The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1484

Lei\'s figure was like lightning, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the side of the Dragon King, but just when he was about to attack the Dragon King, a huge force suddenly surged, and in that blink of an eye, Lei\'s body The shape was suddenly shaken, and a powerful force rushed out of the Dragon King\'s body.

Jian Yu, who was fixed in place, was startled suddenly, his eyes were full of disbelief, he never expected that there would be such a powerful inner strength in the Dragon King, and the Dragon King was already unconscious, under normal circumstances, there should not be such inner strength .

"How is it possible, how is this possible?" Lei suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were full of disbelief, even horror. In his opinion, such a thing is absolutely impossible, but it is a reality.

"How did this happen?" Jian Yu frowned: "Master Ye took her mind, he should be unconscious, why is there such a strong inner strength?"

"Haha, it seems that all of this is in Master Ye\'s calculation." Lei suddenly laughed: "Master Ye took away his mind, but did not take away her inner strength, that is to say, I can\'t kill her at all. he!"

"You\'re right!"

A voice came to the courtyard: "As long as Master Ye doesn\'t want him to die, he won\'t die!"

Following this voice, Jian Yu was also startled suddenly, with panic in his eyes, the person who came was the white-faced scholar, he was Ye Tian\'s confidant, he never expected to come here.

"Elder Bai!" Lei frowned, but he didn\'t know what to say. He had violated Ye Tian\'s rules by coming here privately. If this matter got to Ye Tian\'s ears, he must be in trouble.

"You don\'t have to be so shy!" The white-faced scholar waved his hand: "Everything is under control! Even Master Ye has already anticipated everything."

"Master Ye knew?" Lei\'s expression suddenly changed: "It\'s not that I don\'t obey Master Ye\'s orders, it\'s just that the Dragon King is cruel, so I am naturally..."

"Okay, don\'t need to say more!" The white-faced scholar waved his hand: "Of course I understand everything you said, but then again, since Master Ye has given the order, you shouldn\'t disobey everything. .”

"It\'s all my fault!" Lei nodded quickly: "Even if I tell Master Ye about this matter, I will never quibble, but this matter has nothing to do with Jian Yu, I hope Elder Bai can clarify."

"Okay, I won\'t tell the pavilion master, but I will never allow it to happen again." The white-faced scholar said: "The Dragon King\'s strength is extraordinary, and he has a strong inner strength in his body, and it is by no means something you can easily shake."

Lei nodded quickly, and didn\'t dare to say anything more. At this point, as the white-faced scholar said, some things were beyond their imagination.

Looking at the Dragon King playing with the mud, the white-faced scholar shook his head: "Now he has lost his mind, and you should let go of what he did to you before. After all, without Master Ye, your lives would have been lost, let alone I have the leisure to do this kind of thing here.”

"What Elder Bai said is that I will give more advice in the future." Jian Yu nodded quickly, his eyes serious.

"If that\'s the case, then you guys should leave quickly! After you return to Fenglei Pavilion, don\'t spread the word about it, lest there will be an uproar!" The white-faced scholar looked serious.

Following these words, Jian Yu nodded quickly, not daring to say anything more, with gratitude in his eyes.