The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 174

The candle flickered in Gu Changqing's study.

A dark guard flashed in and saluted him: "son of a bitch!"

Gu Changqing's face was hidden in the dark, which made him cold.

He looked at the dark Wei: "let you investigate the matter to find out how?"

Dark Wei Baoquan way: "huishizi words, did not find."

Gu Changqing frowned: "none? There were at least seven or Eight maids and four or five moms in my mother's room. Why can't I find them? "

This is really weird.

Like the servants who accompanied Yao when he gave birth to a child, there was no trace.

There were not many servants in Yao's company. There were two little maids and an old lady. The old lady died, and the little maid could not be found in other places.

Yao's family background is not high, and her servant girls are not so strict. However, the servants of Xiao Ling's family are all strictly screened. They can be traced back to the last three generations, and they can't be heard from casually.

The dark Wei way: "those are all the servants that the first wife brought from her mother's house, really want to check, have to start from Ling's house."

But the Ling family is Gu Changqing's outsider, and he has always trusted each other.

If you really want to find out, first of all, he can't pass it in his heart.

"Check." He said.

Dark Wei one Zheng: "the son of the world?"

Gu Changqing said, "I need a truth."

Dark Wei looked at the son deeply and bowed down: "yes!"

After dark Wei left, Gu Changqing took out the evidence of that year -- the letter Yao wrote to Gu houye.

The letter said that Xiaoling's illness could not be delayed for a few days. When would Marquis Gu come to marry her? She's not from a high family. If she doesn't make the decision earlier, I'm afraid there will be some changes in the future.

Inside and outside of the words, they both mean that they have already had a chance to take advantage of Xiao Ling's critical illness and Yao's coming to take care of her.

If a person does, then she has to be a deep and evil woman?

But if she is not, what kind of terrible existence is the person who forged this letter?

Besides, it's not only letters, but also people who saw Yao enter Marquis Gu's study.

Did the witness read it wrong or was he ordered by someone?

Who can move the servants around Xiaoling?

Gu Changqing was in a mess. He got up, took back the letter, opened the door of the study and went out.

There was light snow outside.

He got on his horse and went all the way out of Houfu, running in the snow.

He didn't think about where he was going, but ma'er stopped in front of the house in Bishui Hutong.

The gate of the house was open, and lanterns were lit in the hall and yard.

From his point of view, we can see that several children are not afraid of freezing and sitting in the snow. It looks like they are playing leaf cards.

Gu Yan's face was painted with tortoise and a lot of stickers.

Small clearance face is very clean, nothing.

There was also a boy of thirteen or fourteen.

Although Gu Changqing had been here, he also went in to take care of Gu Yan for the whole night, but Gu Xiaoshun, the son of the meeting, also suffered from acne and rash and was recovering in the room, so they didn't meet each other.

But this does not affect Gu Changqing to guess his identity.

Gu Xiaoshun also lost many times in playing the leaf card, and his face was painted with tortoises.

The old lady, holding the candied fruit jar, came over while eating. She touched the heads of the three people one by one. She didn't freeze and went on eating her candied fruit.

Gu Changqing looked at this scene, in fact, some do not understand.

Gu Xiaoshun is the child of Gu Jiao's foster parents, while Xiao Jingkong is the little monk who is adopted by the mountain. They have no blood relationship with Gu Jiao.

But their status at home is the same as Gu Jiao and Gu Yan.

Don't you think your children can get along so well?

"Oh, brother Yan, you are cheating again!"

Gu Yan steals a card and is caught by xiaojingkong on the spot.

"I didn't!" Gu Yan solemnly denied.

"And what is this?" Xiaojingkong decisively finds out the leaf card that Gu Yan stuffed in the snow.

Gu Yan said: "how do I know? I didn't hide it. "

"It's you! You are the one! I see it The little guy was so angry that he got up on the stool, stamped his feet and jumped up!

They had a terrible quarrel.

Two people's small pet also starts to quarrel, in the courtyard a chicken flies dog to jump.

Suddenly, Gu Xiaoshun looked at the door: "someone?"

They quarreled and looked at the door.

Gu Changqing was just looking at it quietly. He didn't know when he could see it, so he stood at the door.

It's too late to escape.

They both saw him.

"Wow! Big brother Xiaojingkong forgets his unhappiness, jumps down from the stool and runs to Gu Changqing.

Gu Yan also wanted to go there, but suddenly he thought of something. He lost his leaf card and tore the note off his face in a hurry.

After that, I remembered that I had painted tortoise son of a bitch on my face.

He stuck the note in despair again!

"Big brother! Get rich, get rich Small clearance arch small hands, courtesy of the new year.

When the neighbors came to their house and said that, he learned it.

Gu Changqing's eyes softened: "what are you doing?"

Small clearance way: "play leaf card!"

My aunt taught me!

The old lady opened her mouth: "little clearance, who is it?"

Xiaojingkong turned back and said, "it's big brother!"

The old lady knew who it was and said, "come in and have dinner together."

Her voice is not big, tone is not heavy, but there is an irresistible momentum.

Gu Changqing hesitated.

He didn't want to visit, so he didn't bring any gifts. It seems that it's not good for him to celebrate the new year.

"What are you doing? Come in Said the old lady.

"Yes Gu Changqing went in.

He saluted the old lady first.

Strangely, he was courteous.

He was stunned by his subconscious action.

Fortunately, the old lady and the public didn't care.

Gu Yan lowered his head to prevent him from seeing the tortoise on his face.

Gu Changqing looked at Gu Yan's small appearance, and could not help laughing.

Gu Yan heard his smile, the whole person is not good, decisively in the snow over the body, threw him a big back of the head!

Lao Jijiu took Xiao LIULANG to visit his critically ill old friend. Gu Jiao cooked the dinner.

It's not like Houfu's big fish and big meat, but it tastes like a child.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was not so serious. The family had a good time.

Gu Changqing even regretted why he didn't stay the last two times.

After dinner, Xiao Jingkong asked him, "big brother, do you want to play cards?"

"I, I will not." Gu Changqing grew up under the pressure of marquis Gu. His growth path is very strict. Playing has nothing to do with him.

In his cognition, he should not play, nor can he play, otherwise he is not a qualified successor.

Xiaojingkong tilted his head and said, "it doesn't matter. I can teach you! What a great aunt

All three of them are aunts!

Xiaojingkong is the smartest one. As soon as she teaches, she often kills Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun!

Gu Changqing hesitated.

Gu Jiao bent his lips: "new year, you can play."

Gu Yan also nodded.

In fact, even Mrs. Gu, who loves her grandson so much, didn't tell him. It's OK. You can play.

Gu Changqing seemed to break the shackles on his back all the time. He took a deep breath: "that, that's OK."

Gu Jiao said, "go to my aunt's house. It's warm there. I'll get something to eat."

The old lady's eyes dribbled around. Gu Changqing's manner of dress was extraordinary, and her face was upright. At the card table, she was a fool with a lot of money.

Old lady: "Oh, I'm so sorry to draw tortoise in front of the guests. Ten coppers, the smallest one!"

Xiao · local tyrant · Jingkong has just accepted the rent, a lot of money, no pressure at all!

Gu Xiaoshun also has some lucky money given by Gu Jiao.

Gu Yan is the most miserable. His lucky money is not enough to repay xiaojingkong's debt.

He works in xiaojingkong and earns hard money. Every day, he gets more than ten coppers and shovels chicken Baba until his hands are soft!

But he would rather lose his purse than draw a tortoise in front of Gu Changqing.

The big deal... Is to owe the small clearance debt, give him shovel a few days more chicken Baba.

Small clearance: friendly tips, your chicken Baba schedule has been scheduled to next year!

"I really don't know..." Gu Changqing was ashamed. The Marquis never allowed him to lose his mind by playing with things. He didn't even know the leaf card. It took him a long time to figure out which is which. "If you don't play well, don't mind."

As a result, the small clearance to the second!

Small clearance "...!"

After playing a few more games, to be honest, Gu Changqing is still in an ambiguous state about the rules. Is it better to play this game or that game? This one, right?

Then a card was played and the whole court was bombed.

He won himself for no reason.

The old lady is the gambling king of Bishui Hutong. The neighbors can't win money from her.

The old lady didn't believe in evil and went up to play. As a result, she was hanged by Gu Changqing.

The old lady's face turned black into carbon.

Gu Changqing said: "no... I didn't mean to. If I don't play this, I'll change it."

He changed for the smallest one, only to get a chance is the biggest one!

The rest is Wang Chan. Double the money.

Old lady: "I'm not sure."

Does Suxiao Jiuxin Pill still have wood to have?

The whole family can play cards. Gu Changqing, a novice who doesn't understand the rules, has done it.

The little clearance is dusty.

He stood in the same place with no soul, and was frantic to and fro by the old lady!