The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1488

"Don\'t worry, I will make adjustments." Su Qingya smiled slightly: "You are not familiar with the company\'s business, so let me come in person!"

"Did you hear our conversation just now?" Ye Tian glanced: "It seems that you don\'t believe in my ability?"

"It\'s not that I don\'t believe it, it\'s just that I\'m more familiar with the company\'s business." Su Qingya\'s eyes were serious: "After all, you don\'t pay attention to things like the company."

"Look at what you said, Wanyaotang was founded by me, how could I not take it seriously?" Ye Tian said with a smile: "After this incident, I won\'t have too much contact with martial arts, and I will use it in the future. Run the company well and be an ordinary person.”

"Really? Xiaotian, do you really think so?" Su Qingya said excitedly: "If this is the case, that would be great."

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll give you a safe home." Ye Tian said solemnly, "I\'ll make some arrangements at the company for a few days, and when I\'m on the right track, I\'ll take you to see the mountains and rivers of the world."

"Going on a trip?" Su Qingya said with a smile, "I\'ve always wanted to go to Nanhai, but unfortunately there are too many things in the company, and I can\'t do without myself. If..."

"Since you want to go to the South China Sea, I will accompany you." Ye Tian said seriously: "But you must remember to take care of yourself, otherwise I will worry."

"Understood!" Su Qingya smiled, showing a happy smile.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Qingya wanted to go to the company, but Ye Tian left her at home, but she walked towards the company herself. Su Qingya\'s body was already weak, so it would be extremely inappropriate to overwork her.

After he passed, Ye Tian came to Wanyaotang in stature. Xia Xiaomei and others were waiting outside to greet him, looking even more solemn. Ye Tiantian is the helm of Wanyaotang. Now that he has returned strongly, they naturally want to Cope well.


At the gate of the company, two rows of employees bowed one after another, with solemn eyes, and looked towards Ye Tian. There were many fresh blood in the company among them, and they were even more curious about Ye Tian.

They had heard long ago that in the headquarters of Wanyaotang, the top chairman was young and promising, and they were naturally quite happy to see the rightful owner now.

Ye Tian walked towards the office alone. The two rows of employees dared not slack off in the slightest. Many of them showed envy. They never thought that Ye Tian could create such a large enterprise at such a young age.


Zhou Yuting came up: "These are the company\'s performance, and the company\'s cooperation projects with many other companies. You should take a good look at it. After all, you are now the master of the house, so you can\'t be careless."

"Don\'t worry!" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Of course I won\'t be sloppy, but don\'t delay the development of the city, it\'s best to solve it as soon as possible."

"Brother-in-law, don\'t worry, we are trying our best to negotiate, and it will not be long before we can truly border on the Devil\'s City. By then, Wanyaotang can really develop!" Zhou Yuting\'s eyes were serious.

"That\'s good!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, sat on the chair, and looked at Xia Xiaomei: "You don\'t look very pretty, could it be that you are sick?"

"No!" Xia Xiaomei shook her head: "Xiaotian, did you read it wrong?"

"How could I be wrong, your face is so pale, do you have something on your mind, or did you sleep too late last night?" Ye Tian\'s eyes were serious.