The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1889

"Master Ye, this man\'s heart is so vicious, we can\'t let it go easily." Black and White Wuchang said: "Judge Xiao only listened to his instigation to do such things."

Ye Tian didn\'t say much, and looked at Elder Fang: "If you still want to live, you should abolish your cultivation, otherwise you will not escape today."

"Self-destructive cultivation?" Elder Fang chuckled: "Master Ye should think twice about the bronze Taoist temple behind me. After all, it is not easy to reach Master Ye\'s level of cultivation. Difficulties, I am afraid it is not a good thing."

"Are you threatening me?" Ye Tian smiled: "Threats are what I hate the most, and you just did the thing I hate the most!"

"Master Ye, I don\'t know anything else, just one point, if you kill Judge Xiao, Ghost Sect will definitely not let it go." Elder Fang said bluntly: "Master Ye must join hands with the Bronze Taoist Temple if he wants to save his life, otherwise he will not be able to do so." Any life."

Black and White Wuchang and the others looked at each other with alertness in their eyes. If Ye Tian really listened to Elder Fang, they would definitely be in trouble.

But Ye Tian sneered and said: "Isn\'t this ridiculous? Elder Fang takes himself too seriously!"

"Why, Master Ye still wants to deal with me?" Elder Fang frowned: "Master Ye, has it ever occurred to you that some things are not as simple as they appear on the surface."

"No need to say much, I just need to ask you, are you going to abolish your cultivation, or do I do it myself." Ye Tian was extremely indifferent, and it was impossible for him to let things go at this point.

"In order to be able to cultivate to the level of a master, I don\'t know how much effort I have put in. I am afraid that I will despise myself because of Master Ye\'s one sentence!" Elder Fang said unceremoniously: "Master Ye must be clear, I am by no means one person."

"Of course I know you are not alone!" Ye Tian smiled: "But what can I do? No one can change what I have done!"

After Ye Tian finished speaking, the inner strength in his palm surged, and he stepped towards Elder Fang.

Elder Fang was also slightly startled, he didn\'t expect that Ye Tian would attack him, and he was so unabashed, it seemed that in Ye Tian\'s eyes, he was like an ant.


Before Elder Fang could make a move, Ye Tian\'s Nei Jin was already approaching. At that moment, a powerful aura surged towards him, which caught him off guard.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Elder Fang was at a loss. He looked at Ye Tian with incredible eyes: "It turns out that your strength is really so strong!"

"Why did you say that?" Ye Tian smiled: "My strength is already so strong, how can you covet it?"

Following these words, Elder Fang showed bitterness. He didn\'t expect that Ye Tian\'s methods could reach this level. He is also a master of the Heavenly Master Realm, but he didn\'t know how to mention it in front of Ye Tian.

Seeing each other, black and white impermanence also showed horror. Facing the masters of the celestial masters, Ye Tian was so plain, which made them quite horrified. No wonder Judge Xiao was not Ye Tian\'s opponent at all.

"You have been seriously injured, let me ask you again, are you willing to abolish your own cultivation!" Ye Tian looked indifferent, if Elder Fang was unwilling, Ye Tian would never let it go.

"I don\'t want to!" Elder Fang said with a stern face, "I am the elder of the Bronze Taoist Temple. If something happens, the Bronze Taoist Temple will definitely not let it go!"