The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1497

"Boss, what happened just now? We were all ready, why did you come out suddenly?" A man looked at Lin Lei with even more surprise in his eyes: "Did that kid do something?" Things? Do you want us to do it?"

"Don\'t go looking for trouble." Lin Lei waved his hand: "I\'m afraid it\'s a stubble for promotion today, but I didn\'t expect that there would be such a powerful force behind him. Afraid of him."

"Boss Lin means that that kid is not just the boss of Wanyaotang? He also has other identities?" Another man said out loud, "If that\'s the case, I\'d like to know what kind of backer he has behind him. , to be able to make Mr. Lin do this."

"I don\'t know exactly what background he has!" Lin Lei shook his head: "But one thing is certain, his identity is not simple, and we can\'t provoke him. If there is nothing to do in the future, it is better not to provoke Wan Yao Church people."

"Mr. Lin, this doesn\'t seem like you used to be. You didn\'t say that in the past." A man laughed loudly: "What kind of ability does Ye have to scare you like this?"

"Just listen to me, you don\'t need to talk too much!" Mr. Lin said coldly, but he was extremely dissatisfied. Facing these words, the other people nodded slightly, but it was hard to say anything more, they were all Mr. Lin His subordinates will naturally obey him.

But at this moment in the Phoenix Pavilion, Ye Tian squinted his eyes and looked at Yang Zitao, his eyes were full of light: "If I guessed right, you should have followed me, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence?"

"Master Ye really wronged me." Yang Zitao said hastily: "How could I come here with Master Ye? I just came to the Phoenix Restaurant to have a meal in a leisurely way. I never thought that Master Ye was here. It\'s just a coincidence. .”

"Why, do you know about these newly opened restaurants?" Ye Tian\'s eyes asked, "Why do I not believe it so much?"

"The Phoenix Pavilion was opened by the young master\'s family, and the address was chosen by the company itself. It\'s not surprising to come here!" Chen Jiannan said aloud, "I\'m afraid Master Ye doesn\'t know something, that\'s why he has this question."

"So you sent someone to build this Phoenix Pavilion? It really is unique." Ye Tian shrugged and said, "The environment is also very good. I am afraid that in the entire Jiangnan, only the Yang family has such a handicraft!"

"Master Ye, please don\'t praise me, or I\'ll be ruined." Yang Zitao said hastily: "It is a great honor for Master Ye to come to the Phoenix Pavilion. If you praise him, there will probably be no one in the entire Jiangnan I don’t know, no one knows!”

Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Since you opened it, I\'m not going to be polite today! Don\'t you want to have a good time with wine? I can drink with you."

"Master Ye must keep his word." Yang Zitao\'s eyes showed a blue light: "Today in this Phoenix Pavilion, I have a good pure wine. If Master Ye wants it, I will definitely present it."

"Then I\'d like to see how this pure brew is!" Ye Tian nodded: "The sweet-scented osmanthus brew I drank in a certain town was delicious, but unfortunately the quantity was not enough, which was really disappointing."

"Master Ye, don\'t worry, the quantity here must be full." Yang Zitao slapped his hands, looking even more joyful.