, do you have a daughter?"

Gu Hou Ye nodded: "well."

Zhao Shangshu then said: "last summer, were you and your daughter in Qingquan Town, Youzhou?"

Gu Hou Ye nodded again: "well."

Zhao Shangshu added: "is your daughter ice snow smart?"

Marquis Gu nodded heavily: "Hmm!"

His Jinyu must be smart! Play smart! If it wasn't for the fact that women were not allowed to take part in the imperial examination, his Jinyu would have been a high school candidate at least!

Zhao Shangshu patted his right hand back to his left heart: "isn't that the end? Last year in that town, besides your daughter, is there any other Marquis's family name Gu? "

Marquis Gu knows what's going on when he hears this. It's the imperial court that has found the little girl's clue.

But... I haven't heard of Jinyu!

Marquis Gu is not so eager for quick success and instant benefit. He decides to go back to the government to ask Gu Jinyu about the situation.

The fermentation speed of this event is much faster than Gu Jinyu imagined. She only read the books of sages and sages, but did not hear anything outside the window. She did not know what the invention of blast technology meant to Zhao state.

Your majesty seems calm, but in fact, he almost becomes a fool.

Liang's shoddy stuff was replaced by their Zhaoguo mines with only a little poor drainage technology. Although the two countries did not fight, it was more difficult to swallow than losing.

Now, I'm proud!

Liubu is also all popular with this technology. It can not only be used for ironmaking, but also improve the quality of metallurgy. What's more in Zhaoguo? Gold mine!

However, among the six countries, Zhao has the lowest level of productivity, so even if there are many mines, it is still a poor country.

Looking at the common people's life seems to have been good, that is, these two emperors are still conscience, did not wantonly oppress the common people, but also reduced a lot of taxes. In fact, the State Treasury is very poor. Otherwise, can it sell the degree of Guozijian to Lin Chengye?

Half of the buildings donated by the Lin family to the Imperial College were dug into the Treasury by his majesty.

However, even though Gu Jinyu did not know the trend of the imperial court and Liubu, he also experienced the changes of people around her.

When she came back from the Imperial Palace, her little servant girl told her that the female school official had been here and asked her how she was getting well. When would she go back to class?

Gu Jinyu has been recuperating at home for so long, and the female officials have not come to the door for a long time, but at this time, who can say that they are not inspired by the crown princess?

Did the princess also hear about the bellows?

It's not surprising to think that Shufei and Zhuang Guifei have heard about it. Can the Crown Princess not?

After that, several of them made friends with her, but they were estranged from her because of her life experience. They came to visit her. They talked and laughed as if the previous unhappiness had never happened.


Their father, who was an official in the court, must have sent them here to inquire about the truth.

If she is really the inventor of the bellows, no one can look down upon her no matter how humble she is. She has done a good deed beneficial to the country and the people, and even her majesty will praise her.

But what if the real inventor comes out one day?

Gu Jinyu is entangled.

When Marquis Gu returned to the Marquis's house, Gu Jinyu was tidying up her big box.

This box is full of small things she wrote, painted and made by herself. Yao didn't throw them away. She took them all away.

She moved back to her yard and took out all the papers. She wanted to see if she really had the inspiration of bellows.

"Jinyu, what are you doing?" Marquis Gu came into the room, looked at the manuscripts and asked.

Gu Jinyu raised her slightly embarrassed face and said, "I'm looking for something."

"What are you looking for?" Gu Hou Ye goes in, "dad helps you find it."

"Sketch." Gu Jinyu said, "a sketch similar to the bellows."

"You mean this?" Marquis Gu bent over and picked up a piece of drawing which was sandwiched in the page of the book. On the drawing, with a very immature technique, he drew a crooked box. There was something that he didn't know whether it was a handle or a pull rod. It was three or two layers below. At first glance, it was really similar to the shape of the bellows.

Gu Jinyu didn't know what she had painted.

But it's not the bellows.

But... It's far fetched. It's like the rudiment of a bellows.

"Jinyu, did you really invent the bellows?" Asked Marquis Gu.

Gu Jinyu did not rush to answer the words of marquis Gu, but said: "Dad, what did the people of Liubu say? What did they find? "

Marquis Gu said: "it's a girl surnamed Gu. She has something to do with Marquis Ding'an's residence. She should be the daughter of marquis Ding'an's residence. Ah, by the way, I'm fourteen or fifteen years old. "

That's right. The Ministry of war has been to the front line. Among the clues, there is a very useful age.

This is basically against Gu Jinyu.

Gu Jinyu's heart had a bold guess, but she did not dare to say, she went to Yao's yard.

Yao is making clothes for Gu Jiao.

"Mother." Gu Jinyu walked over. Her excitement made her ignore Yao's clothes. She squatted down, grabbed Yao's hand and asked, "has my sister been here recently?"

"What's the matter? What can I do for you? " Yao asked.

Gu Jinyu shook his head: "no, I haven't been to the girls' school for several days. I haven't seen my sister. I want to ask her how she is doing."

The female school is next door to the medical school. Gu Jinyu goes to school and occasionally meets Gu Jiao. However, they hardly communicate with each other. No one in the medical school knows that she is a sister to a drug boy in the medical school except the sister of the dealer.

Referring to her daughter, Yao's eyebrows are full of doting: "your sister is very good, but recently your brother-in-law just finished the Chunwei exam, she is a little busy."

Gu Jinyu didn't like it. What can a poor boy from the countryside do for a good title? It's not like an Jun Wang, who is sure to be the first in the exam.

When Princess an gets the first place in the exam, he will give her the hairpin.

"Are you better? I hear you're in today. " Yao said.

"I'm ok. I should have sent for my mother first, but mother Qi urged me. I had to see my aunt first. Don't be angry with me."

"No Yao said.

"By the way, mother, you didn't throw away my old manuscript, did you?" Gu Jinyu took out a few pieces of paper from her purse that she had painted when she was a child. "It's the same as these."

Yao asked, "didn't you take them all?"

Gu Jinyu said, "I mean those in the villa."

Yao explained, "these are from the villa."

Gu Jinyu dropped her eyes: "has my sister seen these things?"

Yao shook his head: "I didn't show it to her."

Gu Jinyu looked up at Yao: "does she have her own look?"

Yao asked strangely, "what does she do with your stuff?"

It's not a kid anymore.

Children don't do that either. Gu Yan never turned over Gu Jinyu's things when he was a child.

Gu Jinyu said with a smile: "I don't mean that. She's my sister. She's cold in face and warm in heart. I know she cares about me."

Yao said: "she doesn't care about you, and she won't look through your things." Jiao Jiao is a good child with good manners.

Gu Jinyu no longer argued with his mother, but turned away from the topic and said something else. After a while, Yao was sleepy.

Yao is always sleepy recently.

Gu Jinyu let her mother have a good rest.

After walking out of the yard, Gu Jinyu suddenly whispered, "whoever it is must have peeked at my drawings to get inspiration!"

Little servant girl: "Miss, what are you talking about?"

Gu Jinyu ignored her. She believed in her conclusion and didn't worry about revealing it any more.

Yes, she is a gifted girl in Zhaoguo. Others just steal her inspiration!

She is the real owner!

The next day, Gu Jinyu went to school.

As expected, those who alienated her were all fawning on her again.

"Miss Gu, I heard that you invented the imperial wind box. Is that true?"

"Yes, yes, is that true?"

"Say something

At the gate of the female school, Gu Jinyu was blocked by the thousands of gold. Although they were asking, their eyes were fixed.

Otherwise, Gu Jinyu pretended to be ill for so long at home, and suddenly came to school because of a turnaround?

Gu Jinyu gave a modest smile and said, "Your Majesty has not yet announced it to the public. Please don't make it public."