The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 2017

"You can\'t say that." Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "As long as Fenglei Pavilion shows sincerity, Guizong will definitely be moved. At that time, how can I have the heart to let Fenglei Pavilion face all that?"

"It seems that the pavilion master is quite confident." The white-faced scholar nodded: "With the pavilion master\'s words, I\'m afraid I can sleep peacefully tonight."

"You don\'t have to worry too much, it doesn\'t matter how peacefully you sleep." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "I will take care of big things for you."

The white-faced scholar showed a gratified smile. What Ye Tian said just now gave him reassurance. After all, the combination of Bronze Taoist Temple and Tianlei Temple is simply not what Fenglei Pavilion can handle. Also keep the clouds open.

Ghost Emperor walked towards his courtyard with a gloomy look on his face. He wanted Ye Tian to hand over the dragon ball, but he didn\'t expect to get it, and he was misunderstood by others, which made him very angry.

Just when he came to the courtyard, Guidi saw Hei Hei Wu Chang and others looking at the starry sky outside, looking quite leisurely.

"Ghost Emperor?" Heiheiwuchang and the others were shocked, and looked at Ghost Emperor with horrified eyes. They thought that Ghost Emperor had already fallen asleep, but they didn\'t expect Ghost Emperor to go out in the middle of the night.

"What are you guys doing without sleeping in the middle of the night?" Ghost Emperor glanced at him: "It\'s really annoying, why should I go!"

After finishing speaking, the ghost emperor returned to the room, looking even more angry.

Black and white Wuchang looked at each other, their expressions revealed strangeness, the Ghost Emperor probably had a lot to say when he went out so late.

However, as subordinates, they naturally refused to discuss casually, let alone belittle themselves.

On the second day, the Ghost Emperor wandered around the Fenglei Pavilion early in the morning, looking extremely leisurely, even doing nothing.

After Ye Tian had breakfast, he was about to go to the company, but was blocked by the ghost emperor: "Master Ye, I am a distinguished guest of Fenglei Pavilion, if you treat me well, where are you planning to go?"

"There are some matters in the company, so we need to deal with them." Ye Tian said seriously: "Ghost Emperor stays in Fenglei Pavilion, and I will have someone to take care of him."

Following these words, Ghost Emperor\'s expression changed slightly, and he looked at Ye Tian with dissatisfaction: "This is not possible, their level is too low, and they can\'t take care of me. After all, they are not at the same level as me. What qualifications do you have to make fun of me?"

"What do you mean? Why can\'t I understand?" Ye Tianbai glanced at him: "Could it be that you want to go to the company with me?"

"That\'s a good statement. Not only do I want to go to the company with you, but I also want to be a member of your company!" Ghost Emperor said seriously: "Since you want me to stay in Jiangnan, naturally you have to find me a job. That’s how you can live decently.”

"Isn\'t it easy for the ghost emperor to get what the ghost sect wants, so why do you need to work?" Ye Tian smiled: "Isn\'t this breaking me?"

"I\'m not joking with you, I\'m serious, if you don\'t agree to me, then I have nothing to say, but I can tell you, if you don\'t agree to me, I won\'t stay in Fenglei Pavilion, even You might leave Jiangnan, so it\'s up to you to choose." Gui Dihao didn\'t avoid the meeting.

"Okay, since you want to play, I\'ll accompany you!" Ye Tian nodded slightly: "But we have three chapters of the contract, you have to obey me when you go to the city, and you can\'t use your own abilities, otherwise our contract will be void, you Don\'t even think about getting Dragon Balls."