The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 176

Your majesty left behind the incumbent who was going to take up his post, and did not look back.

He went to find the old sacrificial wine.

Lao Jijiu didn't indicate his address in the letter, but his majesty didn't even have this ability.

The messenger said that a guest of Donglai Inn asked him to run errands.

Donglai Inn, very good.

His majesty went to Donglai Inn in person, but when he arrived there, the old sacrificial wine had already left.

"When did you leave?" Asked his Majesty's valet.

The shopkeeper said, "I've been away for a while. He goes out every day and comes back very late."

"How many days has he lived here?" The waiter asked again.

The shopkeeper turned over the account book and said, "five nights."

Donglai inn is a very humble one. It belongs to the kind of inn used to make toilets for the emperor, which should be despised.

His majesty is deeply distressed to think that the old sacrificial wine has yielded to such a place for so many days.

Green tea essential skill one: sell miserably!

The old sacrificial wine is well handled in green tea!

His majesty waited patiently in Donglai Inn for a long time, but he did not see the old man come back. He could not really wait all the time. After all, there were a lot of memorials to deal with in the imperial study.

Your majesty had to leave with regret.

If you see it, it's all right. But if you don't see it, your majesty always feels that something hasn't been finished, and says something in his heart.

This is another essential skill of green tea.

In officialdom, the old sacrificial wine never disappoints people. In those years, it was like this that the first emperor was killed step by step, and then the evil spirits were put in the cold palace.

Although less than half a year after the evil demon came out, he still became the first one to pull the evil demon down.

As soon as your majesty left, the old toaster went back to the inn... In fact, he didn't go far. He was just in the opposite tea shop to observe your majesty.

"My guest, someone came to you just now." The shopkeeper said politely.

"Well." The old sacrificial wine answered unintentionally.

The shopkeeper said, "are you still staying tonight? I'll have dinner prepared for you? Or to the room? "

"No, I can't live any longer," he said

Isn't it a waste of money to live after the goal is achieved?

Although the inn is dilapidated, it costs two or three hundred coppers a night.

He has been very short of money recently. He has to deal with his family expenses and someone's robbery.

The thrifty old wine man decided to return the guest room.

Next, he's going to disappear for a while.

If you are at a distance, you can scratch your lungs and grasp your heart.

What's more, no one will cherish the things that are too easy to get.

After leaving the imperial court for such a long time, the Guozijian was not the Guozijian three years ago, nor was he the sacrificial wine without worries. His enemies were not only empress dowager Zhuang who might be sober at any time, but also more.

He needs the absolute support of his majesty.

The family in Bishui Hutong knew nothing about the belly black of the old sacrificial wine.

The old lady didn't see him for several days. She thought he didn't want to hand over his private money, so she left.

"Aunt, I'm going to the hospital." Gu Jiao cleaned up the house and went to the old lady's house to say hello to her.

The hospital opens today.

The old lady said, "go ahead."

Gu Jiao looked at her strangely: "aunt, what's the matter with you?"

The old lady frowned suspiciously: "I'm thinking about my name."

Gu Jiao was surprised: "do you remember your name?"

The old lady shook her head: "your grandfather said it."

Sure enough, I know you. I can even name you.

"And what's your name?" Gu Jiao asked.

"Zhuang Jinse." Said the old lady.


Gu Jiao is silent.

Gu Jiao went to the hospital.

The second owner was at a loss in the lobby.

Gu Jiao went over: "what's the matter?"

The second owner sighed: "the medicinal material we ordered a year ago is for the camp to use for the treatment of acne. Originally, we decided to pay the balance next month, but now the other party asks us to pay in advance, otherwise they dare not transport the medicinal material to us."

Gu Jiao is very strict with the drugs. The concentration of the drug she made is higher than other drugs, so the amount of medicinal materials consumed is huge.

They paid a 30% deposit a year ago.

Although the business of the hospital was good after its opening, it invested too much in the early stage, so it didn't pay back at all. The 30% deposit was made by the second owner after he took out his family.

The remaining 70% is worth several hundred taels of silver, which he can't carry on.

Gu Jiao said softly and took out a stack of silver tickets from her pocket and handed them to him: "here you are."

Two owners thought that Gu Jiao would ask why the other party suddenly changed her tongue, but she directly started to throw the banknote.

It's too deep, isn't it?

The second owner was stunned: "you, where do you get so many banknotes?"

"Well..." Gu Jiao thought, "false."

The second owner

I also want to make so many mistakes, please take them!

Gu Chengfeng didn't have so much money. The total amount of silver in his hand was no more than 1000 Liang. The other 2000 Liang was borrowed by someone.

In order to repay the money, he has begun to take over private work secretly. It's not as simple as shoveling a few pieces of chicken Baba. Those tasks are all bloody and hot.

He was oppressed by his lessons in the daytime and by his tasks at night. His life was not like death. It can be said that he was miserable.

On the first day of new year's opening, the hospital has a lot to deal with.

Gu Jiao and doctor song took out some of the herbs in the cupboard to dry, while the second owner went to work on the final payment.

With money, you have a lot of confidence to do things.

"Dr. Song, please." Gu Jiao handed him a basket of medicinal materials checked out, "see if there are any bad ones, which need to be thrown away."

Doctor Song said: "in fact, it's very dry in the capital. It's not easy for medicinal materials to break down. A little moisture doesn't affect the efficacy. Just bask in the sun."

Gu Jiao says: "that also must pick out."

Doctor song understood that Gu Jiao's requirements for medicinal materials were so harsh that he couldn't say anything more. He went to choose the medicinal materials.

There are not many patients today, and only four of them came in the morning.

Towards noon, seeing that she was still there, doctor Song said, "Miss Gu, why are you still here? Don't you have to go back to dinner? "

There is someone cooking in the hospital, but Gu Jiao doesn't eat in the hospital. She wants to go home and cook for the old lady.

But now I have my grandfather, who can cook.

Gu Jiao shook her head: "no, I'm eating in the hospital today."

Doctor Song said with a smile, "ah! Then I'll tell the kitchen to cook more dishes! "

Gu Jiao let out a sound. It's better to have the first working meal of the Chinese New Year.

Gu Jiao continued to work on the medicinal materials. Suddenly a thin man came in. His expression was a little cautious: "excuse me, is there a doctor?"

Gu Jiao raised her eyes. She was a handsome and elegant man. She was too thin, sallow and malnourished.

"I am. This way."

She said, planning to bring people into the consulting room, heard the other party chat up: "no, no, I just grab some medicine, don't look."

Gu Jiao: "do not need to see how to prepare medicine?"

The man felt a piece of crumpled paper from his flustered sleeve: "I have a prescription."

This man's bearing is not like a vagrant, but his clothes are as shabby as those vagrant.

Gu Jiao took a look at the prescription and said to him, "this prescription is not suitable for your disease."

"Ah?" The man is one Zheng, "but, you don't know what disease I got again, how to judge prescription is not suitable for me?"

Gu Jiao returned the prescription to him: "this piece of paper is so old, has it been used for a long time? But your situation doesn't look good at all. If the prescription works, you won't be like this

The man felt pain in his right upper abdomen again.

He covered the pain and frowned tightly.

Alas, beauty is justice.

It's a pity that this man is so beautiful that he died.

Gu Jiao held out her hand: "give me."

"Well?" The man was so painful that he didn't come back for a moment.

Gu Jiao simply pinched his other hand and put her fingertips on his wrist.

The man suddenly changes color: "the man, the man and the woman give and receive the incompatibility!"

He tried to pull his hand back, but found it was not working at all.

Are all the little girls so strong these days?

Gu Jiao finished the pulse, and used her hand to poke his eyelids.

He was so scared that he stepped back. Shopkeeper Wang put a stool behind him in time. He folded his knees and fell on the stool.

There's never been a girl like that.

He's a complete fool.

Gu Jiao is very calm ground takes back a hand: "but often feel dry mouth bitter, anorexia greasy?"

The man nodded.

Gu Jiao: "how long has it hurt?"

Man: "one or two months, I don't remember."

Gu Jiao: "have you been eating this prescription?"

The man shook his head: "no, it was another prescription before, but it didn't get better. After that, it changed to a hospital."

Gu Jiao frowned: "are there so many quacks in Beijing?"

He is suffering from chronic cholecystitis, which belongs to the liver and gallbladder Qi type. The effect of traditional Chinese medicine intervention is good. Even doctor song, who just graduated last year, can treat it.

But this man went to two hospitals and didn't get his prescription right.

The man bowed his head and did not speak.

Gu Jiao gave a prescription and asked the medicine boy to grasp the medicine.

"Miss Gu, come on!" The medicine boy tied the bag with straw rope and handed it to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao took it to the man and said, "one pair a day, two times in the morning and evening. The fire is boiling, and the slow fire is boiling for two quarters of an hour. You eat for five days and come back in the morning on the sixth day. "

The man did not immediately reach for it, but asked, "how much is it?"

Gu Jiao: "one hundred Wen."

The man looked surprised.

Gu Jiao looked at him: "how? Is it expensive? "

The man shook his head like a rattle, some incredible: "are you sure you are not selling fake medicine?"

Gu Jiao

A pair of medicine costs only 20 Wen, which is really rare in Beijing.

This prescription itself does not need expensive medicinal materials. Of course, if a noble person comes, he must grasp the best medicine. Gu Jiao can also make a pair of medicine for one or two silver.

The man paid and went out with the medicine bag.

Just out of the door, he was hit by a man.

He fell to the ground and the medicine bags were scattered all over the ground. He reached out to pick them up, but one foot stepped on one of them.

His thin figure was shrouded in the huge shadow of each other.

His hand stopped when he went to pick up the medicine bag.

The other side was holding a piece of grass in his mouth. He looked at him and said, "Yo? Isn't this Mr. Liu? Come out to buy medicine again? What's wrong this time? And brother several said, brother several help you governance? No money! "

Several younger brothers behind him burst into laughter.

The man blushed in humiliation, his fingers pressed on the ground, and his knuckles were faintly white.

The man split his leg and said to the man, "go through my grandfather's crotch, and he will buy you medicine!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Get through!"

"Get through!"

"Get through!"

Several younger brothers roared fiercely.

The man's eyes showed endless humiliation and fierce light.

All of a sudden, a small figure came out and kicked the big man away!

"Who are you?" A little brother rushed over.

Gu Jiao touched his dirty hands, picked up the stick at the door and beat him away.

There was no trouble in solving the rest, but in the blink of an eye, everyone was beaten down.

The strong man had the best skill, but he didn't have the strength to fight back at all. He could only stand up reluctantly on the ground, and his legs were still shaking.

He looked at Gu Jiao with fear and resentment: "where's the smelly girl?"

Gu Jiao waved the stick, and the strong man lost four teeth!

The strong man was so hurt that he twisted his whole body. He covered his mouth full of blood and growled indistinctly: "do you know who we are?"

Gu Jiao said lightly: "I don't care who you are. He is a patient of miaozhou hall. If you make trouble in front of miaozhou hall, you should fight."

The strong man gave a vicious smile: "I'm afraid you don't know who he is, do you? He is Liu Yisheng! All the doctors in the capital dare not treat him. If you dare to treat him well, you will have your good fruit to eat! "