The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1522

"It\'s okay, I have valuable things on me." Ye Tian nodded and said, "Just follow me."

The old man Black Snake nodded quickly, but he was very surprised. He didn\'t remind Ye Tian to bring something, and what good things did Ye Tian have on him, so he could be so confident.

When they came to the noodle shop, the couple were busy. Seeing Ye Tian and others coming, the man hurried forward: "Would you like to order something?"

"Take out your special dishes." Ye Tian said aloud: "We feel a little tired and want to replenish our energy."

"No problem!" The man said repeatedly: "What kind of noodles do you guys need? We have thousand-year-old snow-carved noodles here, and we also have fragrant dried dragon meat slices. Although the price is a bit expensive, it will definitely satisfy you."

"How much are three bowls of noodles?" Yun Zhonglong asked, "If you want money, give as much as you want."

"This brother is generous!" The man nodded: "But this noodle shop does not accept cash, only exchange items, but I don\'t know what valuable things you have, but it can reveal the truth."

"It\'s so funny, it\'s just a few bowls of noodles, and you still want to exchange them with precious things? Is someone going too far?" Jian Yu said aloud: "I don\'t think you are an ordinary person, why don\'t you give us a few convenient things?" Bowl of noodles."

"As the saying goes, scarcity is the most expensive thing. In the entire Tiangui Town, supplies are quite scarce, so they are very expensive. Do you want to eat noodles? Naturally, you have to pay the price." The man said bluntly: "If you don\'t Things that can be obtained are not suitable for you here."

"Boss, what do you think of my Gu worm?" The black snake old man got up and said, holding the Gu worm in his hand: "This is a top-notch product, I think you like it a lot."

The man looked at the poisonous Gu, but shook his head: "This thing is quite common in the entire 100,000 mountains. It\'s not unusual at all. Just because of this bug, you can\'t get anything."

"How about this pill?"

Ye Tian took out a pill: "If you think it\'s okay, go to the kitchen and prepare it!"

Taking the elixir from Ye Tian\'s hand, the man sniffed it disdainfully, and looked at Ye Tian suddenly: "What kind of elixir is this? It seems very complicated, but just by smelling it, you can feel the energy."

"This elixir is called Creation Pill." Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "It is of great use to warriors, and you are not an ordinary person, you must be a knowledgeable person!"

"Of course!" the black-faced man said repeatedly, "I\'ve never seen such a miraculous pill. If I eat this pill, it will definitely increase my cultivation in the future."

"Pavilion Master, this is the Creation Pill, which is extremely expensive. It\'s probably not worth it in exchange for some food." Yun Zhonglong said repeatedly.

"Now that you come to Tiangui Town, you naturally have to follow the rules of Tiangui Town." Ye Tian said aloud: "It\'s just a fortune pill, it\'s harmless."

Yun Zhonglong didn\'t say anything, so he could only wait on the sidelines, Ye Tian had already spoken, so naturally he couldn\'t say anything more.

After receiving the elixir, the black-faced man walked into the kitchen and began to tinker.

Not long after, a few bowls of noodles were served, but Ye Tian looked at the old man Heishi: "You said that there are thousands of year old snow lotus in Miaojiang, not only in the hands of some forces?"

"Shengui Sect!" Black Snake Old Man said: "I have already found out that there is a thousand-year-old snow lotus in the Shengui Sect, and the news will never be wrong."