The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1901

Not long after, a beautiful figure came to the tavern, her belly looked a little big, but her figure was very good, and this person was Su Qingya.

"Xiao Tian, ​​how did you come here?" Su Qingya looked at Ye Tian, ​​showing a joyful smile: "This Meilin Town is indeed a clean land, I never expected to have such a beautiful scenery!"

"It\'s natural. Anyway, Meilin Town is also a major scenic spot, and the effect is naturally very good. Otherwise, I wouldn\'t bring you to Meilin Town to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and it\'s even more impossible for you to conceive here." Ye Tian He smiled and said, "But then again, you\'ve been feeling unwell these few days. I think your face looks a little pale?"

"No, I feel pretty good. I just miss you a little bit. After all, I was very worried during the few days you went. I\'m afraid that something will happen to you. What should we mother and son do at that time?" Su Qingya looked at Ye Tian, ​​her eyes were serious, and she was full of love for Ye Tian.

Seeing the scene in front of you, Zhou Yuting, you are really envious. She smiled at Su Qingya and said, "My cousin is getting better at talking. I am a little moved by what I say, but it is true. Some brothers-in-law can only feel at ease when they are with their cousin, and what kind of brother-in-law is that?" Naturally, nothing will happen to the characters, so my cousin doesn\'t have to worry too much."

Zhou Yuting smiled slightly, and then turned her eyes to Ye Tian: "Brother-in-law, didn\'t you say you want to see something? Why don\'t we leave now, after all, my cousin has already arrived."

"What are you looking at?" Su Qingya looked at Ye Tian inexplicably, she didn\'t expect that Ye Tian would have something to do when she came.

"It\'s nothing, it\'s just that the Wu family has hoarded a lot of medicinal materials. I want to help the Wu family to sell the medicinal materials, so that the Wu family can keep their assets." Ye Tian said with a smile: "You just stay in the tavern , I’ll come as soon as I go.”

"I also know about this matter. I wanted to tell you about it when you came back, but I didn\'t expect you to know about it." Su Qingya smiled and said, "Boss Wu is indeed a good person. If you can help, please help. After all It’s not a big deal for us.”

"Miss Su, could it be that you have a close relationship with some medicinal material company, otherwise why are you able to have such courage?" Wu Xiaobo asked curiously: "After all, my elder brother\'s pharmaceutical factory is not just an ordinary one. It can be said that it has great shaping power. , if you want to buy that batch of medicinal materials, I am afraid that you will need a huge company, and ordinary medicinal material companies cannot buy them at all."

"It doesn\'t matter!" Zhou Yuting waved her hand: "In the entire Jiangnan, I\'m afraid there is nothing that my brother-in-law can\'t do, so you don\'t have to worry too much."

"Mr. Ye is really powerful, and I have seen it today!" Wu Xiaobo clasped his fists. In fact, he had seen Ye Tian\'s methods before, but he only knew that Ye Tian was capable of getting rid of evil spirits, but he never thought that Ye Tian had some skills in the business world. Relationship, this is what he didn\'t expect.

It wasn\'t long before they arrived at the Wu Family Courtyard, and inside the Wu Family Courtyard, several servants were busy working, and when they saw everyone coming, they hurried forward: "Young Master, why are you came back?"

"Where did my elder brother go?" Wu Xiaobo said, "A few distinguished guests are here, hurry up and prepare tea, don\'t be too slow."