The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1851

"Mr. Ye, I beg you to act!" Wu Xiaobo said repeatedly. Seeing that Miracle Doctor Han was helpless, he was extremely anxious. If something happened to the old lady, he might not be able to heal in this life.

Wu Tianqi also frowned, and looked towards Miracle Doctor Han: "Miraculous Doctor Han, what\'s going on? Why is the old lady like this?"

"I don\'t know, I\'m helpless now." Doctor Han shook his head, and looked at Ye Tian suddenly: "Didn\'t the little brother say that he can cure the old lady? Why don\'t you try it!"

But Ye Tian chuckled: "Didn\'t Miracle Doctor Han say that just now? The old lady can last for half a year, so why should I come to treat her?"

Wu Tianqi frowned. The reason why Ye Tian was so angry was probably because of what he said just now. In desperation, Wu Tianqi smiled lightly and said: "Little brother, why bother to be angry, if you can really cure the old lady, I will I will definitely not treat my little brother badly."

"Mr. Ye, please do it!" Wu Xiaobo sincerely begged, with tears in his eyes, recalling the scenes of the past years and the years with the old lady in his mind.

"Okay!" Ye Tian nodded slightly: "Since you are so sincere, I promised you again, so naturally I can\'t break my promise!"

Seeing Ye Tian agreeing, Wu Xiaobo was overjoyed. He thought that the old lady was going to hell, but now that Ye Tian said something, he would definitely be able to keep the old lady safe. As for why he was so confident, even he never knew.

Ye Tian came to the old matriarch, looked into the old matriarch\'s eyes, took out the old matriarch\'s pulse, took out the silver needle, and acupunctured the old matriarch\'s body, but the old matriarch kept trembling, It doesn\'t seem to work.

Doctor Han stands not far away, but his eyes are slightly squinted. This kind of illness can be said to be difficult and miscellaneous, and it has reached the point where it is difficult for Daluo Jinxian to save it. Ye Tian went to treat him, and he was simply seeking insults.

"Miraculous Doctor Han, you have to give me an explanation for this matter." Wu Tianqi looked at Miraculous Doctor Han: "It should have been half a year, why did you get sick now?"

"This..." Miracle doctor Han didn\'t know how to speak, and his face was instantly embarrassed: "Boss Wu, in fact, I can\'t blame me for this matter. After all, this condition is extremely unstable, and it is very likely that it will happen early. I just predicted it before." I guess, but I didn\'t expect it to be so fast."

"Is this your explanation?" Wu Tianqi sneered: "You told me clearly that there are still half a year left, do you know that I spent a lot of money organizing a medical team for the purpose of treating the old lady, but now it is almost ruined by you hand!"

"This..." Miracle Doctor Han\'s face was livid, but he didn\'t dare to say anything more. He took a lot of money from the Wu family. Now that something like this happened, he is naturally very helpless.

At this moment, Ye Tian also frowned: "Over the past year, the use of taboo acupuncture methods has driven the old matriarch to death! If I hadn\'t done it myself! The old matriarch may have suffered a catastrophe today! "

"Mr. Ye means that you have a way to cure the old lady\'s illness?" Wu Tianqi was overjoyed.

"If I have no choice, how can I boast?" Ye Tian looked indifferent, and his words were even more flat.

Following these words, Wu Tianqi was also overjoyed. As long as he could save the life of the old lady, he would do anything. After all, family members are the most important thing. Although he is busy with his career, he also knows what it means to be a human being. .