The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1510

Early the next morning, when Ye Tian came to the company, Zhou Yuting and Xia Xiaomei were called over, and the scene became a little solemn.

"Brother-in-law, what happened?" Zhou Yuting asked curiously, "There seems to be something wrong with your expression!"

"I\'m going to leave Jiangnan for a trip recently, and I\'ll leave the matter of Wanyaotang to you two!" Ye Tian said, "It should take a while, if the company has any troubles that can\'t be solved, I\'ll deal with it when I come back! "

"Brother-in-law, what are you planning for?" Zhou Yuting said inexplicably, "Is there any danger!"

"Of course not!" Ye Tian cast a glance: "Do you think someone can hurt me?"

"Of course not. I\'m just worried about my brother-in-law. With my brother-in-law\'s skill, I\'m afraid not many people in the country can hurt my brother-in-law!"

"It\'s good to know!"

Ye Tian rolled his eyes, but said nothing.

After get off work, Ye Tian\'s powerful perception spread towards Tianzhou, as if he was looking for the trace of the old man Black Snake.

But at this moment, a figure appeared and cupped his fists towards Ye Tian: "Pavilion Master, it seems that an unexpected visitor has come to Tianzhou in recent days!"

"What\'s going on?" Ye Tian frowned slightly: "Could it be that something happened to the Dragon King?"

"That\'s not true!" The white-faced scholar shook his head: "Recently, there are always mysterious masters appearing in Tianzhou to inquire about the weakness of the Dragon King!"

"Could it be someone from Longmen!" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "They came very quickly!"

"If it is really a member of Longmen, it will be extremely unfavorable to Fenglei Pavilion."

The white-faced scholar said: "I don\'t know what the pavilion master has planned next? It\'s better to just give the Dragon King to..."

"If something happens to the Dragon King, the Dragon Gate will not let it go." Ye Tian waved his hand: "What\'s more, the Dragon King is only one step away from reaching the realm of a celestial master. Wouldn\'t it be wonderful if such a strong man could be used by Fenglei Pavilion?" .”

"What the pavilion master said is true!" The white-faced scholar nodded: "But it may not be so easy for the Dragon King to become a member of the Fenglei Pavilion. Now she has lost her sanity, and she doesn\'t remember the past at all."

"It doesn\'t matter, as long as you teach him with all your strength, I believe he can satisfy me." Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "The Dragon King was so powerful back then, he slaughtered many masters in martial arts, and now it falls into my hands. Take advantage of it."

"What the pavilion master said is that I will definitely teach it well!" The white-faced scholar hurriedly clasped his fists.

"Follow me to the Wind and Thunder Pavilion!"

After Ye Tian said something, he walked towards Fenglei Pavilion, as if there was something wrong, and the white-faced scholar didn\'t dare to ask too much.

Not long after, Ye Tian came to the main pavilion of Fenglei Pavilion, and several elders sat aside one after another, looking at Ye Tian, ​​quite puzzled, Ye Tian suddenly came to Fenglei Pavilion, and he didn\'t know why.

"I heard that some Dragon Sect masters came to Tianzhou to check the Dragon King\'s whereabouts."

As soon as Ye Tian\'s words fell, the four elders of wind, rain, thunder and lightning were startled suddenly, and their eyes also showed surprise. The Dragon Gate is a mysterious force in the northern kingdom. Even they are hard to know.

"Pavilion Master, if my guess is correct, it should be someone from the Law Enforcement Pavilion of Longmen." Jian Yu stood up and cupped his fists: "The masters of the Law Enforcement Pavilion are dedicated to investigating external affairs. If they are allowed to return to Longmen, there may be some experts in the future. Tianzhou, even you, the Pavilion Master, may be in danger by then."