The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1486

In the community, the old lady sat on the sofa, looking worried, and Lin Xiuying also looked worried.

"How could such a thing happen? Qingya and Xiaotian haven\'t come back until now, so something really happened, right?"

"Probably not, I heard that the Dragon King has already been defeated!" Su Qingyun said aloud: "I have already sent people to Tianshan Mountain, and it will not be long before I hear the news."

"Why don\'t we go too?" Zhou Yuting said aloud: "It just makes the old lady feel at ease, after all they have been waiting here, it is not a matter, if you can be sure that brother-in-law is fine, naturally it will be fine. "

"I\'ll go with you!"

Xia Xiaomei hurriedly got up: "This incident happened because of me. I naturally care about Xiaotian\'s safety."

"You were also frightened, so let\'s rest here first." Zhou Yuting shook her head: "Let\'s just go."

"Where are you going?"

A voice sounded, and Ye Tian walked in with Su Qingya, looking ordinary, as if nothing had happened.

"Xiaotian?" Lin Xiuying was overjoyed suddenly, and after seeing Su Qingya beside her, she felt even more relieved.

"Mom, what\'s wrong with you?" Ye Tian said with a smile: "There are so many people sitting together, could something have happened?"

"It\'s not the battle of Tianzhou, the city is full of storms." Zhou Yuting said aloud: "Such a big thing happened, brother-in-law, you don\'t tell us, if something really happened, then what should we do."

"Isn\'t this here?" Ye Tian smiled and said, "You don\'t have to worry about it."

"Xiaotian, it\'s all because of me. If it wasn\'t for saving me, this kind of thing wouldn\'t have happened." Xia Xiaomei said repeatedly, "I almost made you..."

"What nonsense are you talking about! The Dragon King was targeting me, and you are just a victim." Ye Tian waved his hand: "You have been frightened these days, you should go back and rest quickly, the company still needs to operate normally, you As the mainstay of the company, you can\'t just fall like this."


Xia Xiaomei nodded quickly, looked around, and then got up to leave. This is Ye Tian\'s family, so it\'s not convenient for him to be here as an outsider.

After Xia Xiaomei left, Lin Xiuying looked at Ye Tian: "Xiao Tian, ​​I know that you are not an ordinary person, but we are ordinary people, and we want to live an ordinary life. Can grievances and grievances in martial arts be avoided?"

"Mom, don\'t worry, I will tolerate everything in the future." Ye Tian said with a smile: "There will never be any troubles in the city again, after all, Qingya is pregnant!"

"Really?" Lin Xiuying looked at Su Qingya fiercely, with a happy expression on her face: "Qingya, do you really have it?"


Su Qingya nodded quickly, and also showed a happy smile. If he hadn\'t been pregnant with Liujia, she would not have prevented Ye Tian from coming to Tianzhou. He knew that this matter had greatly shocked Ye Tian\'s heart, but as a mother, he naturally Don\'t want a child born without a father.

"Everyone is really happy." Zhou Yuting said repeatedly: "It seems that there is going to be a feast!"

"That\'s right, Qingya finally got pregnant, so it\'s natural to have a banquet!" Lin Xiuying nodded repeatedly.

Ye Tian also smiled slightly, but didn\'t say much.