The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 197

Gu Jiao was not interested in the hairpin, and even less in Gu Jinyu's gossip. She turned and left.

Gu Jinyu in Qingfeng building is not a good person. Because of Zhuang Mengdie's words, her face has changed.

Today's ten days off, we have nothing to do, so we invited each other to qingfenglou, one is to bet for Chunwei, the other is to bet for sanhuabang.

Gu Jinyu is a strong candidate for the three flower list. She was born in the Marquis's house and is the apple of marquis Gu's eye. She is also deeply loved by the lady. At the age of 15, she was named Princess Hui by her majesty.

Her talent name is not a household name in the capital, but it is also famous. After entering the women's school, she was like a duck to water and won a lot. If the serial number is wrong, you can look for the seal.

Transcribing officials are very careful, so far there have been no mistakes in the papers.

They argued in a low voice, and no one could persuade them.

Examinees know nothing about the dispute between examiners. The examination time is coming to an end. They are writing hard.

Prince an wrote early.

His eyes will be blind at night, so he tries to finish his papers in broad daylight.

The bell rings and the second exam is over.

The examiners came to seal the papers. Many people howled in this scene. Obviously, the first scene was too smooth, which led them to underestimate the difficulty of the second scene.

But the real nightmare is scene three.

This is a question for the examiners.

The title is so tricky that some examinees want to faint at the first sight.

It is actually a test of the di Changxian.

The spring and Autumn Annals says that it is not wise to establish a legitimate leader, but not wise to establish a son.

It is said that only the legitimate son in the family is qualified to inherit the family property. Even if the common son was born earlier than the legitimate son, the legitimate son should be given priority. Only when the legitimate son is dead can it be the turn of the common son to be superior.

For example, he was the youngest son in his family. He had two elder brothers on his head, but they had no right of inheritance. Only he could be called Xiao Hou Ye.

Now that he is dead, Xuanping Marquis's property should be inherited by his eldest son, unless another legitimate son emerges from Princess Xinyang's belly.

If there are several legitimate sons in the family, the eldest son should inherit the property, such as Gu Changqing of the Marquis of Ding'an.

These two still belong to the coordination of virtue, but there are also non coordination of virtue, such as the former crown prince.

Empress Dowager Zhuang had no son in her life. The son of concubine Liu was the eldest prince, and he was canonized as the crown prince by the former Emperor.

After conspiring against the Liu family, he was demoted to be a commoner. After that, it was the rule that the second prince should be set up, but the fifth prince should be set up, which is now his majesty.

After his majesty ascended the throne, he made queen Xiao's son the crown prince.

If you agree with the saying that you should not be virtuous, then your Majesty's throne will come from a wrong way; But if you don't agree, you are accusing your majesty of making the crown prince wrong. After all, everyone knows that although the crown prince is born directly, he is not the most outstanding of the princes.

This is a gift proposition!

The examinees from Youzhou are crazy.

Who did they offend? The questions of the local examination are more tricky than those of the local examination. They are all about the emperor's housework!

Although it is not clear that it is a matter of establishing a reserve, no one is a fool.

What's more, Li Chu is not strictly regarded as the emperor's housework, it is a state affair.

Since it's a matter of state, there's nothing that can't be used to test them.

In a word, it's right to test them.

Thanks to the cold weather, no one suffered from heatstroke, but another two old people were caught in the wind, which scared the subject.

Princess an frowned slightly when he got the title.

He didn't understand who had come up with the problem? Is it the Imperial Academy or your majesty? If it is your majesty, what is your Majesty's intention?

Are you dissatisfied with the prince? Or are you beating the makers who want to bring the Prince down?

After all, Li Di is today's Prince, but if Li Chang, he should be the eldest prince of the imperial concubine Zhuang.

The king soon laughed.


This topic is really interesting!

Feng Lin and Lin Chengye have basically knelt down in this fight. They are not very political. They can't understand the deep meaning behind this topic. They just think it's the literal intention.

There is only one son in Feng Lin's family. What is Li? Li is his!

Although Lin Chengye is a common son in his family, his father said that he can succeed only when he is an official. So his brothers don't want to succeed at all. They all want to be an official.

If he fails to pass the entrance examination, he will have to go back to inherit his family property like his brothers and become the richest man of the rich side.

Well, he didn't want to. He was worried.

When Xiao LIULANG got the test questions, his expression didn't change much, but he also obviously felt that the difficulty was greater than that of the previous tests.

He closed his eyes and wrote in his mind for a while. Instead of writing in a hurry, he sat for another half an hour, overturning the idea he had just thought.


The examinees in the Gongyuan were so exhausted that they wanted to drop their pens. Outside the Gongyuan, on the quiet and cold path, a list of thin figures were looking at the wall of the Gongyuan.

The examination questions spread out half an hour after the examination. Now the tea houses and restaurants are all around, but no one can send the answers in.

The man stood under the towering wall, holding a piece of paper with the questions written on it.

There was a glow of excitement in his eyes.

He can do it.

He can do it!

He knew how to write, and there were no less than ten answers in his mind!

He squeezed the paper ball in his hand, and his body trembled slightly.


A patrolling guard found him.

He's on the run!

In order not to affect the examinee's examination, it is forbidden to ride horses nearby. All the guards patrol on foot, but they are brave enough to catch this helpless man.

"It's you?" After the guard pressed the man to the ground, they recognized the identity of the other side.

Liu Yisheng.

It's no surprise that the guards can see it. Every year there are examinations in the Imperial Palace, big and small. Every one of them can catch the madman outside.

The guard said coldly, "you can't get in. What do you always do here?"

"Passing by." Liu Yisheng said that he felt uncomfortable when he was pressed on the ground with his hands cut back.

"What's the matter?" Another guard came.

"It's Liu Yisheng." The first guard said that he was actually going to blow Liu away, but obviously his companion didn't want to let Liu go easily.

The companion squatted down and drew out a note from Liu Yisheng's fist, which read today's questions.

He immediately disdained to smile: "actually steal Chunwei examination questions, what do you want to do? Cheating with the people in it? "

This kind of examination question has been passed out for a long time, and the guards all know this, but even if he looks at the boy, he has to be charged with humiliating him.

Liu Yisheng was dragged into an alley.

Snowflake like fist toward him, he was beaten with blood all over his face, convulsions.

"All right, all right! Chunwei, don't kill people! " The first guard couldn't see through, persuaded his companion and took him back to the patrol path.

The snowflakes were falling in great numbers.

Liu Yisheng stands on the cold street, looking at the gray sky.

He saw no hope.

He wants to die.

But he also understood that those people would not let him die.

They want him to live and bear the sins of the abandoned Prince and the Liu family.

The cold snow fell on his wound.

I wish I could freeze to death like this——

He closed his eyes and sneered.

Suddenly, the light on the top of his head darkened, and the snowflakes on his body disappeared. He opened his eyes faintly.

Someone held an oil paper umbrella for him. Flowers and chickens were painted on the umbrella in a very poor way, but the handle of the umbrella was exquisitely engraved with words.

The girl under the umbrella has a jade temperament.

There was a big red spot on his left face, but it was gorgeous in the snow.

Gu Jiao squatted down and put the umbrella aside.

He raised his hand to stop Gu Jiao.

"Don't move." Gu Jiao said.

Liu Yisheng... Didn't move.

Gu Jiao put the small basket on the ground, took out the small medicine box from inside, took a few tongue depressors and put them in his mouth: "bite, it may hurt."

Liu Yisheng bit the tongue depressor.

Gu Jiao pinched his right arm and recovered with a click.

And thighs.

This one hurts.

Gu Jiao's hand gently put on his left leg and lifted his leg up: "I count three times, and then reset it for you. If you can, nod."

Liu Yisheng nodded in a cold sweat.

This action makes him very shy.

Gu Jiao: "one..."


I got it back.

Liu Yisheng hasn't even had time to meet the pain.

Of course, the pain was intense, and his tears came out.

But he put up with it again.

Gu Jiao listened to his breathing with a stethoscope. When she touched one of the ribs, he snorted with pain.

Gu Jiao took back the stethoscope, untied his coat and put her hand in.

He immediately panicked: "what do you do?"

"Shh, don't move." Gu Jiao seriously touched his ribs, her action is very careful, "rib fracture, dislocation is not particularly obvious, can recover."

Gu Jiao took her hand back.

This hand, just at his chest upstream walk, Liu Yisheng some embarrassed: "you medical women are so..."

"It's the doctor." Gu Jiao corrected him.

Liu Yisheng stopped talking.

Gu Jiao stood up: "you wait for me here, I'll call a carriage for you."

"No Liu Yisheng stops her.

"Well?" Gu Jiao looked at him strangely.

Liu Yisheng suddenly couldn't look directly into her eyes. He dropped his eyes: "I said, no need."

After a pause, he pinched his finger and looked at her coldly, "I still said that, if you save me so that I can repay you one day, then you are wrong. You should put your chips on those examinees, not on me, who everyone shouts and beats!"

Gu Jiao sighed: "you still don't believe in yourself."

Liu Yisheng laughed at himself: "you've lost your sight. I'm just a waste who doesn't even have the qualification for the imperial examination!"

Gu Jiao murmured: "do you want to take the imperial examination?"

Liu Yisheng turned his face: "no, it's impossible."

Gu Jiao said seriously: "there is nothing impossible in the world."

"Is it?" Liu Yisheng sneers, a cold wind blows, Gu Jiao's oil paper umbrella rolled over, wearing a little flower chicken so without warning into his eyes.

He suddenly laughed, full of irony: "have you ever heard of Jinshi hairpin flower? Every year, your majesty will appoint three first-class Jinshi and give them hairpin flowers. If you can get their hairpin flowers, I believe what you say. There is nothing impossible in the world. Remember, it's not one, it's three. "

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. Even the Crown Princess of the current Dynasty only got two."