The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1541

"Sage Stealer?" The white-faced scholar was startled, and when he came to the Alchemy Pavilion, his expression was even more horrified. He knew that a Saint Stealer was a human being, and he knew the means of a Saint Stealer. Ye Tian managed to get the thousand-year-old snow lotus Yes, it would be extremely bad if the Saint was stolen like this.

Ye Tian stepped out of the Alchemy Pavilion slowly: "In the entire Jiangnan, no one dares to enter the Fenglei Pavilion alone. You can come to this Fenglei Pavilion, which shows that you have the confidence, but you still have to think carefully about things, I don\'t care. Are you a thief or something else, you are like an ant in front of me!"

Many disciples of Fenglei Pavilion nodded one after another, and there was excitement in their eyes. Ye Tian is the master of Fenglei Pavilion. It is natural to shock the enemy with such words.

"I\'m afraid Master Ye has underestimated me too much! Since I dare to venture into the Wind and Thunder Pavilion tonight, I can naturally get what I want, and in other words, there is nothing I can\'t get that I want."

The majestic voice sounded again, and it kept lingering in the Fenglei Pavilion. It looked quite mysterious, but everyone didn\'t know where the man in the dark was.

"Pavilion Master, do you want to take it out?" Jian Yu said: "How dare you tease the Pavilion Master like this, it is really audacious."

"That\'s right! I really don\'t know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, dare to go to the Fenglei Pavilion and behave like this." Yun Zhonglong also said repeatedly: "If I find the figure, I will definitely skin him alive."

"I can\'t find it!" The white-faced scholar shook his head: "The Thief knows best the art of concealment, he came to Fenglei Pavilion today, he must have come prepared, and it may be even more difficult to find him! "

"Could it be possible for him to insult Fenglei Pavilion like this?" Yun Zhonglong was dissatisfied: "Is there any way you can find out his figure? I must be really good-looking."

"I have a way!" Ye Tian said aloud, "I just don\'t know if it\'s feasible or not."

"Pavilion Master, this person knows the art of concealment, so I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy to deal with." The white-faced scholar said: "If we deal with him, we need to use professional means to make him show his true form."

"Elder Bai, why can\'t I understand what you said? Could it be that you have some professional means?" Yun Zhonglong said with a smile: "If there is, tell Master Ye quickly, just to let him show his original shape. I hate it the most. It is this kind of person who hides in the dark."

"It\'s not impossible, but it\'s extremely complicated to set up a magic circle." White Mian Scholar said.

"It doesn\'t matter!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "He is just a hidden breath, and he is playing with an ax at the gate of Fenglei Pavilion.

As soon as these words came out, a majestic aura surged all over Ye Tian\'s body. In the blink of an eye, the power of thoughts surged infinitely, pressing towards every corner of Fenglei Pavilion, which looked quite terrifying.

Many masters of Fenglei Pavilion retreated one after another, they did not expect that Ye Tian would display such a powerful idea, which made them feel afraid.

"It\'s not good, the Millennium Snow Lotus seems to have been stolen."

Luo Mian Shuangsha hurriedly said: "There is no thousand-year-old snow lotus in the Alchemy Pavilion, but we have been here all the time just now, and have never left. How could the thousand-year-old snow lotus disappear!"

All the elders were startled and looked into the Alchemy Pavilion with panic in their expressions. They didn\'t expect that the millennium snow lotus would disappear. How important this thing is to Ye Tian, ​​they naturally It is very clear.