The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1883

The impermanence of black and white is like an amnesty, even Judge Xiao died unexpectedly, but Ye Tian was willing to let them go, which made them so moved that they couldn\'t extricate themselves.

Looking at the ghost sect people leaving, Elder Fang frowned slightly. He thought Ye Tian would take action against Black and White Wuchang, but to his surprise, Ye Tian not only didn\'t take action, he didn\'t seem to plan to do anything to them.

"Master Ye, what happened before was a misunderstanding, and I\'m here to apologize to you." Elder Fang said bluntly, "Master Ye doesn\'t want us to be in Jiangnan, and we will leave in a few days. We will never disturb Master Ye!"

"It\'s okay, you can stay in Jiangnan for as long as you want." Ye Tian smiled: "But if you want to make trouble here, I will never agree!"

"It\'s natural!" Elder Fang nodded quickly: "We are helpless in what happened now. Now we can be sure that the Dragon Ball was not stolen by Master Ye, and the Bronze Taoist Temple will not be against Feng Leige!"

After finishing speaking, Elder Fang left with everyone from the Bronze Taoist Temple, and his words were even more polite. Even people from the four major forces were still terrified of Ye Tian.

People from Ghost Sect and Bronze Taoist Temple were beaten to death, and the news spread instantly, causing even more waves in martial arts.

As one of the four great powers, Ghost Sect has its own majesty. Judge Xiao is probably not going to let it go when Ye Tian kills him, and this matter will never be as simple as it appears on the surface.

Looking at the figure of leaving, the white-faced scholar said: "Pavilion Master, since you have done everything, you can let them live!"

"That\'s right!" Guan Changtian also nodded slightly: "Since he has already made a move, why does the pavilion master show mercy?"

"The Bronze Taoist Temple is ambitious and wants to plot against me. Naturally, I can\'t fall into their trap." Ye Tian chuckled: "This matter has caused such a big commotion, it really shouldn\'t be, let many disciples go back to Fenglei Pavilion:"

"Pavilion Master, where are you going?" The white-faced scholar was surprised, and there were many people around the Immortal District, looking at Ye Tian from time to time. This is Master Ye from Jiangnan. Normally, they would never see him at all, but now they can. Naturally, I am quite pleased.

"Things are not so easy to solve!" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "I still have some things to do, let them go back first!"

The white-faced scholar nodded, and asked the elders to take their disciples back to Fenglei Pavilion, while he himself followed Ye Tian. If he guessed right, Ye Tian must have other actions, otherwise it wouldn\'t be the case.

After this incident, although there was an uproar in Tianzhou, it gradually became calm. I thought there would be a world-shattering battle, but it ended with Ye Tian\'s strength. Even the elders of the four major forces are still not worth mentioning.

In the woods, Black and White Impermanence fled with many little ghosts, with fear in their eyes, even Judge Xiao was killed, and their lives in the south of the Yangtze River must be at stake. Although Ye Tian let them go, he always let them have a chance. A sense of crisis.

"Master Ye in the south of the Yangtze River is really a big deal. Judge Xiao died unexpectedly! It\'s really heartbreaking!" Bai Wuchang said: "I don\'t know why the surname Ye let us go. Could it be that he was a hypocritical person on the surface and stabbed him in the back. "

"It doesn\'t look like it to me either. Judge Xiao died at his hands, and he doesn\'t have any need to pretend." Hei Wuchang said: "But the people of the Bronze Taoist Temple turned their backs temporarily, it is simply extremely hateful!"