The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1653

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll let you know the consequences." Li Wei turned and left with even more calm eyes, as if everything was under his control.

Yang Jiali breathed a sigh of relief. He didn\'t want to fight too much with Li Wei, but just now he was forced to do so. It wasn\'t because he tried his best to speak out, and Li Wei probably wouldn\'t let it go.

"What\'s the matter with Ms. Yang, do you need our help?" Su Qingya said, "If you need our help, you just need to say, and we will definitely do our best to help."

"No need, the Li family is so powerful that you can\'t provoke it, even I can\'t handle it." Yang Jiali shook her head: "But in the future, you have to be careful when cooperating with our company, I\'m afraid you will also offend the Li family. I don\'t want to bother you."

"Don\'t worry, we are not afraid." Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "As the saying goes, when soldiers come, they will block the water and cover them with soil, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Faced with these words, Yang Jiali looked at Ye Tian fiercely. He had seen Ye Tian\'s might and even his methods. Unfortunately, in the entire shopping mall, means alone were not enough, and a powerful force was also needed. The strength of the company is not its own strength, but its assets.

Li Wei got into the luxury car and slapped the man in the eye: "It\'s all your bad idea, it\'s useless at all, and it made me lose face."

"Master, you can\'t blame me for this matter." The man with glasses said repeatedly: "I don\'t know that things will turn out like this. I\'m afraid Yang Jiali is not the one to mess with. Even if she gets it, she may not be able to control it in the future." If we don’t live here, why don’t we find someone else!”

"Are you kidding? If I can\'t even conquer him, how can I control the entire Li family?" Li Wei said in a cold voice, "One day I will make Yang Jiali submit obediently and let him know how powerful I am."

The man with glasses stood aside, and he didn\'t dare to say anything more. The two schemes failed. If he said something more, he would probably be beaten severely by then.

But Yang Jiali showed a faint smile, not only looked at Ye Tian who was on the table: "Mr. Ye, you are straightforward, which is why I am willing to cooperate with Wanyaotang, but some things cannot be mixed in, and I am afraid that even the company will not be able to keep it." Well, after all, the water in Shanghai is very deep, and companies that can survive in Shanghai must have a few successes."

"Miss Yang, don\'t worry, I am clear about this matter." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "But everything is under control, it is not as scary as Miss Yang said."

"Since Mr. Ye is so confident, I don\'t have much to say." Yang Jiali smiled slightly: "Mr. Ye can come to Lancao Fenfang Cosmetics Company to sign a contract in a few days, and then we can formally cooperate."

"No problem!" Ye Tian nodded slightly: "However, if Wanyaotang wants to open here, I\'m afraid it needs to find a real estate as the foundation of the company, otherwise it will not be so easy to operate."

"It doesn\'t matter. After the contract is signed, I will take Mr. Ye to watch the real estate auction. At that time, if the company is transferred, Mr. Ye can also take over." Yang Jiali smiled slightly: "These things are trivial, and Mr. Ye will also take over." Don’t take it too seriously.”

Ye Tian nodded slightly, but didn\'t say much. Yang Jiali cooperated sincerely, so naturally she wouldn\'t push it away.