The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1569

After Chen Jiannan finished speaking, he clasped his fists towards Ye Tian: "Master Ye, I\'m afraid I\'m going to be excused. I don\'t know where the young master is now. If something happens, I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to explain it."

"It\'s okay, they didn\'t come for your young master." Ye Tian waved his hand: "They came for the dragon boat opposite."

"That dragon boat on the opposite side?" The white-faced scholar frowned slightly: "I\'m afraid there are direct descendants of the Chu family in it. Could it be that the Chu family offended someone, which is why they ushered in such a murderous disaster."

"I\'m afraid we don\'t know about this." Ye Tian shook his head, but he was able to confirm through daring himself that they were heading for the dragon boat opposite.

The white-faced scholar frowned. He had some friendship with the old man of the Chu family. It would be very bad if he stood by and watched this matter today.

On the dragon boat, Chu Tianfeng was holding a piece of chicken leg in his hand, and was about to eat it, but his brows were slightly frowned, as if he felt something.

"Brother, what\'s the matter?" Chu Qian asked aloud, "Could something be wrong?"

"I always feel that something is not quite right tonight. It\'s better to be careful. After all, we are outside now, which is not as good as being at home." Chu Tianfeng said aloud: "Tomorrow we will go to the Fenglei Pavilion in Tianshan Mountain. You can stop worrying."

While he was talking, a few figures of men in black suddenly appeared on the water surface, rushing towards the dragon boat where Chu Tianfeng was, and it seemed that the speed did not slow down at all, which filled everyone with horror.

"Look quickly! Are these men in black playing tricks? It\'s really amazing that they can walk on the surface of the water like they are walking on flat ground." A man on the dragon boat said with a smile.

Wherever Chu Tianfeng looked, his face paled instantly: "No, there is a killer!"

Chu Qian stood up abruptly and looked towards the surging river, her face turned pale instantly. He never thought that the killer would come so fast, and he didn\'t even have the slightest bit of taboo, and he didn\'t even give them any time.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Chu Qian said aloud: "These people don\'t seem to be weak, just because the two of us are not their opponents at all, not to mention that they can walk in water, this is enough to explain everything. "

Chu Tianfeng stood at the side, with murderous intent in his eyes: "I really didn\'t expect that they would come so fast. Now that we are on the dragon boat, there is no place to escape. If this is the case, I am afraid that we can only fight with them." It\'s a battle."

"They are all masters at the peak of martial arts, and we are not able to deal with them at all." Chu Qian said repeatedly: "If this is the case, I am afraid that only jade and stone will be destroyed."

"You can\'t say that. Everything has a chance. Since I chose to come to Jiangnan today, I won\'t be afraid of them." Chu Tianfeng walked towards the dragon boat step by step with a domineering voice.

A few black-clothed killers came across the waves, their eyes were sharp, and they looked at Chu Tianfeng: "Hand over the things, and I may spare your life, if not, you will be buried in Tianzhou Ferry today." .”

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about." Chu Tianfeng said with a faint smile, "And no matter what you\'re talking about, it\'s all mine, and it doesn\'t seem to have anything to do with you!"