The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 1001

Under the gaping gaze of all Wei Jun, two young people from nowhere were taken to their camp by adult Liu Xiang\'s confidants.

In a spacious and tidy camp, Gu Jiao saw Liu Yisheng who had been away for many years.

He is already in his thirties, a little less once green and astringent youth, a little more calm and elegant deposited by years, and more noble and fierce of many superiors.

Nine years can change a person too much.

Gu Jiao once heard someone call him Liu Xiang in her dream of returning to Hou\'s house. She knew that he would be able to seal Hou Xiang one day, but what she really saw was different from what she imagined.

Perhaps he didn\'t expect that he would break through the mountains and rivers of Zhao and return with the determination of revenge.

When Gu Jiao was watching Liu Yisheng, Liu Yisheng was also watching Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao also changed a lot. The birthmark on her face was gone, revealing her sealed face. It was strange, but also surprising.

24、 At the same age as flowers, she is as beautiful as a fairy.

What remains unchanged is her vigorous vitality and the pure eyes without any impurities.

It seems that no matter how many years have passed and how many things have gone through, she has never changed her mind.

"I\'ll go out first." Jun xiuhan said.

"OK." Liu Yisheng replied.

Jun xiuhan glanced at xuanyuanxi.

"I\'m not going out!" xuanyuanxi said.

Liu Yisheng smiled: "it doesn\'t hurt."

Jun xiuhan was stunned.

He never saw Liu Yisheng smile.

Liu Yisheng said to him, "go and do your own business. I\'m fine here."

Jun xiuhan glanced at Gu Jiao and said, "she has high martial arts." then he looked at xuanyuanxi on one side, "this boy is not weak."

He saw Gu Jiao\'s skill and knew that she was a terrible master who could defeat Han Ye. According to their intelligence, the young general around her should be champion Hou xuanyuanxi.

It\'s not in the pool.

If they were against Liu Yisheng in the camp, he would have no time to rescue him.

"I know," said Liu Yisheng lightly.

But since Liu Yisheng spoke like this, you xiuhan had to go out first.

There is only one follower in the camp.

"Anu?" Gu Jiao looked at him.

Liu Yisheng was in a good mood and his eyes were full of smiles: "yes, you remember. Anu, do you remember Miss Gu?"

Anu nodded and bowed to Gu Jiao.

He is a dumb slave and can\'t speak.

He has grown up and is a mature and steady bodyguard.

Gu Jiao nodded to him.

"Is it clearance?" Liu Yisheng looked at xuanyuanxi beside Gu Jiao again.

Xuanyuan Xi opened his eyes: "well, do you know me?"

Liu Yisheng said bluntly, "I heard your sister mention you, and then I investigated you."

Xuanyuanxi: "Oh."

Didn\'t ask him what he did.

Nine years ago, Gu Jiao saw Liu Yisheng off and played a piano for him in the pavilion. That time, she brought clearance.

Jingkong curiously asked about Liu Yisheng, and then realized that he and Gu Jiao were bosom friends.

He went back and boasted with his bad brother-in-law. Jiao Jiao sang harmoniously with Liu Yisheng\'s brother, but the bad brother-in-law was sour.

Later, when he grew up, he realized that harps and harps were not so useful. Moreover, Liu Yisheng played the flute with Jiao Jiao in the carriage.

Xuanyuanxi threw his mouth and said, "we\'re here to beat you, but you don\'t seem to deserve it."

The main reason is that he didn\'t feel the murderous spirit and bad intentions towards Jiao Jiao in Liu Yisheng.

He smiled and didn\'t seem to mind xuanyuanxi\'s bluntness. He came to the short case, sat down and asked the second humanitarian: "do you want tea?"

Xuanyuanxi didn\'t want to drink. He looked curiously at the weapons and books in the tent.

"Just look." Liu Yisheng said kindly.

Xuanyuanxi looked at Gu Jiao and saw that Gu Jiao nodded. He went to look at the books and weapons.

Gu Jiao sat opposite Liu Yisheng.

Liu Yisheng picked up the boiling kettle from the stove accessible to his tentacles and made three cups of tea.

Gu Jiao asked, "how do you know Jun xiuhan?"

Liu Yisheng said, "his mother is from the state of Zhao. Before he was taken back to the state of Yan by his father, he lived in an alley with me and met several times. Once he fainted from hunger, and I carried him home."

Gu Jiao suddenly realized: "no wonder."

Liu Yisheng handed the tea to Gu Jiao: "he doesn\'t have a good family in the state of Yan. Fortunately, he was successful enough to be admitted to the Canaan Academy. You can almost guess what happened later. I met him inadvertently and learned about you from him. I guessed that \'Xiao LIULANG\' was you."

Gu Jiao picked up the tea cup: "Heifeng rode on the selection. He helped me and said he was still a person\'s favor."

Liu Yisheng took back his hand, paused and said, "I don\'t know."

Gu Jiao looked at him: "how have you been these years?"

Liu Yisheng smiled faintly: "as you can see, it\'s not good or bad. How about you? How are you?"

Gu Jiao said honestly, "very good, I like it very much."

I like my life now and everything I\'ve experienced.

Liu Yisheng smiled happily and bitterly: "is he nice to you?"

Gu Jiao was stunned: "my husband? He is very good to me."

Liu Yisheng lowered his eyes and drank a mouthful of tea: "that\'s good."

"Do you have hatred in your heart?" Gu Jiao asked directly.

Liu Yisheng clenched the tea cup in his hand, stared at the tea floating in the cup, and said in a low voice for a long time: "yes, the royal family of Zhao slaughtered my Liu family. How can I not hate it?"

"I live like a dog and let people bully me. Anyone can step on me."

"Anyone who is unhappy can take it out on me and the people around me."

"No, I don\'t have many people around me, only a Mammy and a dumb slave bought halfway back."

Gu Jiao had heard and seen the scene of his being framed. Now when she heard him mention it again, she suddenly felt that the past was shocking.

The misery of Liu Yisheng seen by the world may be just the tip of the iceberg. He grew up in endless bullying and planted the seeds of hatred in his heart.

He laughed at himself: "you shouldn\'t have helped me, let me die in the street, and you won\'t almost subjugate the country."

"Zhao will not perish," Gu Jiao said.

Liu Yisheng raised his eyes and looked into Gu Jiao\'s eyes: "do you want to fight with me?"

Gu Jiao did not shy away from his goal: "yes."

Liu Yisheng laughed sarcastically, "why do you need to know each other when you want to kill each other?"

Gu Jiao said, "saving you is my duty, and killing you is my mission."

"You are a good doctor and a good general." Liu Yisheng put down the cold tea in his hand and stood up lightly. "Why don\'t we gamble. If you win, I will withdraw immediately and never invade the state of Zhao again. If you lose... Promise me a condition."

Gu Jiao thought about the cableway: "OK."

Liu Yisheng frowned: "you don\'t ask what conditions."

"Don\'t ask." Gu Jiao said.

Liu Yisheng pinched his finger: "Miss Gu, do you know that people are dangerous? You will make me want to win you by any means. You should bargain with me and let me understand that even if I win, I can\'t get what I want. Maybe I don\'t have such a strong desire to win or lose!"

"What are you betting on?"

Gu Jiao answered him with this placid remark.

"You..." Liu Yisheng choked, turned his face and calmed his mood. When he turned his face again, his face was calm. "I heard that you are a disciple of old Meng. You can play a game of chess with me and decide the outcome. If you play chess, you will win."

"OK." Gu Jiao answered with a crisp landing.

Liu Yisheng looked at xuanyuanxi who was reading books in front of the bookshelf and said in a warm voice, "clearance, there is a box of go on the second floor of the bookshelf. Can you pass it to me?"

"Oh, good." xuanyuanxi found out go and handed it to him.

He arranged the chessboard, grabbed a handful of Baizi from the chess box, clenched his fist and said to Gu Jiao, "guess first."

Gu Jiao picked up a sunspot: "single."

Liu Yisheng spread out his palm. The three pieces are indeed singular. The guesser is the black one.

And black first.

Gu Jiao dropped her son first and landed at the star destination in the upper right corner.

Here, the control of the diagonal is insufficient, but it develops outward, which is suitable for Gu Jiao Riley\'s popular temperament.

Xiao Shituan squinted comfortably on Gu Jiao\'s leg.

Gu Jiao plays chess and rolls the cat at the same time. It\'s not like a life and death game, but it gives birth to a good degree of comfort.

Liu Yisheng raised his hand and swept his eyes from his childhood.

Xiao Shi felt his back chilly and went to Gu Jiao\'s arms again.


"My Lord!"

Outside the camp tent, general Mo hurried over, looked at the closed camp behind Jun xiuhan, and whispered, "what\'s going on?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Jun xiuhan asked.

General Mo did not dare to get angry with Liu Yisheng\'s confidants. He scratched his head and said helplessly, "I\'m not worried about the safety of adults. Who are those two people? I think they seem to be wearing the armor of the state of Yan? Are they reinforcements sent by the state of Yan?"

"You don\'t have to take care of those two people\'s affairs. You can\'t take care of them either." Jun xiuhan said and added faintly, "even I can\'t take care of them."

Sir, are you jealous?

"Cough!" general Mo cleared his throat. "We\'re going to win the state of Zhao, but we can\'t go wrong! The state of Zhao has been strong these years, that is, we have caught a good opportunity this time. If we miss this time, it\'s difficult to attack the state of Zhao again!"

Time, place and people are at peace. Marquis Xuanping is not in the dynasty. Tang Yueshan stays in the capital. The crown prince gives Gu Jiajun a miserable pit. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will not happen again.

Jun Xiu said coldly, "you can think of it. Can\'t adults think of it?"

General Mo\'s eyes lit up: "so we\'ll fight again?"

In the camp, Gu Jiao left the last son: "I lost."

Liu Yisheng said, "it\'s just half an eye."

Gu Jiao said, "that\'s also a loss."

Liu Yisheng said, "I said I would beat you."

In fact, it was difficult to win. Her chess skills were so exquisite that he almost lost his strength to win her.

"Be willing to admit defeat and ask."

Xuanyuanxi pricked up his ears.

What conditions will Liu Yisheng and Jiao Jiao offer?

He looks at Jiaojiao with different eyes. Will Jiaojiao leave her bad brother-in-law with him? Or did he let Jiao Jiao stand by and not participate in the decisive battle with Zhao?

Or simply let Jiao Jiao send troops to help him fight the world?

To everyone\'s surprise, Liu Yisheng just got up and came to the cage, silently took out an ancient Qin and put it on the table: "can you play another piano for me?"

Gu Jiao looked at him strangely: "is this your request?"

Liu Yisheng smiled: "if you can, have another meal with me and listen to a play."

Gu Jiao took the Guqin.

Liu Yisheng cleaned the table.

Gu Jiao\'s fingertips moved, just like the sound of natural music flowing from her fingertips, like the sound of nine days and the sound of mountains and streams.

She played Jing Hong on the day when she saw him off. The difference is that this time, she added the second half of Zhao Ying.

Liu Yisheng gently played the flute, just like the night she saw him off years ago.

Xuanyuanxi listened attentively. After a long time, he reflected that he was holding a familiar arithmetic book with delicate annotations on it.

Did Jiao Jiao send a book to Liu Yisheng?

In the evening, the three had dinner together and went to the opera garden in the city to listen to Zhezi opera.

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. There is no warm language or intimate behavior between them, but it can make people feel the silent tacit understanding of moistening things.

"I should go," Gu Jiao said.

Liu Yisheng stared at her deeply: "be careful on the road."

This farewell, I wonder if I can see you again.

Gu Jiao nodded and reluctantly returned the little ten she had held all the way to Liu Yisheng, and then turned over with xuanyuanxi.

Liu Yisheng suddenly stopped her. At night, his eyes were like stars: "Miss Gu, thank you for the book you gave me."


Three days later, the army of the state of Wei withdrew.

The troops of the eleven cities were evacuated cleanly.

Liu Yisheng didn\'t take anything away from the state of Zhao. His luggage was very simple, except for clothes, the cat in his arms and the 11 books she gave him.

I met you at the most depressed age.

And you didn\'t step over my dirty and rotten body indifferently.

You bent down your beautiful waist and stretched out a clean hand to me.