The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1881

Judge Xiao threatened to make trouble with him, it would be of great benefit to him if Elder Fang withdraws at this time, not only does he not have to make a move, but he can also watch the fishermen fight, and the oriole will be behind.

"Everyone, I\'ve made it very clear that Dragon Ball is not here." Ye Tian smiled and said, "Leave Jiangnan as soon as possible!"

"Aren\'t you here if you say you\'re not?" Judge Xiao sneered, "If you don\'t hand over the Dragon Ball today, you won\'t be able to leave!"

The judge stepped out and came to Ye Tian in a blink of an eye, his eyes were even colder. Even if Elder Fang didn\'t make a move, he was not afraid of Ye Tian. As the judge of the ghost sect, he had quite a lot of power behind him.

"Judge Xiao, did you forget that you were my opponent when you were in the devil\'s capital?" Ye Tian smiled lightly: "If you don\'t know how to live or die, I will let you come and go, and you can\'t step out of Jiangnan!"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Everyone was shocked, even Elder Fang was surprised. What Ye Tian said just now was so domineering that even he was shocked.

"Haha... It\'s a big joke, do you know who is behind me?" Judge Xiao said coldly: "In all these years, no one has dared to be so arrogant. You are the first and last one I have ever seen!"

Judge Xiao\'s voice fell, and the golden light surged on the palm of his hand. He expected that Ye Tian would not dare to kill him in the hall, so he was not afraid, and he didn\'t even care.

At that moment, an invisible gust of wind approached Ye Tian, ​​but Ye Tian stood with his hands behind his back, taking a few steps back slightly, without even hurting his fur.

"If you are not self-disciplined, I\'m afraid you will suffer catastrophe today." Ye Tian sneered: "Just now I have tolerated you a step, I hope you know how to advance and retreat, if not, I will let your corpses lie all over the field today!"

Black and white impermanence was not far away, and their minds were shocked. Ye Tian\'s overbearing words just now filled them with horror.

"Judge Xiao, let\'s leave today\'s matter as it is, why don\'t we think of other countermeasures?" Black and White Wuchang hurried forward: "Bronze Taoist Temple retreated halfway, I\'m afraid they want to play us, we can\'t be fooled by them!"

"It\'s such a big joke!" Judge Xiao said coldly, "I\'m a majestic ghost sect celestial master, is it possible that I\'m still afraid of others?"

Judge Xiao spoke indifferently, and stepped towards Ye Tian. At that moment, on Ye Tian\'s fingers, there were three silver needles like sharp swords. He pierced towards Judge Xiao with his eyes turned.

Judge Xiao let out a cold snort, and the tyrannical inner diameter surged, not to mention the silver needle, even the steel giant sword, it is impossible to penetrate his body.

call out……

With the sound of breaking wind, Judge Xiao surged with inner energy, but he never blocked the silver needle technique. The silver needle pierced through his body, and his whole body exploded like an electric shock. The powerful inner diameter made Judge Xiao unbearable, and instantly turned into black smoke.


Everyone was shocked. They thought it was a world-shattering battle. Even if Ye Tian didn\'t dare to attack Judge Xiao, he wouldn\'t dodge it too much, but now it seems that it shocked their hearts.



Inside Fenglei Pavilion, many disciples shouted, their hearts were boiling with enthusiasm, Fenglei Pavilion had never been humiliated, now killing Judge Xiao would naturally shake Jiangnan, and even the entire country.

The white-faced scholar\'s expression changed, but he didn\'t expect that Ye Tian would be so ruthless, he thought Ye Tian would stop it, but now it doesn\'t seem to be the case.

"Master Ye is extremely powerful, I am ashamed of myself!" Elder Fang cupped his fists, but he was also shocked.