The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1554

"You old man is quite smart in business." Su Qingya said out loud, "In that case, I\'d like to spend some money with you!"

"Girl, since you and I are predestined, why don\'t you just pick one and I\'ll give it to you for free." The white-haired old man said aloud, "What do you think?"

"Really?" Zhou Yuting was inexplicable: "You are not fooling me, are you?"

"I was talking to this lady, but I didn\'t say I would give it to you." The white-haired old man shook his head: "This lady really wants to sell it, so I will give it to you directly!"

"How bad this is!" Su Qingya shook her head: "Since you are so polite, how about I help you consume three pieces!"

The white-haired old man\'s eyes were bright, and he seemed to have achieved his goal, so he said with a smile: "It seems that the girl is indeed a destined person. Since you want to consume three items, then take 5,000 yuan! You can choose whatever you want at the booth." .”

"I said old man, you are full of broken things here, and they are not worth the price at all. I think you are fooling us?" Zhou Yuting gave an angry look: "How could three of your things be worth 5000 yuan?" piece?"

"As I said just now, good things can be obtained by fate. If it is an ordinary person, I will not sell it." The white-haired old man looked arrogant: "If you are not willing to sell, then leave quickly."

"The old senior said so, it would be a pity if I didn\'t buy it." Su Qingya said repeatedly: "After all, the old senior also has a kind heart, and I can\'t waste the old senior\'s kindness."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Yuting also quickly said: "Sister, don\'t be fooled by this old thing, I think this old thing is just a bluff, not to mention what good things like this kind of street stall, 5000 yuan But it’s extremely worthless.”

"5,000 yuan is not a lot, so let\'s just buy it for fun." Su Qingya smiled and said, "Maybe I can really buy some treasures, and then I will make a lot of money."

Zhou Yuting had no choice but to stand aside and couldn\'t say much, but Ye Tian came to Su Qingya\'s side: "You\'re right, 5,000 yuan is not much, since you want to pick three things at this booth, why don\'t I help you?" Take your pick."

"Really?" Su Qingya was slightly startled, and looked at Ye Tian: "Could it be that you saw something precious?"

"It\'s not like baby, but at least you won\'t lose money." Ye Tian said with a smile: "After all, I never trade at a loss."

"Brother-in-law, do you really see something?" Zhou Yuting said repeatedly: "If that\'s the case, I\'d like to take a closer look. You know a lot about antiques, and if you don\'t have any treasures, you won\'t export them instantly."

The white-haired old man frowned and looked at Ye Tian, ​​feeling a little puzzled in his heart. Most of the things on the stall were fake, and there was nothing normal, but one thing was real. Ye Tian knew about antiques, so why would he agree.

"Old man, do you want to choose three pieces at random for 5,000 yuan?" Ye Tian took out 5,000 yuan and smiled at the white-haired old man: "You can\'t go back on what you say, and I won\'t be polite."

"Little brother, could it be that you have taken a fancy to something?" The white-haired old man said with a smile, "Is there really something you value so much in this stall?"

"This is natural!" Ye Tian nodded slightly: "Could it be that senior is reluctant?"