The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1589

Looking away from the figure, the white-faced scholar smiled and said: "This little girl is a good person, and her body skills are also very powerful. The two demons just now are not his opponents at all."

"The people of the Bronze Taoist Temple are naturally very important." Chu Tianfeng nodded and said: "This is the headquarters of the exorcist. If there is no Bronze Taoist Temple, I am afraid that the whole country will be filled with demons."

"That\'s not necessarily the case!" The white-faced scholar shook his head: "If there are any other people from other races who dare to act recklessly, martial arts people will never sit idly by."

"That\'s not bad!" Chu Tianfeng nodded quickly.

In the kingdom, apart from martial arts masters, there are also many strange people who understand mystic arts. These people are no less powerful than martial artists, but these people who know mystical arts are low-key and generally do not interfere with martial arts affairs, so The reputation is not obvious.

After leaving the bamboo forest, Ye Tian came to the courtyard of the Chu family. Looking at the huge courtyard and the antique bricks and tiles, everyone was shocked, especially Su Qingya, who studied economics, and every inch of the city is like gold. , with such a large courtyard, I am afraid the value is quite high.

"Master Ye, please sit here." Chu Tianfeng said: "I will send someone to serve tea now."

"No need!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "Mr. Chu\'s condition is serious, just go to the room directly!"

"Don\'t be in a hurry." Chu Qian said: "If you neglect Master Ye, wouldn\'t it be a crime!"

"You don\'t have to be so polite." The white-faced scholar said: "The patient\'s condition is important, not to mention a little delay, but it will kill someone."

Chu Tianfeng nodded, and hurriedly took Ye Tian to the backyard of the Chu family. The old man has been recuperating in the backyard, and he has arranged many people to take care of him these days, but there is no sign of improvement.

The sound of martial arts training can be heard endlessly, the fragrance of flowers in the garden is even quieter, and there are even more people walking around in an endless stream, most of them are wearing martial arts training uniforms.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being a family of martial arts. The whole courtyard is filled with the realm of martial arts." Ye Tian shrugged: "It\'s really impressive."

"Master Ye is over the award. They just practiced casually. In front of the masters of the celestial masters, they are simply making a fool of themselves!" Chu Tianfeng said.

"You are quite good at talking!" The white-faced scholar took a look: "Your grandfather is not like you!"

"Grandpa\'s temper is a bit stubborn, maybe it\'s because he\'s old!" Chu Qian stuck out her tongue: "If he hears this, I\'m afraid it will be another reprimand."

Following the conversation of the people, the figure came to a room. In addition to the named woman, there was a young man and an old man in the room.

"Master Chu, Mr. Chu\'s illness is quite complicated. I\'m afraid it will take a few days of observation before he can find a cure." The white-haired old man said: "You don\'t have to worry too much. It can cure the disease."

"Mr. Han, you are highly respected in the devil\'s capital, otherwise I would not go to invite you in person." Chu Jingtian said bluntly: "Please pay attention to Mr. Han, if you can cure the old man\'s illness, you will definitely pay a lot of money." Thanks."

"It\'s natural!" Miracle Doctor Han hurriedly clasped his fists together: "Young Master Chu doesn\'t have to be so worried. Although the old man is seriously ill in bed, as long as I feel the signs, I can prescribe the right medicine."

Su Qingya glanced at lying on the bed, and the old man shook her head: "It\'s already terminally ill, I\'m afraid if it drags on..."