The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1469

"It\'s simply raising the momentum of others and destroying one\'s own prestige!" Lei said aloud: "The Dragon King was attacked by that kid just because of his carelessness. If he was at his peak, he would definitely not lose to him."

"That\'s right, it\'s just a moment of carelessness, which made that kid take advantage of it." Feng also said hastily.

The Dragon King sneered at the side: "You guys are pretty good at talking, but if you lose, you lose. His ability to escape from the thunder sea is enough to prove his ability. I\'m afraid he has reached the realm of heavenly master!"

"The realm of the celestial master! Could it be that Lord Dragon King has not reached the realm of the celestial master?" Jian Yu clasped his fists and asked.

"If I reach the realm of a real celestial master, how can I be defeated by him." Dragon King squinted his eyes: "In the past 30 years, I have continuously improved myself, but unfortunately I still can\'t reach the peak, and now I finally tasted a defeat. taste."

"Then what are we going to do next?" Jian Yu asked: "Even the Dragon King doesn\'t care about the opponent. It may not be so easy to deal with the future Master Ye!"

"I\'m seriously injured now, so naturally I can\'t fight any more." The Dragon King smiled faintly, "But I want you to help me with one thing! I wonder if you would like to?"

"Of course I am willing. If I can work for the Dragon King, even if I go through fire and water, I will wait!" Lei hurriedly clasped his fists.

"Go to Fenglei Pavilion tonight and help me find out what is true!" The Dragon King said aloud: "Even a master in the realm of celestial masters cannot be unscathed in the sea of ​​thunder."

"Master Dragon King means that Master Ye might be pretending?" Feng said aloud, "It seems unlikely!"

"There is nothing impossible. He didn\'t attack me at Tianzhou Ferry, but let the tiger go back to the mountain. Do you think this is normal?" Dragon King said coldly: "If the guess is correct, he must have been seriously injured."

"Lord Dragon King told us to go, could it be that he wants us to give Master Ye..." Jian Yu remained silent, with fear in his eyes.

"That\'s right!" Dragon King nodded: "If he is really pretending, you can kill him easily."


The four dragon guards looked at each other, and none of them dared to speak out. The means Ye Tian showed today were enough to deter them and make them dare not act rashly.

"Why, you don\'t want to go?" The Dragon King sneered coldly, "Didn\'t you just say it well? When you were really asked to do something, you were so evasive."

"Of course not. Even if we risk our lives, we must do what the Lord Dragon King ordered." Jian Yu said hastily: "But now I don\'t know if Master Ye was really injured. If he was not injured, I\'m afraid..."

At this point, Jian Yu didn\'t dare to speak again, and took a few steps back.

The Dragon King\'s expression was very indifferent: "If he has not been injured, he has naturally reached the realm of a celestial master. If you can come back, come back. If you don\'t, you will only die."

The four dragon guards looked at each other with more helplessness in their eyes. In the eyes of the Dragon King, they might be just tools, not even real subordinates.

"Lord Dragon King, we will definitely fulfill our mission." Jian Yu clasped his fists together, and at this point, they could only agree.

"I believe you!" The Dragon King nodded, and took out four pills in his hand: "The four pills are poisonous pills. If you can come back safely, I will detoxify you, but if you lie, There is only one way to die.”