The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1547

"Since you think it belongs to the Shengui sect, you can take it with your own ability." Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "If you can take it away, it is naturally your ability. If you can\'t take it away, I am afraid that today you Get your head on the floor."

Many disciples were startled and took a few steps back, but the white-haired old man sneered: "Master Ye is so brave, but I don\'t know how you let my head fall!"

"If I want to let your head fall, I don\'t need any reason." Ye Tian smiled lightly: "In my eyes, strength can represent everything, and strong strength can deter everything."

"Master Ye means that you want to conquer us with strength?" The white-haired old man sneered: "If Master Ye really has this ability, you can give it a try!"

"Are you provoking me?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "So provocative, are you really not afraid of falling heads?"

"I\'m afraid Master Ye doesn\'t know my identity. I\'m the elder of the Shengui Sect. If something happens, it will definitely cause waves. I\'m afraid it will not be under the control of Master Ye." The white-haired old man said bluntly: "I think you Couldn\'t be more clear."

"Even if it is the ancestor of the Shengui sect, I have never paid attention to it, let alone a small person like you!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, and the inner strength surged on the palm of his hand. Before the white-haired old man could react, the white-haired old man was blown away by Ye Tian\'s palm, and without any resistance, he disappeared on the top of Tianshan Mountain in a blink of an eye. , seemingly without a trace, Ye Tian\'s strength is strong enough to shock everyone.

"You still want to cause trouble in Fenglei Pavilion with your little means?" Ye Tian looked at the other men: "You really don\'t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

The men were startled and looked towards Ye Tian, ​​with panic in their eyes, and even retreated. They knew who Ye Tian was, and they couldn\'t beat them at all.

"We are members of the Shengui sect, Master Ye, please think twice." A man clasped his fists in a hurry: "We didn\'t come to Fenglei Pavilion, we just happened to pass by."

"No need to explain, no matter what happens today, you will all be buried here." Ye Tian looked indifferent: "Since you have chosen to come to Fenglei Pavilion, you will naturally have to pay the price for your choice."

Several men looked flustered, and hurriedly jumped towards the bottom of the Tianshan Mountain. Unfortunately, Ye Tian had a strong mind, so how could he let them escape at will. In the blink of an eye, all of these people died unexpectedly.

Ye Tian\'s expression was very calm, as if nothing happened, everything was so peaceful.


Xiaoqing came here on foot from not far away, seeing the scene in front of him, he was quite terrified in his heart, Ye Tian\'s ruthless attack made him re-acquainted with Ye Tian\'s methods.

"Why are you here?" Ye Tian asked aloud: "This is the top of Tianshan Mountain, the wind will be very strong!"

"I just came here casually." Xiaoqing said, "But I didn\'t expect to see Master..."

"These people should be damned!" Ye Tian said indifferently, "If you dare to disrespect Fenglei Pavilion, you will end up like this."

"Master, since taking the Creation Pill, my martial arts realm has gradually improved, and I have reached the peak of martial arts. If grandma knows about this, she will be very happy." Xiaoqing said repeatedly.

"Are you about to step into the half-step king realm?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "As expected, I was not disappointed."