The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1531

"You could see clearly just now that I wanted to deal with them, but it was only in the blink of an eye." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Since this is the case, you should understand that I want to seize the thousand-year-old snow lotus now, but it is just a matter of time." Blowing ashes!"

"Are you threatening us?" Ouyang Qingxue said coldly: "Several elders were injured by you, and you speak like this. Could it be that you want Ming Qiang?"

"The weak eat the strong, I gave you a chance." Ye Tian said indifferently: "What\'s more, if I want to attack the three elders, they will surely die. Xuelian, it doesn\'t seem to be an exaggeration."

"You said it lightly!" Ouyang Qingxue smiled coldly: "But if you really want to do it, the Shengui Sect will never agree."

As soon as the words fell, Ouyang Qingxue and others retreated into the ghost sect, with fear in their eyes, the master of ghosts was not there, if Ye Tian forced his way in now, they might not be able to resist.

"Why, are you all afraid?" Jian Yu smiled faintly: "I thought you wouldn\'t be afraid."

"You are too naive. This is the Shengui Sect. The Shengui Sect has never been afraid of anyone." Ouyang Qingxue said coldly: "I will remind you now to leave the Shengui Sect as soon as possible, or you will regret it later." and."

"Really? I want to give it a try." Ye Tian said bluntly, "Let\'s see what methods the Shengui sect has."

Following these words, Ouyang Qingxue\'s expression also became indifferent: "If that\'s the case, then don\'t blame us for being rude."

As soon as the words fell, the entire Shengui sect suddenly entered a state of autism. A powerful formation guarded the Shengui sect, which looked extremely strong and no one could break it.

Ye Tian stood aside, seeing the powerful formation guarding the Shengui sect, he frowned slightly. Such a powerful formation is not something ordinary people can break through, and even he needs enough time.

"What do you mean by Shenguizong?" Jian Yu was puzzled: "Could it be that they want to hold us back?"

"I don\'t think so." Yun Zhonglong shook his head: "This formation is by no means simple, it doesn\'t seem to be just a protection formation."

"That\'s right, this is the Great Mountain Protector Formation of the Gods and Ghosts." Luo Mian\'s eyes were full of fear: "The Great Mountain Protection Formation can not only protect the Gods and Ghosts, but also emit an extremely strong poisonous gas. This kind of poisonous gas Only in Miaojiang."

"Poison gas?" Ye Tian frowned: "Is this the ultimate move of the Shengui sect?"

"Master Ye doesn\'t know something. This poisonous gas is very important. It can attract many evil insects in the mountain forest. When we deal with these things, I am afraid it will be extremely dangerous." Luo Mian Shuangsha said bluntly: "Like those poisonous insects, snakes and beasts, once If the number increases, it will be extremely terrifying, and there are many poisonous Gu among them, which are hard to guard against."

"Pavilion Master, since this is the case, let\'s avoid their sharp edge first?" Yun Zhonglong hurriedly said: "Poisonous insects are not ordinary things, the number of them is too large, I\'m afraid it will..."

"It\'s just some tricks, and there\'s nothing to be afraid of." Ye Tian waved his hand: "I thought it out, and there is no grass growing within a radius of ten miles."

"This..." Yun Zhonglong was startled suddenly, with horror in his eyes, he never expected that Ye Tian would have such supernatural power.

In the Shengui sect, Ouyang Qingxue looked unkind: "I don\'t know the heights of heaven and earth, if they don\'t leave, I will definitely make them look good!"