The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1508

"Some things have to be done, you are still too young, maybe you don\'t understand yet." Ye Tian looked indifferent: "I think you should know what I\'m talking about!"

Xiaoqing nodded one after another, but she was at a loss. She didn\'t understand what Ye Tian said, but he could only pretend to understand.

When he returned to Haibo Bay Villa, Ye Tiancai walked in, just in time to see Lin Xiuying walking out with a sad face.

"Mom, where are you going? Why are you frowning at night?" Ye Tian asked inexplicably.

"Xiaotian, you are really back. Qingya complained of stomach pain in the afternoon. I took him to the hospital for an examination, but the examination did not show any effect." Lin Xiuying said aloud: "I\'m really afraid that something will happen to him, you should give him a quick check." Let him see."

"Mom, don\'t worry, I\'ll go now!" Ye Tian nodded quickly and walked into the room.

Xiaoqing also hurried to follow, but was blocked by Lin Xiuying: "Miss, who are you? Why have you never seen it before? What is the relationship with Xiaotian? Why did you appear here so late?"

"Auntie, I am Master Ye\'s apprentice." Xiao Qing said, "I will follow Master in the future, so naturally we will be inseparable."

"According to what you mean, you plan to live here tonight?" Lin Xiuying glanced at it: "I\'m afraid this is a bit inappropriate, after all, I don\'t have many rooms here, wouldn\'t it be unreasonable to let an outsider live here. "

"Auntie, don\'t get me wrong, I\'m just Master Ye\'s apprentice." Xiaoqing continued, "It doesn\'t matter where I live."

"You look quite open, but as a woman, you can\'t get too close to other men, or it\'s impolite." Lin Xiuying said lightly: "I think you were so close to Xiaotian just now, but it\'s extremely rude." Well, after all, he is a married man."

"Auntie, of course I know this." Xiaoqing nodded quickly, his face was instantly embarrassed, he did not expect Lin Xiuying to speak so bluntly.

But in the room, Ye Tian opened the door and looked at Su Qingya but frowned: "What\'s going on? Why are you so pale?"

"I don\'t know either, maybe it\'s because she\'s pregnant and she\'s spoiled her stomach!" Su Qingya shook her head: "It shouldn\'t be a serious problem."

"It\'s been in pain for a whole day, how could it be okay." Ye Tian glanced at it: "Even if you don\'t want me to worry anymore, it shouldn\'t be like this."

"Xiao Tian, ​​it\'s really nothing." Su Qingya said repeatedly: "I can still hold on."

"Okay, don\'t be stubborn." Ye Tian comforted: "I have found out your cause of disease. Now you lie on the bed and don\'t move around. I will listen to your acupuncture."

"Xiaotian, I\'m pregnant with your flesh and blood now, your needle won\'t do me any harm." Su Qingya said aloud: "After all, there are many taboos during pregnancy."

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t hurt you." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Don\'t you know my medical skills?"

"Of course I know!" Su Qingya nodded quickly, and then slowly closed her eyes.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Tian began to perform the acupuncture, his eyes were full of light. The reason why Su Qingya did this was that the poison in her body had not been completely eliminated, and it would take another half a thousand years of snow lotus to achieve the best effect.

After some acupuncture and moxibustion, Su Qingya fell into a deep sleep.