The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1573

"Thank you for your life-saving grace, senior. If senior didn\'t take action, I\'m afraid my elder brother and I would die in this Tianzhou Ferry today." Chu Qian said repeatedly: "Senior will implement it in the future. If there is anything we need to help, we will never In other words, even if you go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, you will never blink."

"Do you know why I want to save you?" The white-faced scholar smiled slightly: "He just exhibited the unique knowledge of the Chu family. If my guess is correct, you should be descendants of the Chu family. After all, the unique knowledge of the Chu family is only passed on to the direct line. "

Following these words, Chu Tian\'s fierce Yi Jing looked at the white-faced scholar: "Could it be that senior came here for my Chu family\'s unique learning, and didn\'t want to save us?"

Thinking of this, Chu Tianfeng also had a cold look in his eyes: "Even if I are killed in Tianzhou Ferry in the near future, I will never give you the unique knowledge of the Chu family."

"Sure enough, he has backbone!" The white-faced scholar nodded: "It\'s worthy of being the blood of the Chu family, it really impresses me."

"Senior, are you really saving us for the Chu family\'s unique learning?" Chu Qian said aloud, he never thought so. The Chu family has a long history.

"Your grandfather and I are acquainted with each other eight times. Naturally, knowing the unique knowledge of the Chu family means knowing the habits of your Chu family." The white-faced scholar said: "As for me wanting to learn the unique knowledge of the Chu family, it is naturally nonsense."

Following these words, Chu Tianfeng also looked at the white-faced scholar with a face of shame: "It turns out that senior\'s language is also an acquaintance of eight pilgrims. It really makes me feel ashamed. Just now I thought that senior was coveting the Chu family\'s unique knowledge, so I helped. Think it’s not like that.”

"If I really entrust the Chu family\'s unique knowledge, it will not only be like this." The white-faced scholar smiled lightly: "You two are frightened today, why not follow me to the dragon boat, so that you will be safe."

"Thank you, senior!" Chu Tianfeng clasped his fists quickly, his eyes filled with gratitude. Now that he is seriously injured, if a killer approaches him, he probably won\'t have any strength to resist. It would be great to have the white-faced scholar to protect him. .

The white-faced scholar didn\'t say a word, he carried the two of them and stepped towards the dragon boat where Ye Tian was, walking on the water as if walking on flat ground, without any shyness.

After arriving on the dragon boat, Chu Tianfeng knelt down to the white-faced scholar: "If it wasn\'t for the help of the senior, I would have reached Huangquan Road today, and please accept me for three worships!"

"I just said that your grandfather and I are close friends, so you don\'t have to be so grateful. This is what I should do." The white-faced scholar waved his hand.

"That\'s right, it\'s just a matter of raising your hands, and you don\'t need to make such a big ceremony." Ye Tian said aloud.

"What do you know? This is a great kindness and great virtue. We will never forget it, but it\'s nothing to just kneel down and salute." Chu Qian looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking dissatisfied. In his eyes, Ye Tian was just a Tender head green, what he just said hurt his displeasure even more.

"Little girl, you must have said something wrong." Chen Jiannan said: "If the person in front of me doesn\'t understand, I\'m afraid there are not many people in the world who can understand it! Be careful with your words, and when the time comes, you will offend yourself. I don’t know, then it’s really too late!”