The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1566

The water at Tianzhou Ferry was rushing. If ordinary people jumped in, even if they knew how to swim, it would be difficult to save them, and their lives might even be in danger. This is why everyone shouted.

"Something seems to have happened!" Chu Qian looked towards the river, "A little girl fell into the river, what should I do!"

"The river is choppy. If you jump into it rashly, not only will you not be able to save anyone, but you will also implicate yourself." A man said, "Besides, the distance is so far away from us. We are afraid that there is nothing we can do to help."

Chu Tianfeng stood at the side, his eyes were full of light, he naturally didn\'t want to stand by and watch such a thing happen, but how far the dragon boat was from the river, with his current ability, it would be dangerous to go to rescue the little girl.

"Xiaoqian, you stay on the boat." Chu Tianfeng said aloud, and his body jumped into the surging river in an instant. Everyone on the dragon boat was shocked and looked at Chu Tianfeng. The wind can do such crazy things.

"Brother, the water at Tianzhou Ferry is very deep, you must be careful." Chu Qian said quickly, "If there is anything wrong, go ashore as soon as possible."

Chu Tianfeng nodded, his eyes became even more calm, and his figure displayed the unique skills of the Chu family, rushing quickly on the surface of the water, as if floating on the water with light skills, and did not fall into the surging river.

Everyone on the dragon boat thought Chu Tianfeng was stupid, but after seeing Chu Tianfeng\'s operation, they were also filled with disbelief. Chu Tianfeng was so shocking that they couldn\'t bear it.

On the bank of Tianzhou Ferry, the people were still shouting continuously. Seeing a figure jumping into the river from a dragon boat not far away, they were a little panicked. Naturally, they didn\'t know what happened. Chu Tianfeng\'s behavior made people They were even more surprised. When they saw that Chu Tian\'s Feng Shui was like light kung fu, they secretly clicked their tongues.

On the dragon boat not far away, Ye Tian and the others also looked over. They didn\'t realize that the little girl fell into the surging river, but they saw Chu Tianfeng\'s figure.

"Isn\'t this the Lingbo broken step of the Chu family?"

The white-faced scholar was startled, and looked towards Chu Tianfeng, with even more surprise in his eyes: "I really didn\'t expect that people from the Chu family would come to Jiangnan."

"Could it be that Elder Bai knows him!" Ye Tian said aloud, "If I hadn\'t had some connections with the Chu family, I\'m afraid I wouldn\'t be familiar with their secret methods."

"I have an irreversible relationship with the old man of the Chu family." The white-faced scholar said aloud, "If my guess is correct, he should be his direct descendant who uses Lingbo Broken Step. Otherwise, such a family inheritance would never be known to outsiders."

"That\'s not bad." Chen Jiannan nodded slightly: "According to the normal situation, this kind of family secret book will naturally not be passed on to outsiders at will, and only the direct descendants of the family can have it."

While they were talking, Chu Tianfeng grabbed the little girl and came to the shore in a blink of an eye. She looked vigorous and resolute, and many people beside her cheered when they saw the eyes. How can they walk in the surging river? This is probably a peerless expert, but they can only be so young in front of them, which really makes them incredible.

"Thank you benefactor, thank you benefactor!" A woman said hastily: "If not for the benefactor\'s help, I\'m afraid there will be trouble today."