The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1472

"That\'s what I said, but now is a special period." Yun Zhonglong said seriously: "Master Ye can\'t do anything."

"That\'s right!" Guan Changcheng nodded, "You\'re right. For Master Ye\'s safety, don\'t take it lightly."

On the top of the mountain not far from Tianshan Mountain, the four of Jianyu looked at each other, but frowned slightly: "The Fenglei Pavilion is heavily guarded. With these five king realm masters, even if Master Ye is seriously injured, it is difficult for us to succeed. What\'s more, we still don\'t know what Master Ye\'s condition is, if he is in his prime, we have no way out."

"That\'s right!" Feng nodded and said, "I\'m afraid the Dragon King is abandoning his car this time to save his commander, and we are also in danger. If we can\'t escape, it will be a catastrophe."

"Then what should we do?" Lei said aloud: "It\'s better for us to escape directly and find a way to detoxify. Anyway, we will die anyway, so it\'s better to choose the third way."

"The poison pill given by the Dragon King can never be easily resolved." Jian Yu shook his head: "Now we have only one way, which is to sneak into the Thunder Pavilion. If Master Ye is really hit hard, we still have a chance, at least Relying on the elders of Fenglei Pavilion, they may not be able to suppress us."

"A fight to the death is the only way to go." Feng shook his head helplessly, his eyes full of solemnity.

"The five directions are all masters of the King Realm, how can we get in?" Lei frowned: "If we want to avoid alarming them, we can\'t do it at all."

"I\'ve been prepared!" Jian Yu took out a black suit, "I\'ll go and lure them away myself, and when you enter quietly, you won\'t be noticed by them."

"This is a good way!" Feng nodded quickly: "But it is a bit dangerous."

"Now I can only do this." Jian Yu put on black clothes, but stepped out directly, looking ethereal and invisible, and her figure was even more strange.

The others were also slightly startled, but they did not expect that Jian Yu would be so fast without any hesitation.


The white-faced scholar suddenly looked at the top of the Tianshan Mountain, and he chased after him in an instant. Ye Tian was recuperating from his injuries. Tonight is a big deal, and nothing can happen.

Jian Yu didn\'t answer, but his figure turned into a streamer, walking towards a certain place on the top of the Tianshan Mountain, and the sharpness of everything he passed was exposed.

"let\'s go!"

Feng and the others stepped out and headed towards Fenglei Pavilion in a blink of an eye, looking resolute.

But the white-faced scholar kept on chasing him until he came to a valley, where he stopped abruptly: "A plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain?"

"Just found out now? I\'m afraid it\'s a bit late?" Jian Yu took off his black clothes: "The Dragon King expected that Master Ye must be seriously injured, so he let him go!"

"So it\'s you!" The white-faced scholar\'s face was ashen: "The four dragon guards, you are the only one here, and the other three have probably entered the Fenglei Pavilion!"

As soon as the white-faced scholar finished speaking, he stepped towards the Fenglei Pavilion. If something happened to Ye Tian, ​​he would feel guilty for the rest of his life. Now is the critical period for Ye Tian. If he is disturbed, his life may be in danger.

"It\'s useless, you won\'t win if you go now." Jian Yu sneered, "Master Ye must perish in Fenglei Pavilion today!"

And in the Fenglei Pavilion, the party that Feng and others sensed came to the outside of the Alchemy Pavilion, and his eyes became extremely sharp: "Master Jiangnan Ye, he is here to heal his wounds!"