The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1478

"Dragon King, you are no match for us at all, why don\'t you surrender quickly to avoid humiliating yourself." Yun Zhonglong said aloud: "At that time, you won\'t even have the last remaining face."

"I don\'t know how to listen to high-level things, do you think you can suppress me here with just eight of you?"

The Dragon King\'s expression was indifferent, and the huge thoughts around him were released. The other elders were shocked and shot at the Dragon King one after another, but what they didn\'t expect was that the power of the Dragon King\'s thoughts was beyond their imagination. Realm masters are still hard to suppress.


With a roar, the figures of the eight elders burst into the air, and even their eyes were full of horror. Looking at the Dragon King in front of them was even more inconceivable. In their view, the Dragon King was already seriously injured, so how could he be so huge? momentum.


All the elders spat out blood, their faces paled for a while, looking at the Dragon King in front of them, their figures kept retreating, the Dragon King\'s hair was flowing, and there was a cold light in his eyes, as if he had entered a magic way.

"You thought you could suppress me, so what now?" Dragon King squinted his eyes: "In front of me, you are just ants, so what about masters in the king\'s realm!"

Everyone looked at each other, but they had wry smiles on their faces. They didn\'t expect that they would fall here today. Eight masters of the king realm attacked at the same time, but they still couldn\'t suppress the Dragon King. It can be seen that the strength of the Dragon King is far beyond their imagination. .

"Why, you four still don\'t kneel down to me and beg for mercy?" Dragon King looked at Jian Yu and the others: "If you kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe I can let you live, anyway, you are all my subordinates."

"When you give us poison, we are no longer your subordinates." Jian Yu said aloud: "Even if we die in your hands today, we will never kneel down!"

"That\'s right! The big deal is death, and the man can bend and stretch." Feng also said aloud.

Following these words, the Dragon King\'s eyes were full of murderous intent: "Since you don\'t know how to live or die and insist on challenging my bottom line, I will give you a ride! Let you enjoy the pleasure of death."

At that moment, the Dragon King\'s thoughts surged in the courtyard, like a sharp blade, which looked quite terrifying, but when his thoughts beheaded all the elders, a more pure desire came out, just In the blink of an eye, the Dragon King\'s thoughts were suppressed one after another.

The elders thought that they would surely die today, but when they suddenly felt this scene, they were a little inexplicable, and they didn\'t know what was going on.

"Master Ye!"

The Dragon King looked at the corner of the courtyard suddenly, with a cold look in his eyes: "I should have guessed it a long time ago, since they have come, you must come too."

"Since you have guessed it, why do you still have to do it?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "If you take the opportunity to escape, you may still have a chance, but if you sit here waiting to die, you may only die."

"Master Ye!" Jian Yu clasped his fists quickly: "We are useless and failed to complete the task you gave us."

Ye Tian waved his hand: "You have done a very good job, you are qualified to become the elders of Fenglei Pavilion, and the next thing will be left to me!"

The eyes of the four dragon guards were full of light, and they were full of gratitude. Ye Tian was able to make them the elders of Fenglei Pavilion, which was a great gift to them.

"Sure enough, he will buy people\'s hearts. It really taught me a lot." Dragon King said coldly.