The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 195

"Jiao Jiao Jiao!"

Xiaojingkong runs into the kitchen with short legs.

Gu Jiao is cutting vegetables, lift Mou to see him one eye: "how?"

Xiaojingkong grabbed his little bald head and asked, "what does it mean to take the exam?"

"Well?" Gu Jiao cuts vegetables.

Xiaojingkong said: "I just heard the guest who came to our house talking to his brother-in-law. He asked his brother-in-law to take the exam. Does he mean to take them to take the exam together? Like taking brother Feng Lin and brother Lin Chengye? "

Gu Jiao's eyes cooled, put the kitchen knife on the chopping board, untied her apron and walked out of the kitchen.

In the study, Xiao LIULANG looked at each other lightly.

Wang Yun said with a smile: "is it too abrupt for me to say that? Young master Xiao may not be able to accept it for a while, but if I analyze it with him, he will understand. I know more or less about Mr. Xiao. He came from the county. He was the son-in-law of a farmer's family. He was admitted to the Imperial College with the achievement of Jieyuan. I believe Mr. Xiao made some efforts in private. Mr. Wang admires Mr. Xiao's strength. He also believes that Mr. Xiao can be a high school tribute. "

In this case, there is usually a but.

Sure enough, Wang Yun went on: "but it's not so easy for Xiao to become a champion. The examination is conducted by the examiners, who only look at the papers, not the people. After the entrance examination, his majesty will hold the palace examination in person. At that time, all the candidates will sit in front of his majesty, and his majesty will see everyone's faces. "

What he said was his face, but his eyes fell on Xiao LIULANG's legs and feet.

This meaning is very obvious. How could your majesty choose a lame man to be the winner?

There are three lists of Jinshi. The first three are the first, the second and the third. They are the first, the second and the third Gu Jiao asked.

Du Ruohan sighed: "in the past, it was empress dowager Zhuang who listened to the government from behind the curtain. The power of the cabinet was in the hands of her brother, that is, Zhuang Taifu. The current situation may change a little this year. After all, the Empress Dowager Zhuang is ill and went to the palace to cultivate herself. The influence of the banker is not as powerful as before. However, it is precisely because of this that all forces should seize this last opportunity. Otherwise, once your majesty has completely regained his power, it will be difficult for them to control the imperial examination again. "

Feng Lin had a good day in Bishui Hutong. Except Du Ruohan, he lost his pocket money next month.

The old lady happily counted the money in the room.

Feng Lin and the three left.

Before they left, they gave Xiao LIULANG a strange look.

Xiao LIULANG frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

The three shook their heads like rattles: "nothing, nothing!"

Let them pretend they don't know, then they don't know anything.

The three left in Lin Chengye's carriage.

He turned and went into the yard, only to find that Gu Jiao came out.

"Are you going out so late?" He asked.

Gu Jiao said, "go to the hospital."

Xiao LIULANG takes ten days off for four people, and her second boss specially gives Gu Jiao a day off to spend time with her family, so she doesn't have to go to the hospital.

And even if she did, she never went empty handed.

She would take her own little basket with her medicine box.

Xiao LIULANG gave her a deep look.

Xiao LIULANG wrongly blamed Gu Jiao. She really went to the hospital. She went to see what happened to Gu Chenglin. Gu Chenglin's medicine she took out early and gave it to doctor song, so it doesn't matter if she doesn't bring a small medicine box.

Gu Jiao swears that she doesn't want to go to he Jinghong for trouble.

She doesn't know where he Jinghong lives.

But I don't know if I'm too lucky today. Just after seeing Gu Chenglin, I came out of the medical school and met a group of bird walkers.

"Mr. He! Here's your parrot A peddler handed a birdcage to a young gentleman, uncovered the cloth on the birdcage, and said, "it cost a lot of money to get it. People refused to sell it at first. I tried my best to persuade her!"

"My cousin loves raising birds!" You said.

The peddler said with a smile: "it's not my boasting. Mr. He, there is no more intelligent parrot in the whole capital. The lady of the state will like it!"

Your son is very satisfied, throw him a money bag, command the entourage to take the bird cage, turn around and go to the alley.

His surname is he. His aunt is the wife of the Duke of the country.

The characteristics are too obvious for Gu Jiao to ignore.

It's not that I'm going to find you. You sent it to me yourself, right?

Gu Jiao followed.

Mr. He personally brought the bird cage over. As he walked, he thought about the way that his cousin was amused by the parrot. He felt very happy.

He went into an alley.

Seven or eight attendants followed him closely.

Originally, several people were well followed, but unexpectedly——


One is missing!


Another one is missing!

Mr. He looked back and felt that something was wrong, but the lane was narrow. He didn't find that there were fewer people for a while.

Shua Shua!

When he looked back again, there was only one attendant left behind him.

The attendant's eyes widened and his face was frightened!

He was startled: "what's the matter with you?"

The attendant fell down with a bang!

Gu Jiao appeared in front of he Gongzi.

She was dressed in a blue suit with narrow sleeves and black hair. She wore a white jade hairpin that Xiao LIULANG had sent her in a bun on her head. The blue silk hanging down was like satin. It was natural and elegant in the cold wind.

Her eyes were cold, with a hint of disdain.

"He Jinghong?" She said.

Young master he blocked the bird cage in front of him: "who are you? How do you know my name? "

Gu Jiao said bluntly: "I heard that your trial was fraudulent."

Master he's eyes flashed: "what are you talking about! I'm not! "

There seems to be.

There's no bullshit.

Gu Jiao looked him up and down, and her eyes fell on his legs.

He was thinking about whether to break his leg so that he could not climb to the examination room, or break his hand to avenge Xiao LIULANG's entrance examination?

As a result, he Jinghong held the bird cage and ran away without saying a word!

Gu Jiao didn't even move her eyelids. She jumped up, stepped on the wall, passed over his head, turned around and kicked him so that she turned around and fell on the hard ground.

The birdcage was also smashed on the ground, and the parrot flew away.

Mr. He is a spoiled noble. How could he fall like this? I just felt that my brain was scattered, and my internal organs were also moved.

Gu Jiao lightly came over, looked down at him, coldly grabbed his collar, and picked him up like a chicken.

But suddenly she felt something wrong.

A shadow fell at her feet, and she followed it and looked around.

Xiao LIULANG didn't know when he came to the alley. He was standing at the entrance of the alley, looking at her... And he Jinghong in her hand.

Gu Jiao's eyes dripped around. She blinked and said innocently, "he fell down. I'll help him up!"

After a pause, Xiaolian said seriously, "I don't fight!"


He Jinghong

"You go back first." Xiao LIULANG said to Gu Jiao.

"Oh." Gu Jiao gently let go of he Jinghong, especially gentle, "be careful, don't knock to the head."

He Jinghong is shaking all over!

Gu Jiao left obediently.

Xiao LIULANG reaches out his hand to he Jinghong.

He Jinghong looked at him in shock. He was just frightened by Gu Jiao. Now he gradually calmed down and remembered who Gu Jiao was.

He was with Xiao LIULANG in the Imperial College. On weekdays, he was very concerned about Xiao LIULANG's every move. Naturally, he met Gu Jiao who always came to the Imperial College to pick him up from school.

He Jinghong was suddenly not so afraid.

A poor boy who had changed his test paper and didn't dare to make a big deal of trouble, what courage did he have to be arrogant in front of himself?

Because of the disdain for Xiao LIULANG, accompanied by a little more disdain for Gu Jiao.

He Jinghong grabs Xiao LIULANG's hand and stands up. He holds the wall with one hand and covers his painful chest with the other. He says to Xiao LIULANG fiercely, "I've recorded this account!"

That woman dares to do this to him and let go his expensive parrot. He won't make her feel better!

Looking at his staggering back, Xiao LIULANG said faintly: "don't you want me to take the exam for you?"

He Jinghong took a step.

Xiao LIULANG looked at him calmly and calmly: "I'll take the test for you. Today's matter is written off."

He Jinghong turned to Xiao LIULANG and squinted suspiciously: "that woman is so important to you?"

Xiao LIULANG: "I have one more condition."

He Jinghong: "you said."

Xiao LIULANG said, "you have to pay me the remuneration promised by manager Wang before."

He Jinghong sneered: "Oh, you hit me, but also want a reward?"

Xiao LIULANG looked at him coldly: "if I didn't hit you, I would not agree at all."

He Jinghong's eyes flashed, and he carefully measured them in his heart.

When he saw Xiao LIULANG's Eight Legged essay in Pingcheng, he began to pay attention to each other. From the local examination to the Imperial College, Xiao LIULANG's performance can be described as impeccable. If Xiao LIULANG can really end up for himself, then he won't have to worry about his examination results.

No one can be more powerful than Xiao LIULANG except Prince an.

"Well, I promise you." He Jinghong raised his chin.

"There's no reason to talk." Xiao LIULANG looked at a study not far away. "You must set up a letter to ensure that as long as I am admitted as a Gongshi for you, you can no longer trouble me and my family!"

He Jinghong frowned: "you can't believe me?"

Xiao LIULANG said frankly, "that's right."

"You..." he Jinghong choked, but to be honest, he really had the idea of settling accounts after autumn. When Xiao LIULANG passed the exam for himself, he would try to deal with them.

Xiao LIULANG then said, "you should not only establish your word as evidence, but also swear to heaven that if anything happens to me and my family in the capital, it will be counted on your head!"

He Jinghong pointed to his nose and said, "don't go too far! Do you knock yourself out of the door? "

Xiao LIULANG said: "yes, even if it's yours, do you agree or not?"

He Jinghong has a toothache!

What a fool to promise!

But Gongsheng's temptation is too big. Aunt Biao said that as long as he can be admitted as a Gongshi, uncle Biao will have a way to make him one or two of the Jinshi!

This is the only quota for the Luo family.

My cousin told him to try not to lose to his relatives in other rooms.

He Jinghong said: "good!"

Anyway, we should talk about it first!

Xiao LIULANG and he Jinghong went to the study and asked for a quiet room.

Xiao LIULANG read it and he wrote it.

The general content is that Xiao LIULANG promised to take the exam for him. The specific operation is to write down each other's names on the test paper. Xiao LIULANG promised to take the first three exams for him, and he promised to pay Xiao LIULANG 5000 Liang silver as a reward.

"Don't let me and my family get into trouble."

"Don't take the payment back."

"No one can steal it back."

"You can't go back."

He Jinghong

Finally, he Jinghong signed his signature.

Xiao LIULANG also drew a painting.

He Jinghong said coldly, "in case you don't get into the top three..."

Xiao LIULANG interrupted: "the reward will be refunded by half. If you can't pass the examination, all the Gongshi will retire. "

He Jinghong gave a cold hum. It's almost the same!

It's in duplicate, one for each party. He Jinghong paid half of the deposit first, and then settled the rest of the remuneration according to the results.

After collecting the documents, he Jinghong stood up and patted Xiao LIULANG on the shoulder with satisfaction: "take a good test and don't let me down."

Xiao LIULANG rarely hooked his lips: "don't worry."

Xiao LIULANG seldom laughs. He is so charming when he laughs that even he Jinghong is surprised.

Soon he regained his mind, cleared his throat uneasily, turned his head and went out.

Xiao LIULANG looked at the document in his hand, and his smile gradually cooled down.

He turned his head and went to Jingzhao's house. A piece of paper sued he Jinghong!

Before he Jinghong returned to the government, he was arrested by the official of Jingzhao government.

He Jinghong looks confused. What's the situation?

"Yes, that's him. He forced me to set up a document and let me take the test for him. He also threatened me that if I didn't agree, it would upset my family. "

On the court, Xiao LIULANG said with a sad face.

Xiao LIULANG has the reputation of raising people, so he doesn't have to kneel down.

He Jinghong didn't have to kneel, but he was too emotional. In a rage, he was not good for jingzhaofu, so he knelt down on the ground.

He Jinghong is going crazy!

Is there anyone who lies so openly? Who on earth let who set up the document?

Xiao LIULANG sighed: "he said that his cousin is a famous lady of the state. I can't fight him. If I don't want to die, I'll do as he says, or he will drive me out of the country tomorrow."

He Jinghong said: "I didn't say that! Don't listen to him, my Lord! He asked me to set up a document! It's also my own initiative to test for me! He set me up! "

Xiao LIULANG said: "I have nothing against you. Why did I set you up?"

He Jinghong said: "because... Because your wife beat me! You're afraid I'll get back at her! You agree to take the test for me! "

As soon as he agreed, he Jinghong realized that he had said something wrong.

Xiao LIULANG said bitterly, "my Lord, it has nothing to do with my wife. She has never met him. I don't know who he's offended. He threw dirty water on my wife and threatened me. "

This method of touching porcelain is very common in Beijing.

He called the servants of he Jinghong, but no one knew that he had seen Gu Jiao.

He Jinghong has hit the porcelain.

Jing Zhaoyin: "do you have other witnesses?"



The two spoke in unison.

Jing Zhaoyin looked at them and frowned: "Xiao LIULANG, you said there was a witness. Where is the witness?"

Xiao LIULANG said, "in Lord Zhuang's mansion."

Jing Zhaoyin's heart clapped: "which, which Zhuang adult?"

Xiao LIULANG said, "Zhuang Xianzhi, the fourth son of Zhuang Taifu."

Niang Er, the dealer is involved.

Jing Zhaoyin was so cold-blooded that he had to pay attention to the case: "who are you and the witness you are talking about?"

"Mr. Zhuang's nephew, Du Ruohan."

Xiao LIULANG decisively sold Du Ruohan.

Feng Lin and Lin Chengye only know that Du Ruohan has an uncle in the capital, but they don't know who his uncle is. Xiao LIULANG knows that it's because he saw Du Ruohan and Zhuang Xian go to the prefect's residence together in Fucheng.

Du Ruohan is also called Zhuang Xianzhi's uncle.

Zhuang Xianzhi is the son of Zhuang Taifu. The father and son have different political views, so Zhuang Xianzhi is separated from Fu Dan.

Zhuang Xianzhi is not at home. Du Ruohan came alone.

Jing Zhaoyin said: "Xiao Jieyuan said that he Ju threatened Xiao Jieyuan and asked him to take the test for him. He also said that you were a witness. Is that true?"

Du Ruohan glanced at Xiao LIULANG. The boy hid deeply. He had found that they were listening to the corner of the wall!

"Yes!" Du Ruohan talks about Wang Yun's threats and inducements to Xiao LIULANG.

He Jinghong's face turned pale: "you, you lie!"

Du Ruohan rolled his eyes: "if I have lied, won't adults check it? I'll get your gossiping He looked at Jing Zhaoyin, "if you don't believe me, you can send someone to ask. So many neighbors have seen his servants come!"

Jing Zhaoyin really sent someone to ask, and it turns out that Wang Yun has indeed been to Xiao LIULANG's house.

He Jinghong retorted: "my Lord! Don't believe him! Why is he in Xiao LIULANG's house? They know each other! They're... They're in a group! "

Xiao LIULANG sighed helplessly: "it's a group of people to know each other. He still knows the Duke of the country. Is he's behavior inspired by the Duke of the country?"

This hat is buttoned!

Jing Zhaoyin almost fell off his chair!

He Jinghong choked, too.

He thinks Xiao LIULANG is trying to be reasonable, but he just can't refute it!

There are all kinds of human and material evidence, and he Jinghong's accusation of fraud is inevitable.

Cheating in the imperial examination is a felony, especially when it is a crime of blackmail and inducement! He Jinghong will never enter the examination room again in his life!

If he could not pass the imperial examination, he could only become the abandoned son of the government of Luo.

Guogong won't ruin his reputation for an abandoned son, so he Jinghong can't find fault with Gu Jiao any more.


This matter is very big, to the night, Gu Jiao also know.

They were walking in the yard.

Gu Jiao asked him: "are you not afraid to put yourself in?"

After all, he also signed. If he meets a confused Jing Zhaoyin, he may be convicted.

"And you?" Xiao LIULANG asked.

Gu Jiao stopped talking.

After a while, he said solemnly, "I said I was just helping him!"

Xiao LIULANG raised his eyebrows: "Oh, Luo Du and Zhao Rui, you just happened to help them?"

And then you can't get out of bed for months?

Gu Jiao defends the position: "it's just a hand!"

Xiao LIULANG chuckled.

For the first time, Gu Jiao saw him smile like this. It turned out that he would smile, and he was so good-looking.

How can I say that? My brother's smile is not a smile, but a poison.

Gu Jiao's brain suddenly flashed an idea.

This man can only smile to her in the future.


In February, spring is coming.

In the autumn of last year, Xiao LIULANG and his party encountered the hottest local examination. Unfortunately, this year, there was no warm spring and flowers, only a rare cold in spring.

In the capital of February, the north wind was blowing swish, and there was a snow on the fifth day of the lunar new year.

The people who fell into the ice lake in the cable bridge breaking accident did not get sick. Instead, they got a wave of diseases in the late spring.

All of a sudden, the business of the hospital is much better.

Gu Jiao asked doctor song and others to make the decoction into a pill, which is convenient to carry. Even after the final meeting, she can continue to take medicine.

The examination is divided into three sessions, the first session is four books and five classics, the second session is eight part essay, and the third session is quizzing. The content and process of the examination are similar to that of the local examination. They all enter one day ahead of time and leave the session the second day after the examination.

The first entry day is the eighth day of the lunar new year.

Gu Jiao got up early in the morning.