The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1503

On the other side, Chu Lan\'er has already drank several bottles of high-density wine, but it seems that there is no problem with it, and the wine glass in her hand is constantly running, and her eyes are full of sarcasm: "I thought Mr. Yang could drink a lot!" , now it looks like an idiot, and it became like this after only a few sips, it\'s really ridiculous!"

Yang Zitao stood on the side, looking delirious, and almost fell down, but he persisted, insisting on drinking the white wine in his hand.

"Master, why don\'t you forget it." Chen Jiannan said aloud: "Although you planned the Phoenix Pavilion, drinking alcohol hurts your health after all, why not just give it to Ms. Chu as a gift!"

"In this case, then I admit defeat." Yang Zitao nodded slightly, and looked at Chu Lan\'er: "Miss Chu, I am willing to bow down. You will manage the entire Phoenix Pavilion in the future, and I will naturally not interfere."

"You don\'t even have the ability to win half a cup, but you want to compete with me, even with such a big bet?" Chu Lan\'er said puzzled, "Tell me, why is this? Could it be that you have some conspiracy? "

"There is no conspiracy. In fact, I am very sensitive to alcohol, and I basically can\'t afford a glass!" Yang Zitao said aloud: "As for why you want to bet with the lady, I naturally want to lose to the lady, and lose the entire Phoenix Pavilion to the lady. That\'s my real intention."

"You don\'t really like me, do you?" Chu Lan\'er rolled her eyes: "My vision is very high, not everyone can fall into my eyes, you are just an ordinary person, are you a toad Want to eat swan meat?"

"Lan\'er, don\'t be rude!" Old Master Chu said repeatedly: "Young Master Yang is a friend of Master Ye, if you are so disrespectful to him, isn\'t it disrespectful to Master Ye!"

Chu Lan\'er hurriedly looked at Ye Tian: "Master Ye, I didn\'t mean that, I just thought that your friend is not very reliable, so I made such a statement, but please don\'t be offended."

"This is a matter between the two of you, so I naturally have nothing to do with it." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "But since Mr. Yang intends to lose the Phoenix Pavilion to you, you can continue. After all, I know that the Yang family is rich and powerful. Money means nothing to him."

"Accept other people\'s favors for no reason, I can\'t do such a thing." Chu Lan\'er shook her head: "Let\'s stop today\'s bet, even if it\'s a tie, make friends!"

"Miss Chu, why do you have to be polite to me?" Yang Zitao smiled slightly: "Since I sincerely gave away the Phoenix Pavilion, naturally I won\'t take it back."

"My surname is Yang, I don\'t need alms from others. What\'s more, I am a member of the Chu family in Jiangdong, how can I be short of money!" Chu Lan\'er said angrily: "You don\'t have any temptation for me."

Faced with this remark, Yang Zitao shook his head helplessly, he did not expect that Chu Lan\'er was like this.

"Mr. Ye, we have experienced the bet just now, and you can testify." Yang Zitao said aloud, "I lost completely. This is obvious to all. Everyone can see clearly!"

"Yes, I can testify!" Ye Tian nodded: "It is indeed as you said."

As soon as these words came out, the others were slightly startled and looked at Ye Tian one after another. As long as Ye Tian speaks, no matter which side it is, they will probably let it go.