The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1557

"The boy is really tough." The bald man sneered, "Since that\'s the case, I won\'t be polite. Don\'t blame me for being cruel!"

"Of course not!" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "I\'m afraid you will beg for mercy in a low voice."

"I don\'t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!"

The bald man punched out and rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​with even more dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the other people were also shocked, but at this moment, the bald man\'s figure exploded, and he didn\'t even have the slightest resistance to resist, making Ye Tian even more insignificant in front of him.


The white-haired old man was startled suddenly, and he was even more surprised when he looked at Ye Tian. Ye Tian looked ordinary, but the methods he used filled him with shock.

"Do you want to experience it too?" Ye Tian looked at the other men with a smile in his eyes.

Several other boys shook their heads quickly, with fear in their eyes, and they didn\'t even dare to say a word. Their figures hurriedly retreated like this. The bald man\'s weight was so big that he was slapped away by Ye Tian\'s palm, let alone how many of them This is not Ye Tian\'s opponent at all.

At the lantern festival, many people came to watch, their eyes were even more surprised. Naturally, they did not expect that things would turn out like this. Ye Tian\'s method made them full of horror.

"Old man, do you know how powerful we are now?" Zhou Yuting rolled her eyes, "If it wasn\'t for your old age, you might be flying now!"

"Don\'t dare, never dare again!"

The white-haired old man quickly knelt down, kowtowed to Ye Tian and said, "I was confused just now, please forgive me, little brother!"

"Excuse me, that\'s unnecessary!" Ye Tian smiled lightly: "I would like to ask you, why did you set up a stall here? Although the things in your stall are not worth much, there are a few valuable things. Can\'t you really see it?"

"The old man has poor eyesight. He\'s just a fake stall owner who doesn\'t understand antiques at all." The white-haired old man said hastily: "Actually, I used to be a fortune teller, but I couldn\'t get along anymore, so I changed my career to antiques."

"So it\'s a fortune teller!" Zhou Yuting cast a glance: "No wonder you keep talking about fate, I think you are talking nonsense, now the truth is revealed."

The white-haired old man looked ashamed, and he didn\'t dare to say anything more. Ye Tian was so strong, if he really asked him to do something, he probably wouldn\'t know what to do.

"Xiaotian, I think the old man is quite pitiful, why don\'t you make things difficult for him." Su Qingya said aloud: "After all, I am still pregnant with a child, we need to accumulate virtue."

"Since you have said so, I will naturally not know what the future will be." Ye Tian smiled slightly, looking at the white-haired old man: "You should leave quickly! Since the lie has been exposed, this place is naturally not suitable for you to live .”

"Thank you little brother, thank you little brother!" The white-haired old man clasped his fists quickly, not daring to hesitate at all. Ye Tian\'s methods are not something he can deal with.

"What happened?"

At this moment, Yang Zitao and Chen Jiannan arrived, holding some fruits in their hands.

"It\'s just that I met a magic stick." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Nothing serious happened."

"So that\'s it!" Yang Zitao nodded quickly, and walked towards Zhou Yuting with a fruit in his hand: "This dragon fruit can beautify the skin, Miss Zhou wants to pay for it?"