The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1564

"Xiaotian, are you sure you\'re okay?" Su Qingya frowned and said, "Why do I feel that he\'s exhausted and seems to be falling."

"Of course not!" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "He is a warrior, but he is just a hundred meters deep water, which is not worth mentioning in his eyes."

"Brother-in-law, I\'m afraid I\'ve already said that!" Zhou Yuting said aloud, "Even if he is a warrior, he can\'t swim easily! What\'s more, he is not a master."

"Since you know you won\'t be able to pass, why are you aggressive, little girl?" The white-faced scholar said, "It doesn\'t seem to be beneficial to you."

"He offended me, so naturally he has to suffer." Zhou Yuting said lightly: "Old man, don\'t meddle in other people\'s business, so as not to make people unhappy."

"Don\'t be rude!" Ye Tian gave a white look: "Who is Elder Bai, how can he say such a thing!"

"Brother-in-law, you are the master of the Fenglei Pavilion. Since he is a subordinate in the Fenglei Pavilion, he will naturally obey my orders." Zhou Yuting said aloud: "After all, we are close relatives."

"Don\'t talk nonsense!" Ye Tian said with a cold expression, "You are you, I am me, especially in the world of martial arts, if you take advantage of my power, you may be killed in the future."

Zhou Yuting didn\'t dare to say more, and the white-faced scholar was also standing aside, so naturally she wouldn\'t care about it like him, but her eyes kept looking towards the water in front of her.

Xiaoqing\'s speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the shore of Tiandu Ferry. Although he was a little embarrassed, he arrived safely and did not suffer any injuries.

"Go up, he actually went up!"

There was a sound of conversation, and everyone said one after another. Their eyes were full of shock. Tianzhou Ferry was choppy, and ripples continued on the entire water surface. It is not a joke to be able to swim 100 meters from here. I am afraid that even swimmers can Without such endurance, let alone such physical strength.

"It really went up!" Zhou Yuting frowned: "How is this possible? What\'s going on?"

"Isn\'t it normal to go up?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "As a warrior, if you don\'t even have this ability, how can you be my apprentice."

"The pavilion master is right." The white-faced scholar hurriedly clasped his fists together, while Xiao Longmei also stood aside, looking at a loss.

Xiaoqing came to the boat and looked at Zhou Yuting: "How about it, you have lost completely now, do you want me to drive you off the boat, or you get off the boat yourself!"

"Don\'t be complacent, I just let you win because of my negligence." Zhou Yuting said: "But according to the normal backup, you may have to call me uncle, after all, I am your master\'s cousin. "

"It\'s really shameless." Xiaoqing said coldly: "I will never admit this. You are indeed Master\'s cousin, but if you lose, you lose. Please leave this boat as soon as possible."

"Xiaoqing, don\'t be so reckless." The white-faced scholar said aloud: "Master Ye is still here, if you point out, where is Master Ye?"

Xiaoqing looked at Ye Tian, ​​but there was grievance in his eyes. If it was someone else, he would have made a move long ago. Zhou Yuting tricked him into the water, and he was already very dissatisfied. If it wasn\'t for Ye Tian\'s face, he would not have given up so easily. .

"Since it\'s a bet, it is natural to follow the rules of the bet." Ye Tian said aloud, looking at Zhou Yuting: "If you lose, you lose, why don\'t you get off the boat?"