The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1480

"Lost sanity?" The white-faced scholar was startled suddenly: "Is this the power of the mind? It can even make a person lose his sanity."

"The power of mind is indeed powerful, it can be said that it has the power of being unpredictable." Ye Tian nodded slightly: "The power of mind at the level of a celestial master is naturally not something that everyone can fathom."

"Master Ye said so, could it be that he has really reached the realm of a celestial master?" The white-faced scholar said repeatedly: "Master Ye has never admitted it before, but I don\'t believe it. Now it seems that I have to believe it."

"Elder Bai, you are wrong. When crossing the head in Tianzhou, Master Ye\'s strength has reached its peak. He is naturally a master in the realm of heavenly masters." Guan Changtian said: "This is also undeniable. No."


The white-faced scholar smiled faintly: "That\'s quite a good point. The strength Master Ye displayed during the Tianzhou Ferry is indeed extraordinary."

"Okay, you don\'t need to talk too much!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "The Dragon King has lost his mind, let him live on!"

"Master Ye, he is the elder of Longmen. If she is allowed to live, things will be exposed in the future, which may cause unnecessary trouble." Lei Sheng said: "It is better to kill her, so as to save trouble in the future."

"What, why don\'t you listen to my orders?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "I can vividly remember what I said in Fenglei Pavilion."

"Subordinates dare not!"

Lei hurriedly knelt down on the ground, his eyes full of seriousness: "Please also ask Master Ye to observe clearly."

"Since you don\'t dare, just do as I say." Ye Tian said coldly, "If you don\'t want to listen to what I say, you don\'t have to stay in Fenglei Pavilion in the future."

"Subordinates would like to follow the instruction!" Lei nodded quickly, his eyes were serious, he didn\'t dare to disobey in the slightest, he knew that his life was saved by Ye Tian, ​​so no matter what, he dared not disobey Ye Tian.

Ye Tian glanced at it, and left the courtyard directly, heading towards Fenglei Pavilion. This matter has been resolved, but it has fulfilled a wish in his heart. The Dragon King has been pressing this matter in his heart before. Ye Tian The sky is full of worries, but there is no need to worry so much now.

When Ye Tian left, Lei looked at the Dragon King, with a cold light in his eyes, the Dragon King is not an ordinary person, and now that he has ended up like this, he is free to take it upon himself.

"Without Master Ye, we would not be able to live." Jian Yu said aloud: "So no matter what Master Ye approves, we must agree and obey!"

"That\'s right!" Feng also nodded at this time: "Master Ye has the grace of rebuilding us, so naturally he must abide by it unconditionally. Lei, you have been looking at the Dragon King, don\'t you want to kill him?"

"Of course not, Master Ye has already spoken, how could I be so reckless again." Lei shook his head: "It\'s just that I\'m worried in my heart, this matter may not be that simple."

"What do you mean?" Jian Yu was puzzled, "Why can\'t I understand?"

"If my guess is correct, after Longmen learns about the Dragon King, they will definitely send experts to Tianhai Kingdom. At that time, even Master Ye will be in great danger." Lei\'s eyes are full of seriousness: "You should know The benefits of Longmen, if Longmen makes a move, it will definitely be a turbulent sea."