The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1537

"It\'s natural!"

The white-haired old man said repeatedly: "The people of Fenglei Pavilion can move freely against the Shengui sect, and even won the thousand-year-old snow lotus. This is a great shame for the Shengui sect!"

"Then what can you do?" Ouyang Qingxue chuckled, "I want to hear it."

"It\'s not that easy to deal with Master Ye, but it\'s not that difficult to steal the Millennium Snow Lotus!" The white-haired old man said bluntly, "I don\'t know what Miss wants?"

"Stealing the thousand-year-old snow lotus is certainly possible!" Ouyang Qingxue chuckled, "But did you ever know that he might even be a master of the Celestial Master Realm, such a super strong person is simply not something we can bear!"

"Of course I know this, but I can ask other people to do it!" The white-haired old man said bluntly: "If you can invite the Thief, you can solve it without breaking it!"

"Steal Thief?" Ouyang Qingxue frowned: "Isn\'t that a little thief? Just because he wants to steal what Master Ye has in hand?"

"Miss doesn\'t know that the robber saint is not an ordinary person. The reason why he is called the robber saint must have something special about him." Ouyang Qingxue said bluntly: "If you can ask him to do it and want to steal the thousand-year-old snow lotus, But it’s not difficult.”

"In this case, I will leave this matter to you." Ouyang Qingxue said, "What do you think?"

"Naturally, I respect the mission sent by the young lady." The white-haired old man nodded quickly, not daring to disobey it in the slightest.

Following these words, everyone present looked at each other, but they did not dare to speak too much.

Within Tianzhou, the situation was turbulent. After the Dragon King was defeated at Tianzhou Ferry, experts would come to Tianzhou from time to time, wanting to challenge Ye Tian, ​​the momentum was even stronger, and it seemed imperative.

Inside the Fenglei Pavilion, all the elders are waiting in battle. In the courtyard of the Fenglei Pavilion, a young girl is planting flowers and plants. She looks quite innocent, but no one would have thought that this innocent woman in front of her was 30 years ago. The famous dragon king in the world.

"Father, why are you here?"

Xiao Longmei looked at the white-faced scholar, and hurriedly said with a smile, with joy in her eyes.

"Of course I\'m here to give you something." The white-faced scholar said, "This is your favorite sweet-scented osmanthus cake. I went down the mountain to buy it for you myself."

"Thank you foster father!" Xiao Longmei nodded quickly, with joy in her eyes, as if she was quite satisfied with having osmanthus cake.

The white-faced scholar sat beside him, his expression unusually calm, but at this moment, he felt a wave of fluctuation, and stood up abruptly, Xiao Longmei also looked towards the gate: "It seems that the pavilion master has returned."

The white-faced scholar nodded, and then hurried out to greet him, and he saw Ye Tian\'s figure: "Master, are you finally back?"

"Why, did something happen in the cabinet?" Ye Tian was stunned: "Why did you say such a thing?"

"Nothing happened." The white-faced scholar shook his head: "It\'s just that I didn\'t expect the pavilion master to come so soon."

"Who is the owner of the pavilion, if he wants to win the thousand-year-old snow lotus, it\'s just a blow!" Jian Yu said lightly: "Naturally, he came quickly."

"That\'s not bad." The white-faced scholar nodded: "Who is the pavilion master, naturally he is extraordinary!"

Following these words, Ye Tian smiled slightly: "You don\'t have to praise so much, I need to refine a elixir, and the thousand-year-old snow lotus will be placed in the Alchemy Pavilion first."

The white-faced scholar took the thousand-year-old snow lotus, and nodded quickly: "Don\'t worry, Master, I will take good care of it."