The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1859

Ye Tian showed helplessness, but he didn\'t expect that Wu Xiaobo was so attached to him. After they chatted, Wu Xiaobo was willing to sit down with Ye Tian.

In the early morning, Xiao Zi woke up startled from her dream, and her cry became even more miserable.

Everyone woke up one after another and stepped towards Xiao Zi\'s room. Just as they opened the door, they saw Xiao Lan comforting Xiao Zi.

"What happened?" Ye Tian asked: "It\'s already early in the morning, Xie Chong shouldn\'t be so courageous!"

"Mr. Ye misunderstood!" Xiaolan smiled awkwardly: "Sister, he had a nightmare, that\'s why it happened! It\'s not a problem of evil spirits!"

"It turned out to be a nightmare!" Wu Xiaochang sighed, "I thought it was an evil spirit haunting me, and I was so scared that I had goosebumps all over my body!"

"Mr. Ye, my sister\'s heart is always on the verge of not getting rid of the evil spirit! I also ask Mr. Ye to come out, subdue the evil spirit, and restore the peace of Niutou Town!" Xiaolan knelt down towards Ye Tian, ​​her eyes more solemn.

Following these words, Ye Tian also frowned: "Get up and talk, getting rid of evil spirits is a natural thing, but this matter also needs to be discussed in the long run!"

"Does Mr. Ye have any scruples?" Wu Xiaobo asked, "Otherwise, why would Mr. Ye be so taboo?"

"That\'s right, my wife is less than three months pregnant. If I make a move easily, I will definitely be contaminated with karma!" Ye Tian frowned: "I\'m afraid there will be endless troubles by then!"

"Getting rid of evil spirits is about getting rid of harm, how could it be contaminated with cause and effect?" Su Qingya looked at Ye Tian inexplicably: "Little Tian, ​​what do you say?"

"Evil spirits are also a kind of living beings, so it\'s not that easy to get rid of them!" Ye Tian said bluntly, "But I have a way!"

"Mr. Ye, please tell me that as long as we can get rid of the evil, no matter what we are asked to do, we will never hesitate!" Xiaolan said seriously.

"This is too much!" Ye Tian chuckled: "I just need to set up a magic circle in the tavern to cover up the secret, and then I can avoid this cause and effect!"

"Then is Miss Su going to be in the tavern then?" Xiao Longmei asked, "How many days do you even need to stay in the tavern?"

"That\'s right, only in this way can I go with confidence!" Ye Tian nodded and looked towards Su Qingya.

Su Qingya smiled: "As long as I can get rid of the evil spirits, I will stay in the tavern. I won\'t go anywhere. Xiaolan and Xiaozi are so pitiful, so what if I just stay in the tavern for a few days! "

"Okay!" Ye Tian nodded, and asked Wu Xiaobo to prepare the materials for setting up the formation, and then began to set up the formation around the tavern.

But Xiaolan and Xiaozi were delighted. If the evil spirit could be eliminated, the people in Niutou Village would not have to be in panic, and they would not have to hide.

It didn\'t take long for Ye Tiantian to set up the formation, and after that, he asked Wu Xiaobo to prepare a lot of things. Naturally, he had to prepare properly when he went to Niutou Village this time.

Walking on the street, Ye Tian not only bought a mahogany sword, but also bought a lot of talismans. After returning to the tavern, he started to draw talismans.

Wu Xiaobo watched from the sidelines, looking even more envious. Ye Tian had such a fortune at such a young age, which made him extremely ashamed.

"Mr. Ye, are you sure about going to Niutou Village this time?"

Ye Tian was drawing a spell, but Xiao Zi came over and asked Ye Tian, ​​feeling a little curious.

"Sister!" Xiaolan rolled her eyes, slightly embarrassed.